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Character Trait: Forgiveness

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1 Character Trait: Forgiveness
Based on pages of What Do You Stand For? For Teens: A Guide to Building Character by Barbara A. Lewis

2 “Hate is like acid. It can damage the vessel in which it is stored as well as destroy the object on which it is poured.” - Ann Landers

3 What is Forgiveness? a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness

4 An Example of Forgiveness
Running Time: 3:29

5 10 Steps to Forgiving Others

6 1. Acknowledge and Accept What Was Done to You
Don’t ignore it or bury it. Buried things rot.

7 2. Report the Offense If a rule or law was broken, report it to the appropriate authority (parent, teacher, principal, law enforcement, etc.) Offenders should be held accountable for what they do

8 3. Let Your Feelings Out Get mad, yell, cry if you want to
Jog, run, throw a football, pound your pillow Anger held inside can make you sick

9 4. Talk With a Caring Adult or Friend
Explain what happened and how you feel Get professional help if you need it

10 5. Write About Your Feelings
Write down your feelings in a journal. You can leave out names or other details if you are afraid someone might read your journal.

11 6. Tell the Offender How You Feel
Sometimes people aren’t aware that they’ve hurt you. Focus on the problem, not the person

12 7. Ask the Offender to Make Things Right
Sometimes this may not be possible

13 8. Seek a Higher Power (If this is appropriate for you)
Ask to be relieved of your anger and desire for revenge Ask for the strength to forgive

14 9. Forgive the Offender You have the power to hold onto anger and hatred, but consider the cost Say , “I forgive you.” without expecting the other person to say sorry Forgiveness is about you letting go, not about the other person saying, “Sorry.”

15 10. Serve the Offender Demonstrate that you truly forgive the other person by doing something for him/her Don’t expect anything in return

16 9 Steps to Forgiving Yourself

17 1. Admit What You Did Take responsibility for your actions

18 2. Let Yourself Feel Guilty
Your guilt should lead you to action

19 3. Talk With a Caring Adult or Friend
Explain what happened and how you feel Get professional help if you need it

20 4. Say You’re Sorry and Ask for Forgiveness
Be sincere Recognize that the other person may need more time to forgive you. It might not happen at the time you ask for forgiveness.

21 5. Accept the Consequences
Understand that forgiveness does not always eliminate consequences

22 6. Do What You Can to Make Things Right
If you stole money, give it back If you cheated, retake the test If you spray painted graffiti, paint over it

23 7. If You Hurt Another Person, Serve Him or Her
Demonstrate that you truly want forgiveness by doing something for the other person Don’t expect anything in return

24 8. Seek a Forgiveness From a Higher Power (If this is appropriate for you)
Ask for the strength not to repeat the wrong.

25 9. Forgive Yourself Don’t be too hard on yourself
Learn from the mistake

26 On Your Own

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