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 BUT …. Terminal pilot REQUEST TO THE CCB

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1  BUT …. Terminal pilot REQUEST TO THE CCB
ScanMed RFC has started a Pilot with the Terminals for TT 2018 The Pilot gives Applicants the possibility to request Terminal Slots in one Dossier (together with the PaPs) For level 2 of our Pilot (see description on next page) we open for Applicants the possibility to request Terminal Capacity twofold: Till April, in one step with the PaP, by attaching a blank sheet to the Dossier During the observation phase, by attaching a blank sheet to the Dossier BUT …. Attachment function is active during the PATH REQUEST PHASE OPEN THE ATTACHMENT FUNCTION ALSO DURING THE OBSERVATION PHASE (enables AA to still request Terminal Capacity as a 2nd chance) & FINAL OFFER PHASE (enables the COSS to attach the Terminal Offer to the Final Offer) Attachment function is NOT active during the OBSERVATION PHASE


3 C-OSS as common Post Box
Terminal pilot: Overview main rules for the applied levels Coordinated Slots 4 C-OSS as common Post Box 2 Publication of Terminal Slots which are coordinated with the PaP times The published slots are guaranteed for ScanMed Application in one step with the PaPs PaP Winner is automatically the Winner of the Slot 2nd Winner will not be offered an alternative slot but the request will be forwarded to the Terminal Request is binding for the Terminal Pre-booking via C-OSS, in one step with the PaP Allocation via Alnabru Request for Terminal Slots at own initiative (no pre-defined Slots published) in one step with the PaPs C-OSS acting as common Post Box = collects the requests for Terminal Capacity and hands them over to DUSS DUSS accepts the requests as valid and placed on time No pre-allocation via C-OSS Allocation via DUSS Level 4 2 Level ALNABRU DUSS Free Terminal Slots INTERPORTO BOLOGNA Free Terminal Slots 3 3 LA SPEZIA Publication of free Terminal Slots The published slots are guaranteed for ScanMed Application in one step with the PaPs PaP Winner is automatically the Winner of the Slot 2nd Winner will not be offered an alternative slot Request is binding for the Terminal Pre-booking via C-OSS, in one step with the PaP Allocation via Interporto Bologna Publication of free Terminal Slots The published slots are guaranteed for ScanMed Application in one step with the PaPs PaP Winner is automatically the Winner of the Slot 2nd Winner will be offered an alternative slot Request is binding for the Terminal Pre-booking via C-OSS, in one step with the PaP Allocation via La Spezia Level 3 3 Level

4 Visualization of terminal offer in pcs
2 4 Terminal Offer in PCS 3 3


6  ˄ Process description for Level 2: C-OSS as Common Postbox
Milestone 1: Publication & Pre-Allocation Receives complete PaP Offer from IMs on 1st December Prepares capacity Offer for Publication (import in PCS & creation print catalogue)  Both in PCS and in the catalogue a comment is added that terminal slots can be requested *1 Publishes capacity offer (PaPs) both in PCS and in the Print Catalogue by 9th January Capacity offer is published (9th Jan) Informs the Applicant and the IMs about the results of the PaP Pre-Allocation C-OSS START Makes a plausibility check of the completed blank sheet*****5 & informs the applicant accordingly (see chart 1+2, 1st part) Terminal Applicant Requests PaP and Terminal Slot in one PCS dossier **2 (terminal slot requested via blank form ***3 as attachment to the PCS dossier) Pre-Allocation of PaPs is finalized by 24th April ****4 Applicant is informed ˄ means „AND“ in the field literature of Process Management

7 Attachment function NOT active in PCS
Process description for Level 2: C-OSS as Common Postbox Milestone 2: Submission of Draft Offer (paths) IMs construct the Draft Offer and submit it to the C-OSS by 23rd June checks the quality of the Draft Offer submits Draft Offer to applicant (PaP, tailor made & F/O) ******6 and reminds applicants with invalid or no requests of taking the 2nd opportunity to fill in the blank sheet Plausibility check of the completed blank sheet  Only valid blank sheets will be forwarded to the terminal! C-OSS START Terminal Terminal relevant parts of Draft Offer (path) and blank sheets are submitted*******8 Attachment function NOT active in PCS ˄ Applicant Draft Offer (path) is submitted via PCS During the Observation Phase the applicant has a 2nd chance *******7 (see chart 1+2, 2nd part) Reminder of 2nd chance means „AND“ in the field literature of Process Management

8 Process description for Level 2: C-OSS as Common Postbox Milestone 3: Information flow between C-OSS and Terminals C-OSS is informed by the terminal and uploads official document in PCS C-OSS informs the applicants via providing them interim information on their current, individual status of their application and showing them how it came about (see chart 1+2, 3rd part) C-OSS C-OSS is informed  good for KPIs**********10 As soon as the applicant accepts the terminal offer, the terminal informs the C-OSS via about the allocated slot Via a more official document Terminal Via The applicant should accept /reject the terminal offer Terminal informs C-OSS that terminalslot request is received*********9 ˄ The terminal allocates the slots according to its own priority rules, procedures and deadlines START Applicant Those applicants who finally filled in everything correctly wait for allocation on the part of the terminal Applicants are informed by C-OSS about their status means „AND“ in the field literature of Process Management

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