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1 Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 9 Developing Careers Organizations that actively guide career development with employees are acting strategically in preparing employees for future positions while enhancing morale and recognizing human resources as valuable assets. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

2 Chapter Challenges Understand what is needed for career development programs to be successful Have familiarity with challenges in career development Learn practices for meeting the challenges of effective development Gain competence in self-development After covering Chapter 9, you should understand what is needed for career development programs to be successful, have familiarity with challenges in career development, learn practices for meeting the challenges of effective development, and gain competence in self-development. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

3 What Is Career Development?
Ongoing and formalized organizational effort Developing enriched and capable workers Aiding in recruiting and retaining skilled workers Career development is an ongoing and formalized effort that focuses on developing enriched and more capable workers. This initiative is an important activity playing a key role in helping managers recruit and retain a skilled, committed workforce and is important for organizational success. Following is a diagram displaying a successful career development program. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

4 Successful Career Development Program
Today, career development usually tries to meet employee and employer needs. This figure shows how organizational and individual career needs can be linked to create a successful career development program. Many organizations view career development as a way of preventing job burnout and improving the quality of employees’ work lives. Career development of today requires workers’ active participation in thinking through the possible directions their careers can take. Finally, an organization must make career development a key business strategy if it intends to survive in an increasingly competitive and global business environment. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

5 Challenges in Career Development
Who will be responsible? How much emphasis is appropriate? Look for warning signs of careerist orientation How will the needs of a diverse workforce be met? Before putting a career development in place, management should consider the three major challenges. Who is responsible? The first challenge is deciding who will be ultimately responsible for career development activities. For instance, organizations may have an assessment center to identify employees who have the characteristics necessary to hold middle- and upper-management positions. Once identified, these individuals would be groomed through a variety of programs. In contrast, many organizations have asserted that employees must take an active role in career development and develop their own plans. How much is appropriate? Even though career development is seen as a positive, too great of an emphasis on career development can be a detriment to organizational effectiveness. For example, employees with extreme careerist orientation can become more concerned about their image than their performance and be poorer organizational citizens. There are many warning signs that managers can watch for, including an employee who is focused on advancement rather than performance. How will the needs of diverse workforce be met? To meet the career development needs of a diverse workforce, companies need to break down barriers to advancement that some employees may face. Women and minorities are typically affected by the “glass ceiling.” A study revealed that women and minorities are often left out of networking opportunities, mentoring, and participation in policy-making committees. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

6 Challenges in Career Development
Dual-career couple (80%) Dual incomes; dual careers A dual-career couple is a couple whose members both have occupational responsibilities and career issues at stake. Nearly 80% of all couples are working couples. The two-income family has replaced the single-income family as the norm. Dual-career couples present other issues that the organization needs to work with, including workers’ personal lives intertwining with occupational lives. Geographic splits can mean that the company and employee need to find a solution, if feasible. Career planning can help couples prepare for these possibilities. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

7 The Career Development Process
Creating a development program almost always consists of three phrases: the assessment phase, the direction phase, and the development phase. Although presented separately in this figure, in an actual program the phases of development often blend together. We’ll discuss in detail each phase and what it means for career development. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

8 Meeting the Challenges of Effective Development
The Assessment Phase The assessment phase of career development includes activities ranging from self-assessment to organizationally provided assessment. The goal of assessment, whether performed by employees or by organization, is to identify employees’ strengths and weaknesses. This kind of clarification helps employees (1) to choose a career that is realistically obtainable and a good fit and (2) to determine the weaknesses they need to overcome to achieve their career goals. The figure in this slide lists some tools that are commonly used for self-assessment and for organizational assessment. Next, we’ll look at an example skills assessment exercise. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

9 Sample Skills Assessment Exercise
Whether done through workbooks, face-to-face workshops, or with online exercises, self-assessment usually means performing skills assessment exercises, completing an interest inventory, and clarifying values. The skills assessment exercise is designed to identify an employee’s skills. An interest inventory is a measure of a person’s occupational interests. A values classification involves prioritizing personal values. As you can see, it can be as comprehensive or basic as determined by the organization. Next, we’ll look at an example of a series of statements that an individual will assess for himself or herself. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

10 Career Anchor Assessment
I identify with my profession and like to use my skills. I like having a broad overview and enjoy responsibility. I like to work independently. I like it when things are stable and predictable. I like the challenge of starting something new. I want to make the world a better place. I like competition and enjoy solving problems I want balance in my life. Here is an example of a “career anchor” assessment. Core values determined can be considered career “anchors.” The career anchors framework has been supported by research and career counselors and is used when working with individuals. Let’s go through these statements. The nature of the job should enable a worker to express his or her career anchors. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

11 Management Implications
Give the worker opportunity to develop work standards and to mentor others. Give the worker the opportunities to lead projects or teams. Ask the worker to take on the role of an internal consultant and tackle a workplace problem. Let the worker know that staying in his or her current position is an option. Give the worker new projects and let him or her develop ideas as an internal entrepreneur. After a career anchor assessment is completed by an individual, the manager and individual can go over feasible actions to take for each of the career anchors. This slide shows the basic management implications for each career anchor. One other implication not listed is that the organization/manager could offer this worker flexibility in his or her work schedule and the opportunity to work from home. Many options can be available to workers and organizations; however, what is decided must work for both and support performance and organizational goals. Offer this worker some responsibility for a company program such as a diversity or charitable program Set stretch goals with the worker and empower by allowing decisions made by worker Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

12 Organizational Assessment
Assessment Centers Psychological Tests Performance Appraisal Promotability Forecasts Succession Planning Some of the tools used by organizations in selection are also valuable for career development. Among these are assessment centers, psychological testing, performance appraisal, promotabilty forecasts, and succession planning. Assessment centers—situational exercises, such as interviews, in-basket exercises, and business games, that are often used to select talent. Psychological testing—helps employees better understand their skills and interests. Performance appraisal—another source of valuable career development information. Promotability forecasts—decisions made by managers regarding the advancement potential of their subordinates. Succession planning—focuses on preparing people to fill executive positions. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

13 The Direction Phase Individual career counseling Information services
Job-posting services Skills inventories Career path Career resource center The direction phase of career development involves determining the type of career that employees want and the steps they must take to realize their career goals. Appropriate direction requires an accurate understanding of one’s current position. Individual career counseling refers to one-on-one sessions with the goal of helping employees to examine their career aspirations. Career counseling resources may be found online or can be a face-to-face session by appointment. Information services provide career development information to employees. Determining what to do with this information is largely the employee’s responsibility. Job posting services are a fairly easy and direct way of providing employees with information on job openings. Skills inventories are company-maintained records with information such as employees’ abilities, skills, knowledge, and education. Career paths provide valuable information regarding the possible directions and career opportunities available in the organization. A career resource center is a collection of career development materials such as workbooks, tapes, and texts. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

14 Example Alternative Career Path
This slide displays a generic example of alternative career paths. Actual career paths should specify a time frame for each job. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

15 The Development Phase Mentoring Coaching Job Rotation
Tuition Assistance Programs Meeting the requirements necessary to move up in an organization can require a great deal of growth and self-improvement. The development phase, which involves taking actions to create and increase skills to prepare for future job opportunities, is meant to foster this growth and self-improvement. The most common development programs offered by organizations are mentoring, coaching, job rotation, and tuition assistance. Mentoring is a developmentally oriented relationship between senior and junior colleagues or peers. Coaching consists of ongoing, sometimes spontaneous, meetings between managers and their employees to discuss the employee’s career goals and development. Job rotation assigns employees to various jobs so that they acquire a wider base of skills. Tuition assistance programs are what organizations offer to support their employees’ education and development. Some organizations even extend these benefits to an employee’s immediate family members. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

16 Self-Development: Three Domains
Money How much do you want to make? Work What kind of work do you want? What kind of work fits your strengths and values? In the conclusion of this chapter, the self-development phase is examined in how one can manage a personal career. Let’s look at the balance between personal and work life. Many workers desire more than just a job for happiness. A recent survey found that 89% of Americans indicated that work/life balance is a problem, and 54% indicated it is a serious problem. Consider the three domains of defining career success in this slide. Money is a key issue and measure of success for many people. It is important to determine (even from a personal budget standpoint) how much is desired to make. Work domain considers the type of work one likes to do. The career assessments and instruments that organizations offer are a key to helping workers better understand their likes and dislikes as well as their core strengths and values. The life domain helps individuals explore their likes and dislikes outside of work. It asks the simple question of what activities one enjoys outside of the work life. Considering the three domains and determining a balance point is crucial not only to the employee, but also to the organization. Life What do you want outside of work? Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

17 Development Suggestions
Identify your mission Keep learning Develop competencies In this slide, we look at suggestions for self-development. Identifying the answers or information for each of these items can help with one’s development for career advancement. However, it is important to note that it’s difficult to advance if you don’t have the necessary skills. Development thus encourages employees to take active initiatives to further themselves along their chosen paths. The following are important: Identify your mission (develop a personal mission statement) Keep learning Develop competencies Find a mentor Find a mentor Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

18 Advancement Suggestions
Market yourself Resolve problems Improve your communication skills The advancement suggestions as seen in this slide focus on steps that one can take to improve chances of being considered for advancement. The development suggestions are fundamental and provide the necessary base, but the advancement suggestions provide the necessary attitudes and organizational presence. Here are the suggestions: Market yourself Resolve problems Improve your communication skills Understand business trends Understand business trends Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

19 Summary and Conclusions
What Is Career Development? Challenges in Career Development Meeting the Challenges of Effective Development Self-Development To summarize, we’ve covered: What Is Career Development? Challenges in Career Development Meeting the Challenges of Effective Development Self-Development Employee development is essential to any organization and needs to be linked to the strategic initiatives of the company. Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.

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