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The Savior’s Profound Influence

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1 The Savior’s Profound Influence


3 God presents the Plan of Salvation
Satan rebels and takes 1/3 God counters by creating Adam and Eve Satan counters by tempting Adam and Eve God counters by providing a covering for their transgression Satan countered by tempting Cain to kill Abel (to cut off the priesthood) God sends Seth Satan counters with the birth of Nimrod God counters with the Brother of Jared Abraham establishes a nation that will obey Satan counters with Pharaoh, trapping God’s people into slavery God counters with Moses and other prophets Satan sends apostasy God sends His son Satan tempts him Jesus counters by quoting scripture Satan inspires Jesus’ Crucifixion God makes a big move on Sunday morning… What’s the next move?

4 Temptations (Matthew 4:1-11)
The 7 JSTs change the way the story reads. “Why not do what Satan suggests?” Is it a sin to be tempted? Does the spirit lead us into temptation? Would the spirit ever lead us down a pathway that was ‘rocky’? What word does Satan use to begin each temptation? What is he attacking? What word is almost always tied to sinning in the scriptures? Alma 5:53: “Will ye still ______ in the wearing of costly apparel…” Alma 9:18: “If ye _____ in your wickedness...” Jacob 2:14: ‘If ye ________ in these things his judgments must come….” “It is our own desires which determine the sizing and the attractiveness of temptation; we set our thermostats as to our temptations” (Elder Neal A. Maxwell) “Unrepented sin is a magnet for other sins” (Sister Wendy Nelson, January 2016 CES Devotional) How has recalling scriptures, quotes, or hymns blessed your life?

5 1. A temptation of the appetite 2. Pride and vanity
“Nearly every temptation that comes to you and me comes in one of these forms: 1. A temptation of the appetite 2. Pride and vanity 3. Riches and power.” David O. McKay, 1911 Oct. Gen. Conf. Saul, David, Solomon Moses 4:12 2 Nephi 28:20-22


7 Avoid it (Elder Robbins): https://www. youtube. com/watch
Avoid it (Elder Robbins): or

8 “The Lord sees weaknesses differently than He does rebellion
“The Lord sees weaknesses differently than He does rebellion. Whereas the Lord warns that unrepented rebellion will bring punishment, when the Lord speaks of weaknesses, it is always with mercy.” “Personal Strength through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, Elder Richard G. Scott, October 2013

9 President Brigham Young
“Suppose that you could see yourself thousands and millions of years after you have proved faithful during the few short years in this time, and have obtained eternal salvation and a crown of glory in the presence of God; then look back upon your lives here, and see the losses, crosses, disappointments, and sorrows, you would exclaim, "But what of all that? Those things were but for a moment, and we are now here!“ (as quoted by Neal A. Maxwell, Lord, Increase our Faith, 52 President Brigham Young

10 Woman at the well John 4:1-42

11 Why Jacob’s well? (Genesis 32-33)
Woman at the well Why a woman? Why Jacob’s well? (Genesis 32-33) The Abrahamic Covenant is passed on (Gen 28:3-4) The story is told in Hymn 100

12 Woman at the well Principles from Jacob’s Well:
How badly do we want a blessing? Are you willing to wrestle and struggle to receive it? Why was Jacob’s name changed? Why was his hip dislocated?

13 Woman at the well John 4:5–7

14 Look at John 4:11,19,25,29 to see the different titles she uses for Jesus.
Read John 4:28-30, 39, Where have you found living water in your life? Who in your life needs living water and how can you offer it to them?

15 The Everlasting Gospel
Jesus’ Profound Influence

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