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Standard 11-A Classify animals according to type of skeletal structure and method of fertilization and reproduction body symmetry, body coverings, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard 11-A Classify animals according to type of skeletal structure and method of fertilization and reproduction body symmetry, body coverings, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard 11-A Classify animals according to type of skeletal structure and method of fertilization and reproduction body symmetry, body coverings, and location. PowerPoint by: Quenton Mercedes

2 The eligible content Compare invertebrates to vertebrates.
Compare endoskeletons to exoskeletons Compare internal to external fertilization. Compare sexual to asexual reproduction. Compare bilateral to radial symmetry.



5 Vertebrates and Invertebrates.

6 Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Invertebrates are animals without backbones these animals include insects and mollusks & sponges. Vertebrates are animals with backbones (shown in the last slide) these include: fish, mammals, amphibians, birds, and reptiles

7 What is an endoskeleton?

8 What is an endoskeleton?
An endoskeleton is an internal supporting system. All vertebrates have an endoskeleton. Their skeleton is on the inside. Endo – means inside

9 What is an exoskeleton?

10 What is an exoskeleton? An Exoskeleton is a skeleton or supporting structure that is found on the OUTSIDE of the animal. An Exoskeleton is like armor on the outside These animals include: insects, crustaceans like crabs & lobster, and sea stars.

11 Endotherms & Ectotherms
Endotherms – are warm blooded ( they maintain their body temperatures from INSIDE their bodies. Endo – means inside Mammals, & birds are the only endothermic animals Ectotherms – are cold blooded ( they get their body heat from the outside world)

12 What are Asexual & Sexual reproduction?
Sexual reproduction- the cells of 2 different parents unite to form the new organism. (Not meaning that the parents have sex ).This type makes the offspring more diverse Asexual reproduction is when an organism has only ONE parent; Usually a part of a parent splits off to from another organism.

13 What is internal and external fertilization?
Internal fertilization - the egg is fertilized inside the female External fertilization - the male and female sex cells come together outside the female’s body.

14 Compare bilateral and radial symmetry

15 Bilateral and radial symmetry
Bilateral symmetry If you divide the animal in half, one side is just like the other side Radial symmetry- each part that radiates from a central point is alike.

16 Bilateral Symmetry Pictures
If divided down the middle, one half is just like the other half.

17 Radial Symmetry Pictures

18 Question Time

19 Which characteristic are used to determine the classification of a sea star?
Radial symmetry and an exoskeleton Radial symmetry and an endoskeleton Bilateral symmetry and an exoskeleton Bilateral radial symmetry and an endoskeleton

20 The answer is ……. A. Radial symmetry and exoskeleton, because it has a hard outer skeleton and radiating parts

21 Endoskeleton and scales Exoskeleton and asymmetry
A new organism is discovered. After careful observation, scientists conclude that it is a mammal. Which 2 characteristics would the organism possess? Endoskeleton and scales Exoskeleton and asymmetry Fur or hair & warm- blooded & endoskeleton Have live young and radial symmetry

22 The answer is…. C. Fur or hair and warm blooded & an endoskeleton.
These are all characteristics of mammals

23 Study the table below. Which organism is MOST LIKELY to a clam?
support respiration habitat 1 endoskeleton Gills, skin aquatic 2 shell gills 3 Lungs, skin terrestrial 4 lungs

24 And the answer is...... Organism 2- because it has a shell which is exoskeleton it has gills which allows it to live in the water.

25 Which animal ‘s body shape show bilateral symmetry?
A. Jellyfish B. sea anemone C. fish D. sea anemone

26 And the answer is ….. C- fish because when you cut the fish down the middle the sides are equal.

27 Which group of animals contains members that move using cilia and flagella?
A. birds B. protists C. mammals D. amphibians

28 And the answer is ….. B- protists
cilia is a hair like structures and a flagella has a whip- like tail and protists have both of these

29 Which animal has external fertilization?
A. human B. frog C. snakes D. whales

30 B Frogs And the answer is…..
Their eggs are fertilized OUT side of their bodies.

31 Which sea animal has radial symmetry?
A. Echinoderms (like star fish) B. Lobsters C. Whales D. Humans

32 A. Echinoderms – their legs all RADIATE out from the center
And the answer … A. Echinoderms – their legs all RADIATE out from the center

33 Which animal is a vertebrate?
A. Reptile B. clam C. scallop D. sponge

34 And the answer is …. A. reptile because it has an internal backbone


36 A is correct Sea stars have radial symmetry & their skeleton is on the outside ( exoskeleton)


38 D. Student 4 was correct Amphibians ( frogs) have moist skin & are cold blooded (ectotherms)


40 C is correct Sharks have cartilage skeletons & eels have skeletons made of bone


42 B. organism 2 is a clam Clams have a shell, gills to breath and are aquatic ( live in the water)


44 A. Student 1

45 Which animal has an exoskeleton?
A. bony fish B. crustacean (like crabs & lobster) C. reptile D. birds

46 B. crustacean because it has an hard outer structure
And the answer is….. B. crustacean because it has an hard outer structure

47 Which animal does NOT have external fertilization?
A. clams B. humans C. sponges D. insects Hint: Decide what the question IS asking. It IS asking about the animal that has Internal Fertilization.

48 A. Humans And the answer is…
Humans have internal fertilization (the egg & sperm come together INSIDE the female) When a question asks which one does NOT do something, then figure out what you are looking for

49 Which of the following means internal supporting system (skeleton)?
A. external fertilization B. exoskeleton C. radial symmetry D. endoskeleton

50 And the answer is… D. endoskeleton because the skeleton is found on the inside of the organism


52 C. The fish If you cut the fish in half down the middle one side is just like the other side


54 C. Flagella are used for locomotion

55 What is an invertebrate?
A. bird B. human C. dog D. clam

56 D. clam because it does not have a backbone or a spinal column
And the answer is… D. clam because it does not have a backbone or a spinal column


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