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Cooperative Compliance-Breaking the Barriers

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1 Cooperative Compliance-Breaking the Barriers
Adapting the model to address the challenges facing developing countries

2 A reminder of the history
From enhanced relationship to cooperative compliance The importance of governance in the context of increasing political concern about the behaviour of big corporates nd the emergence of the BEPS project Injecting rigor into the concept: justified trust and the central part that tax control frameworks have to play So, does the concept continue to have legitimacy in a post BEPS world?

3 Just when you thought it was safe…....

4 BEPS-the pressure is on to implement….
Tax administrations ready to act on “Panama Papers” 08/04/ Government officials from around the world have called on the OECD to convene a special project meeting of  the Joint International Tax Shelter Information and Collaboration (JITSIC) Network to explore possibilities of co-operation and information-sharing, identify tax compliance risks and agree collaborative  action, in light of the “Panama Papers” revelations.  The meeting, to be held in Paris on Wednesday 13 April, will bring together senior tax administration officials from countries worldwide.

5 And Developing Countries face particular challenges
BEPS implementation requires action on several fronts: Policy International agreements Domestic law reform in complex areas – transfer pricing, interest deductibility, hybrids…. Operational Creating or building a large taxpayer function Making use of the new transfer pricing documentation and country by country reports Developing the capability within the tax administration which goes beyond tax technical knowledge to include commercial and economic understanding And finding a way to keep good people as they acquire valuable and highly marketable skills.

6 Where does cooperative compliance fit in?
Addressing the capability challenge Allowing tax administration staff to obtain insights into the operations of MNEs, the way they organize and plan, which are hard to come by in a relationship characterized by conflict and “hide and seek”. Requires a holistic approach to the taxation of entities owned by the same MNE Helps to develop a risk driven approach to compliance management Freeing up resources Encouraging FDI and boosting tax morale.

7 The essential features of the model
For the Tax administration: Commercial Awareness Impartiality Proportionality Openness and transparency Responsiveness Governance Strategic Fit For the Taxpayer Disclosure and transparency underpinned by a robust tax control framework

8 Putting the theory to the test-
The role of the pilots Putting the theory to the test- can the cooperative compliance model deliver on its promise to help developing countries in their mobilisation against BEPS?

Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria Jonathan Leigh Pemberton T F

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