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Subject Mentor Training January 2017

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1 Subject Mentor Training January 2017
Mentor training has been updated this year to address the new national standards for mentors.

2 Agenda Session 1 An overview of the routes into teaching, Middlesex structure and the place of the subject mentor The mentor handbook and the role of the mentor Review exemplar trainee profiles Lesson observations, the ATS level descriptors and evaluating impact Access to data and the class context sheet Session 2 Helping trainees to develop their subject knowledge Developing research-informed practice Identifying good practice and future need Q&A

3 Key Improvement Priorities 2016-17 Mentoring quality and consistency
Our priorities Key Improvement Priorities Mentoring quality and consistency Addressing the needs of all learners Cross-phase experiences Resilience Mentoring quality and consistency – should be addressed through this training and through the QA processes. KIP 2 and 3 should be addressed through assessing against the Teachers’ Standards, particularly TS5 and through primary visits during SBT 2. Resilience links to the Ofsted teacher workload recommendations, also published on the Wiki. 10/06/2018

4 Session 1

5 Overview & role of the mentor
Trainee -Mentor -PCM School University -Tutor Explain that the roles are the same for PGCE and School Direct trainees, but the funding models are different. 10/06/2018

6 Coaching Mentoring Core skills Expert Not expert Building rapport
Guides Advises Listening for meaning Assesses No formal assessment Questioning for understanding How would this model fit with the timeline Sept-January and across the whole ITT year? Consider the calendar and where the trainee is likely to be at the start of SE2. Non directive strategies (pull) Directive (push) Trainee generates solutions Directive Facilitative

7 Where do you sit on the continuum?
Think Where do you sit on the continuum? How will you support the trainee as mentor/coach during their SBT placement? Consider the questions. Where is your natural point on the continuum? What changes may you have to make to your own behaviour in order to best support trainees?

8 To help you… Go through the main parts of the document.
Attendance/ absence requirements – page 5 Key dates – page 6-7 Key paperwork – page 7 Mentor responsibilities – page 8 Needs analysis – page 9 (we refer to this later in Session 4) Dealing with challenging circumstances – page 10(referred to in Session 4) PS – page 12 (referred to in Session 4) If things go wrong – PSPs and CfCs – page 12 Appendices– pages 15-53

9 Documentation and support
Important Documentation: SD Handbook & Mentor handbook ATS documents (ATS Second Setting) Lesson observation template Lesson planning templates Weekly mentor meeting record ATS Level Descriptors Exemplars (ATS Second Setting) Explore the Wiki and highlight key places to find information.

10 Wiki SD page looks like this. Highlight other tabs.

11 The year calendar The School Direct year
Overview of key dates. Highlight : Assignment deadlines, ATS Review points NEED FOR AN SE2 PLACEMENT IN TERM 2 (ARRANGED BY SCHOOL ALLIANCE)

12 SE2- ½ term placement in a second setting
Key Points in Year: SE2- ½ term placement in a second setting Remaining ATS reviews (ATS Term 2 & ATS Term 3) By the 20th March: ATS Term 2 - Assessment review point 2 By the 22nd May: ATS Term 3- Assessment review point 3 By the 19th June: ATS Final- MENTOR END OF PROGRAMME REPORT, Highlight key review dates Say that trainees should share their ATS form (ATS Term 2) with their SE2 mentors.

13 Sharing their ATS Term 1 targets
Timeline- SE2 Overview of SE2 Sharing their ATS Term 1 targets

14 Identifying their targets for SE2
Timeline- SE2 Identifying their targets for SE2 Particular focus Opportunities not available in main setting Overview of SE2

15 Gathering evidence against the TSs
Timeline- SE2 Gathering evidence against the TSs Overview of SE2

16 Presenting final SE2 report (verifying evidence)
Timeline- SE2 Presenting final SE2 report (verifying evidence) Mentor to university tutors and main school mentor (before end of placement) Overview of SE2

17 Getting the most out of SE2
Review the following trainee profiles: Consider: What are their needs as they start SE2? What are appropriate next steps/targets, based on their starting points? What might be an appropriate focus for SE2, and how might you create opportunities for each trainee in your setting? Review pack for different trainees with ATS grades and targets and progress review.  Discussion about needs as they start SBT 2 and next steps, based on their starting points. 10/06/2018

18 Getting trainees started
Key foci: Review previous ATS to be clear on trainee starting points Ensure trainees have access to school/ class data Ensure trainees complete the Class Context Sheet for all classes they are due to pick up Overview of key points 10/06/2018

19 Class Context Sheet Trainees should evaluate their own lessons WWW/EBI, together with the pupil progress – this links to the lesson plan, where they plan assessment opportunities. Talk about the new class context sheet and how we expect it to be used. Trainees should reflect on their lesson and this should form the basis of the weekly meeting discussion. 10/06/2018

20 Documentation and weekly tasks
Consider the main weekly tasks Weekly Mentor Meeting Drafted by trainee ahead of meeting (reflection, review of actions taken, possible targets) Agreed at meeting and mentor comment added Lesson Observation Remind mentors that the responsibility for completing the WMM lies with the trainee, but that mentors should complete their section at the bottom of the form. Touch upon ATS level descriptors (to be discussed with lesson observations shortly) Remind mentors about the lesson observation form (to be discussed with lesson observations shortly) 10/06/2018

21 Lesson Observations 10/06/2018

22 Lesson Observations Dual roles Formative- Supporting trainee progress in developing their practice Summative- Contributing to overall grading decisions that they are meeting the TSs 10/06/2018

23 Trainees guided towards ‘Grade 1’
Using the ATS Levels Lesson observations, setting targets, & moderating progress. Trainees guided towards ‘Grade 1’ Target setting and progress.

24 Claims, and using the ATS Levels language
Place these words on the spectrum Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1 very effectively understand appropriately confidently effectively good aware highly maintain deliberately seek recognise rapidly

25 Claims, and Using the ATS language
Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1 aware rapidly effectively appropriately very effectively maintain understand confidently good recognise highly deliberately seek

26 Using the ATS levels in lesson observation
Review this video and write a commentary of your observations (part 1 of the Lesson Observation sheet) Afterwards consider where there might be some evidence they are meeting the ATS Levels Review the exemplar (how did it compare?) Share a video of a lesson (5 minutes) Use exemplar Video Lesson observation (TB PRODUCE) and get them to produce a commentary and then at the end discuss possible evidence from the ATS Levels

27 Using the ATS levels in lesson observation
Key foci Clear reference to ATS Levels- Commentary & Strengths (supporting claims and allowing for moderation of future summative assessment) Clear targets for development (formative feedback on strategies/approaches to improve T&L) Share a video of a lesson (5 minutes) Use exemplar Video Lesson observation (TB PRODUCE) and get them to produce a commentary and then at the end discuss possible evidence from the ATS Levels

28 Other documentation 10/06/2018

29 Mentor End of Programme report
Completed by mentors at the end of the programme Final grade awarded for each TS (Blue arrow) along with summative comment Summative comment on Part 2 of the standards, personal and professional conduct over the year (Purple arrow) If all TSs are at least a grade 3 they confirm recommendation for QTS (red arrow) Tell them that we often use these comments on references.

30 Lesson plans (with class context) and evaluations
Trainees should evaluate their own lessons WWW/EBI, together with the pupil progress – this links to the lesson plan, where they plan assessment opportunities. Talk about the new class context sheet and how we expect it to be used. Trainees should reflect on their lesson and this should form the basis of the weekly meeting discussion. 10/06/2018

31 Weekly mentor meetings
A timetabled meeting, once a week. Exemplar on the wiki Reflect – review – set new targets (covered in Session 3) Tell them that they must complete the sections at the bottom of the form and tick one of the boxes. If trainees are not making progress – start a PSP at the bottom of the form the first time this happens.

32 Drop box Remind them that trainees should record all documentation on drop box- mentors, PCMs & university should be sent a link from the trainee

33 Attendance Monitored across placement and absences recorded on the Mentor End of Programme Report 100% attendance a requirement of the course.

34 Expected progress The yellow arrow shows minimum expected progress for Term 1. 10/06/2018

35 Cause for concern Guidance on CfC in the SD handbook. They contact us if any problems materialise.

36 Using the weekly mentor meeting to support trainee development
How do your targets and strategies/tasks compare to others? Is it clear how they relate to the ATS Level descriptors? Are they SMART? Are the strategies & tasks appropriate and achievable in a week?

37 Ofsted best practice “The concept of pupil-focused feedback was introduced and all school-based trainers received training to be able to apply these criteria to the trainee teachers’ lessons. Conversations about pupil learning increased and discussions about what trainee teachers had ‘delivered’ decreased. School-based trainers became more confident and accurate in measuring pupil progress, delivering formative feedback and making judgments about the quality of lessons using the lesson observation record. This sharp focus on pupils’ learning was noticeable during the inspection.” (Inspiring tomorrow’s teachers in outstanding teacher training: Two Mile Ash ITT Partnership, 2014) A quote from one of the Ofsted best practice documents. 10/06/2018

38 Mentors and trainees used questions such as:
Ofsted best practice Mentors and trainees used questions such as: Where in the lesson could children have made more progress? Was this true for all children or particular groups? How could that have been achieved? What do you need to do now to make sure that there is greater learning in your next lesson? Ofsted highlighted questions such as this as evidence of good practice. 10/06/2018

39 Session 2

40 Feedback from mentor needs analysis
Helping trainees to develop their subject knowledge Developing research-informed practice Identifying good practice and future needs The feedback from the mentor needs analysis audit (a good opportunity to share the Qualtrics link and encourage mentors to complete) has highlighted that mentors would like support with these 2 areas – developing subject knowledge and research informed practice. Discussing these in this session is our starting point for sharing ideas and also identifying more specific future needs. 10/06/2018

41 Brainstorm: Ways to develop subject knowledge in schools?
Developing SK Brainstorm: Ways to develop subject knowledge in schools? Brainstorm ways to develop subject knowledge during SBT 2 – tell mentors what we have done at University. Examples may include national curriculum overview, progression mapping KS2-5, curriculum models and routes through your subject, big picture planning, schemes of work, lesson planning, misconceptions. Mention the subject knowledge audit and how it can be used to map progress. Resource support such as textbooks, GCSE papers, online resources, professional associations. Collate ideas and key discussion points. Good ideas can be shared across subjects, needs raised – please let me know. 10/06/2018

42 Research-informed practice
What we do at University PG Cert assignments Reading list (Handbooks) PS Sessions (Research and critical thinking, Oct 2016) Brainstorm: How can you help trainees in school? Link to mentor standards Standard 2 – Teaching Support trainee in accessing expert subject and pedagogical knowledge Enable the trainee to access, utilise and interpret robust educational research to inform their teaching Discuss how this might work in practice. Mention what they have done already in preparing for SBR/Why Teach and Assignment 1 for SD trainees. Discuss your PS pathway programme and highlight areas where you refer to research Signpost the EEF Sutton Trust website for educational research. Again – let me know about any good ideas we can share across subjects and any needs that are raised. 10/06/2018

43 Research-informed practice
How can you help trainees in school? EEF Sutton Trust website for educational research Encourage dialogue around reading/research relevant to targets (Assignment 2 & 3) Link to mentor standards Standard 2 – Teaching Support trainee in accessing expert subject and pedagogical knowledge Enable the trainee to access, utilise and interpret robust educational research to inform their teaching Discuss how this might work in practice. Mention what they have done already in preparing for SBR/Why Teach and Assignment 1 for SD trainees. Discuss your PS pathway programme and highlight areas where you refer to research Signpost the EEF Sutton Trust website for educational research. Again – let me know about any good ideas we can share across subjects and any needs that are raised. 10/06/2018

44 The mentor needs analysis audit
The audit is very quick to complete and asks you to RAG rate yourself against the new national mentor standards. 10/06/2018

45 Weekly mentor meeting forms shared via Dropbox
QA Visits – the TVR Needs analysis Weekly mentor meeting forms shared via Dropbox Look at the new TVR form and explain it’s purpose. Talk about the mentor needs analysis – they will have been sent the link, many will have completed it already. University tutors will refer to this on the first visit. Trainees upload their WMM forms and all other documentation (lesson observations, registers, lesson plans, ATS forms) to their Dropbox. Aske the trainee to give you access so that you can see their progress. We gather a lot of helpful information about mentor quality and consistency (one of our KIPs this year) through these three avenues. 10/06/2018

46 Key documents from Ofsted can be found on the Wiki.
Resilience Eliminating unnecessary workload associated with data management: Eliminating unnecessary workload around planning and teaching resources: Eliminating unnecessary workload around marking: Key documents from Ofsted can be found on the Wiki. Mention these recommendations. Go through in more detail if time. If not, we will revisit during visits and January training. 10/06/2018

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