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Classification & compensation Study

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1 Classification & compensation Study

2 Background of Ewing Consulting
Our firm has a 35 Year history of serving public sector agencies Over 200 K-12 School Districts 45 Community College Districts 16 of the largest 20 school districts in California Classification study for schools for the State of Kentucky Cities and Public Service Agencies Nationally

3 Park City School District Project Staffing
William (BJ) Ewing Jr., Practice Manager Suzanne Ansari, Senior Human Resources Consultant Leena Rai, Ph.D., Human Resources Consultant Krystyna Ghahremani, Administrative Technician

4 What is the purpose of doing A Classification/compensation Study?
To ensure District employees are in the correct classification for the work they are doing. To ensure the District has accurate, legally compliant and up-to-date position or job descriptions that describe the current duties, responsibilities and requirements for employees so they can be used for employment and performance appraisal. To ensure employees are being paid a fair rate of pay for the work they are doing and that it is competitive as compared to other School Districts in the area.

5 a classification & compensation study is NOT about
Suggesting staffing levels Layoffs Eliminating or adding positions Performance review Work hours Volume of work Solving staff issues

6 Why should I participate in the study?
Your input and feedback is valued and very IMPORTANT. Why should I participate? Because YOUR VOICE MATTERS. The information you provide in the questionnaires/interviews will be used to assure your position is properly classified. Employees who DO NOT complete a form will not be allocated during this study or be eligible to participate in the interview or employee feedback process.

7 Classification study steps
Conduct Orientation sessions. Employees complete position information questionnaires turn in to Supervisor. Meet with Advisory committee throughout the course of the study. Conduct Classification Study Interviews (individual, groups & supervisors). Presentation of preliminary allocations of classifications and preliminary job descriptions. Employee feedback process, finalization of classification recommendations and revisions to preliminary job descriptions (post employee feedback). Conduct compensation study/salary survey. Presentation of final report.

8 Completing the questionnaire helpful tips – DO’S
DO fill out the form as honestly, carefully and completely as possible. DO download and complete the online form, save the file and print it out. DO keep a log of your daily duties before completing form. DO review your current job description. DO complete the form together as a group if your in the same classification. DO fill out the form during regular working hours when possible. DO request an interview with one of the consultants to share with us what your job entails.

9 Completing the questionnaire helpful tips - dont’s
DO NOT complete form during one sitting. DO NOT be afraid to turn in your form to your Supervisor. THIS IS A TRANPARENT COMMUNICATION PROCESS meant to encourage dialogue and understanding between employees and supervisors.




13 Classification study INTERVIEW PROCESS
Consultants will review the completed forms and set up 30 minute interviews with employees to learn more about their position’s content and duties. At least one incumbent in every class will be interviewed. You can request an individual or group interview. You may be selected to be interviewed in case we need additional information on your specific classification.

All employees who completed a form will be eligible to provide feedback on our recommendations regarding the allocation of titles and will also be able to review the preliminary job descriptions. The employee feedback form is only “one page” but you can provide more feedback if you would like to. We will consider making revisions or edits per your suggestions on your feedback form, as appropriate. We encourage group feedback responses if you are in the same classification. After the classification study is completed, we will begin the compensation study using the new and improved job descriptions to compare with the salary survey market.

15 Compensation study overview
The salary survey is a market driven approach using whole job ranking by job families. We typically compile data to determine what is the median of the market’s max base salary before longevity kicks in compared your the District’s max base salary. We will identify an external salary survey market typically between 8-15 comparable school districts. We will select “benchmark classifications” that represents an occupational group, family or profession. Our recommendations will not suggest any reductions of salaries, only those whose salaries are currently under market. The salary or compensation study takes place after the classification study is completed.

16 Thank you for your PARTICIPATION!
Questions & answers Thank you for your PARTICIPATION!

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