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E-Infrastructure for Testing, Integration and Configuration of Software Alberto Di Meglio CERN, INFN, Engineering, 4D Soft, University of Wisconsin.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Infrastructure for Testing, Integration and Configuration of Software Alberto Di Meglio CERN, INFN, Engineering, 4D Soft, University of Wisconsin."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-Infrastructure for Testing, Integration and Configuration of Software
Alberto Di Meglio CERN, INFN, Engineering, 4D Soft, University of Wisconsin

2 Overview The ETICS Consortium The ETICS Principles
Operations Information Certification EGEE2 and Other Collaborations Training and Dissemination ETICS, 4th EGEE Conference, Pisa, Italy, November 2005

3 ETICS in a Nutshell ETICS stands for e-Infrastructure for Testing, Integration and Configuration of Software It’s an SSA It has been granted 1.4 M€ (TBC) It has a duration of two years The planned starting date is January 1st, 2006 ETICS, 4th EGEE Conference, Pisa, Italy, November 2005

4 The ETICS Consortium Build system, software configuration, service infrastructure, dissemination, EGEE, gLite, project coord. Software configuration, service infrastructure, dissemination Web portals and tools, quality process, dissemination, DILIGENT Test methods and metrics, unit testing tools, EBIT The Condor batch system, distributed testing tools, service infrastructure, NMI ETICS, 4th EGEE Conference, Pisa, Italy, November 2005

5 ETICS Organization ETICS, 4th EGEE Conference, Pisa, Italy, November 2005

6 The ETICS Principles Operations ETICS will run a comprehensive software engineering service for other projects to use it. All services are accessible from a web portal and can run locally or remotely Information ETICS will collect and share information about the software it hosts, its characteristics, configuration, requirements to help users and developers make informed, interoperable choices Certification ETICS will conduct a feasibility study on a QA process for distributed software that will lead to a future Certification Process ETICS, 4th EGEE Conference, Pisa, Italy, November 2005

7 Software Configuration Distributed Test System
I - Operations CLI / Web Portal Reporting Services Software Configuration and Repository Build System Distributed Test System Infrastructure ETICS, 4th EGEE Conference, Pisa, Italy, November 2005

8 II - Information Benchmarks and test results Interoperability
Package repository Guidelines, how-to’s and best-practice recipes Software configuration, requirements and dependencies Quality Assurance and metrics Standards compliance Tools Projects managers, integrators, testers Application developers Certification process ETICS, 4th EGEE Conference, Pisa, Italy, November 2005

9 III - Certification Standards, QA, interoperability, … ETICS ETICS PAB
User communities In what sense software is “good”? The software adheres to agreed standards, it executes in the expected way, satisfied a number of qualitative and quantitative requirements, etc, etc, etc ETICS, 4th EGEE Conference, Pisa, Italy, November 2005

10 EGEE2 and Other Collaborations
The ETICS services are intended to provide from the start the integration, testing and QA tools for EGEE/EGEE2, Diligent and other partner projects Part of the infrastructure and tools, the NMI infrastructure, are the same already used by project like Condor and VDT at the UoW. It also provides a direct bridge between EGEE2 and OSG Other projects developing software and in particular applications providers are more than welcome to use the services and tests their products with ETICS One of the major goals of ETICS is to strengthen the interoperability and quality of middleware and applications developed for the Grid and other complex distributed environments. Everybody’s collaboration is welcome and needed. ETICS, 4th EGEE Conference, Pisa, Italy, November 2005

11 Dissemination and Training
ETICS has an explicit mandate to provide training and promote dissemination activities related to the ETICS services, but also to software processes and quality assurance in general A detailed dissemination plan is foreseen as an early deliverable of the project We plan to organize a dedicated conference/workshop on software processes and quality assurance in year 2 and training events The ETICS dissemination and training events should be prepared in close collaboration with other dissemination projects (ICEAGE, EGEE2 dissemination activities). We want to participate in defining or improving standards in this subject with the relevant bodies ETICS, 4th EGEE Conference, Pisa, Italy, November 2005

12 ETICS, 4th EGEE Conference, Pisa, Italy, November 2005

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