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Mansoura University Department of Sports Management

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1 Mansoura University Department of Sports Management
Sport Journalism Goal Achievements in Egypt: Comparing Sport Journalists’ and Sport Administrators’ Perspectives. Presenter: Ahmed M A Mohamed Mansoura University Department of Sports Management University of Georgia Department of Kinesiology

2 -- Access to daily newspapers and magazines is possible in a variety of public settings where use of other mediums is prohibited or limited (e.g., work, plane, train, waiting room, etc.) (Grimmer& Kian, 2013). -- The Sport journalist is the journalist who covers and follows up the various sport activities and events, and writes about them with analysis and criticism, achieving the journalism job of giving information, guiding and explaining through news, reports, interviews and journalism columns (Ibrahim, 2001). Introduction

3 Journalism coverage or news coverage is the process through it the journalist editor can get information about the details, developments and the different aspects of an event or incident or a statement, it’s an answer for all the questions that could come in the reader’s mind about that incident, the event or the comment and evaluating these information then writing them in an appropriate media style. (Abdelkader, 2008),(Farouk,2009). Sports journalism has many goals to achieve such as directing and guiding individuals, clubs, sports unions boards, governmental and civil organizations which work in sports field (Ewees & Abdelreheem, 1998). Introduction

4 Purpose of Study and Research Questions
The purpose of this research was Comparing Sport Journalists’ and Sport Administrators’ Perspectives about Sport Journalism Goal Achievements in Egypt. Research Questions 1) What are the goals of sports journalism ? 2) What are the sport journalists’ opinions about sport journalism Goal Achievements in Egypt? 3) What are the sport administrators’ opinions about sport journalism goal achievements in Egypt? Purpose of Study and Research Questions

5 1- Reading references and scientific researches in sport journalism field to decide what are the sport journalism goals. 2. Viewing the opinions of sport media experts and sport management professors about sport journalism goals, n=19 . 3. Determining the relative importance of the experts agreement about sport journalism goals. Method

6 4- The researcher has chosen the phrase that has not less than 85% agreement between experts as sport journalism goal. 5-Participants(Sport Journalists;n=54&Sport Administrators,n=134) were administered a 10 question survey with responses allowed on a Likert scale (1= no) (2= to some extent) (3= yes). Both journalists and sport administrators were asked to fill out the survey. Table 1 & Figure 1 show the opinions of journalists and administrators for each of the 10 questions from the survey. Method


8 There are no significant differences between the mean of Sport journalists group responses and the sport administrators group responses in all the phrases of sport journalism goals even if those phrases order is different in each group. The phrase number (3) came in the seventh place for the journalists group while it was the eighth phrase in the football administrators group. Phrase number(5) came in the fifth place in the journalists group while it took the seventh place in the sport administrators group. The phrase number (9) came in the eighth place in the journalists group while it came in the fifth place in the sport administrators group. Discussion

9 The phrase number (4) which shows that sport journalism has full coverage on championships and sport events especially the public ones came in the first rank according to the journalists group where the average is equal to 2.79, and that phrase also came in the first rank according to administrators group and the average was equal to 2.62. The researcher believes that this result is satisfying and that sport journalism has largely succeeded to achieve this goal; where almost all the research sample of newspapers contains news about the Egyptian football competitions ( premier league, Egypt cup, super cup) in addition to other Arabian and African competitions which are not organized by the Egyptian federation of football. Discussion

10 These outcomes agree with what (Ibrahim, 2001) mentioned “sports journalism is characterized by specific three forms: sport report or matches description form , sport comment and sport column”. The phrase number (8) which includes that sport journalism defines the different rules and laws of sport games to the public has ranked lastly in the journalists group with an average equal 1.98, and that phrase ranked also last in the football administrators group with 1.96 average. This finding agrees with (Wahaba, 2003),(Ata,1998) outcomes that indicates Egyptian sport journalism doesn’t achieve some of it’s important goals including the interest to explain the laws and rules of sport games generally and football especially. Discussion

11 --Sport journalism should pay attention to Informing and educating public with the importance of practicing sport and its benefits . --Sport newspapers and magazines have to get more involved in online formats and working harder to become more interactive and audience-friendly. --Sport Journalists should follow-up seminars and scientific conferences of Physical Education colleges . Implications

12 --it’s necessary to get help from the faculties of physical education’s professors and these articles could be in a series form, that could help in increasing the reader’s sport culture and awareness , and make it easier for them to get the latest scientific information in the sport field without the need to buy some books that are characterized with high prices comparing to newspapers prices. --Sport journalism should foucs more on Reflecting opinions of others about sports topics and events and commenting on them through presenting readers' opinions and perspectives Implications

13 Abdelkader (2008), Sport journalism and its relationship with decision
Abdelkader (2008), Sport journalism and its relationship with decision making in clubs and sports unions in Egypt, unpublished doctoral dissertation, faculty of physical education for boys, Zagazig University. Ewees & Abdelreheem (1998), Sports Media, Markaz Al Kitaab for publishing, Cairo, p Farouk (2009), Strategic planning for the Egyptian sport journalism future to face football administrative problems, unpublished doctoral dissertation, faculty of physical education for girls, Alexandria University. Grimmer & Kian (2013), Reflections of German Football Journalists on Their Relationships with Bundesliga Club Public Relations Practitioners, International Journal of Sport Communication, 6,p.448 Hamada (1991), The role of the Egyptian mass media in decision making, unpublished doctoral dissertation, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University. Ibrahim (2001), The specialized journalist, Alfajr house for publishing and distribution, Cairo, p. 66 References

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