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The Mole To play the movies and simulations included, view the presentation in Slide Show Mode.

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1 The Mole To play the movies and simulations included, view the presentation in Slide Show Mode.

2 6.02 X 1023

3 The Mole Matter is made up of different kinds of particles.
Substances commonly exist as either atoms, ions or molecules, which are then representative particles of that substance.Ex. Iron is found as iron atoms so the atom is its representative particle.

4 The Mole Because substances are made up of particles, one way to measure the amount of a substance is to measure the # of representative particles This can be very difficult because atoms, ions and molecules are very small.

5 The Mole We can count the particles if we introduce a term that represents a certain number.Ex. we can count eggs by the dozen instead of individually.

6 The Mole The term we have chosen to help in counting particles is the MOLE. One mole of a substance stands for 6.02x1023 representative particles of that substance.

7 Mole Simply a way to count, express, and compare the number of atoms or molecules present pair of gloves dozen eggs case of pop Gross of pencils

8 The Mole A counting unit
Similar to a dozen, but instead of 12, it’s 602 billion trillion 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 6.02 X 1023 (in scientific notation) 6.02E23 on your TI calculator This number is named in honor of Amedeo Avagadro (1776 – 1856) Avagadro’s Number

9 Just How Big is a Mole? Enough soft drink cans to cover the surface of the earth to a depth of over 200 miles. If you had Avogadro's number of unpopped popcorn kernels, and spread them across the United States of America, the country would be covered in popcorn to a depth of over 9 miles. If we were able to count atoms at the rate of 10 million per second, it would take about 2 billion years to count the atoms in one mole.

10 The Mole Interesting Fact
One mole of particles is roughly the number of grains of sand on all the world’s beaches combined.

11 Avogadro’s Number How big is Avogadro’s Number?
If you have a mole of pennies (i.e. Avogadro’s number) and divide them equally among the 6 billion people on Earth, how many dollars would each person get?

12 Each person would get ~ $ 1 trillion!!!
Avogadro’s Number 6.022 X1023 pennies 6 x 109 people x $1 100 pennies = $1 x 1012 person Each person would get ~ $ 1 trillion!!!

13 Mole and Mass Relationships
Sulfur 32.06 g 1 mole Carbon 12.01 g

14 Learning Check Suppose we invented a new collection unit called a rapp. One rapp contains 8 objects. 1. How many paper clips in 1.0 rapps? a) 1 b) 4 c) 8 2. How many oranges in 2.0 rapps? a) 4 b) 8 c) 16 3. How many rapps contain 40 gummy bears? a) 5 b) 10 c) 20

15 A Mole of Particles Contains 6.02 x 1023 particles
= x 1023 C atoms = x 1023 H2O molecules = x 1023 NaCl “molecules” (technically, ions form compounds called formula units not molecules) 6.02 x 1023 Na+ ions and 6.02 x 1023 Cl– ions 1 mole C 1 mole H2O 1 mole NaCl

16 Avogadro’s Number as Conversion Factor
6.02 x 1023 particles 1 mole or 1 mole Note that a particle could be an atom OR a molecule!

17 Solving Mole Problems with Dimensional Analysis
Start with given information Set up conversion factor so unwanted labels cancel out Multiply across the top Divide by what’s on the bottom

18 Learning Check 1. Number of atoms in mole of Al 2.Number of moles of S in 1.80 x 1024 S atoms 0.500 mol Al = 3.01 x atoms 6.02 x 1023 atoms 1 mol Al 1.8 x 1024 S atoms 1 mol S = 6.02 x 1023 atoms 2.99 mol S

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