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Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration

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1 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
The three main goals during the Age of Exploration: Expansion of the empire Increase wealth and improve trade balance Spread Christianity

2 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
Columbus made three more voyages from Spain to the New World and explored the Caribbean islands. He also explored along the coasts of present day Central and South America. Other Spanish Explorers: Amerigo Vespucci: sailed for Spain along South America’s coast proved it was not part of Asia. North and South America named after him. Vasco Nunez de Balboa: sailed for Spain led an expedition across Panama (present day Panama canal) and found the Pacific Ocean (not called this at the time). Ferdinand Magellan: sailed for Spain sailed around South America to the Pacific Ocean which he named. Magellan was killed in the Philippines during a war between tribes. Magellan’s crew is the first to circumnavigate the globe.

3 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
Mercantilism: An economic system based on trade. Goal was to increase the money in a country’s treasury (Bank). Did this through increasing imports and exports: Imports = what’s coming in to a country Exports = what’s exiting a country

4 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
Importance of Mercantilism: You can do more with money than you can with stuff: Built roads Built Ships to explore and conquer more land Raised armies to conquer more land Paid scientist to develop better weapons or medicine Wealth = Power

5 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
Spain Conquers the New World: Spain sent conquistadors to conquer territories, so they could gain the resources Hernando Cortez conquered the Aztecs. Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca in Peru (South America). Rewards for conquistadors If successful wealth and glory for both Spain and themselves Spain would be given 1/5 of any treasure found in return for granting conquistadors the right to explore and settle in the New World

6 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
Spanish Explorers: Hernando Cortez landed in Mexico and conquered the Aztecs (Central America). Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca in Peru (South America). Spain in Florida: Juan Ponce de Leon landed on the Florida coast and claimed the land for Spain. Appointed governor of Florida and asked to set up a colony The Calusa attacked the 200 settlers wounding and killing de Leon.

7 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
Exploring the Southwest: Panfilo de Narvaez attempted a colony near Tampa Bay Apalachee attacked and Narvaez forced to flee Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca a survivor of Narvaez’s expedition in Tampa Bay Lands on an Island near Texas  Lived among Native Americans  Eventually made it to Mexico Described “Seven Cities of Cibola” cities of gold Leads Spanish to search for gold

8 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
Spain is going to be successful in turning the New World into Wealth (by conquering) because: 1) European diseases killed millions of Native Americans because they were not immune to diseases like measles, smallpox, and influenza 2) Superior weapons like guns and cannons 3) Made alliances with the enemies of the Aztecs and Incas 4) Spanish Conquistadors acted brutally toward the Native Americans


10 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
The rise of plantations lead to the abuse of Native Americans Sugar Plantations required many workers as a result the Spanish turned to native peoples. Plantations differed from Haciendas because they were large estates that raised cash crops. One of the most important cash crops that led to the rise of slavery was sugar. Native Americans were enslaved under the Encomienda and were beaten, tortured, killed or all three to continue to increase production of crops. Later millions of Africans were brought to the Americas and sold as slaves.

11 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
Spanish Settlements in New World Pueblos: towns that were centers of trade Missions: religious communities, small town, farmland, and a church Presidio: a fort near a mission Class System Penninsulares: people born in Spain, owned the land, served in the Catholic Church, and ran local government Creoles: people born in the Americas to Spanish parents Mestizos: people with Spanish and Native American parents Native Americans: often very poor Enslaved Africans

12 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
The goals of Spanish missions (religious) in the Americas: Convert Native Americans to Christianity and increase Spanish control Teach Native Americans how to read and write Teach them carpentry and metalworking skills Long term goal was to make Native Americans part of Spanish society in America and treat them equally. Las Casas: condemned the cruel treatment of Native Americans Pleads for laws to help protect them New laws made it illegal to enslave Native Americans

13 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
The Search for Gold Hernando de Soto searched for three years in the southeastern part of the New World Crossed the Mississippi Did not find cities of gold Eventually died of fever Francisco Vasques de Coronado Traveled through northern Mexico, Arizona, and New Mexico Went west to the Colorado River and then into present day Kansas, did not find gold

14 Unit 1.3 Two earliest colonies were:
French set up colony at Fort Carolina which was a haven for Protestant Huguenots Ribault Spanish set up colony at Saint Augustine and later beat French in war and forced French to est. new settlements in Louisiana and into the Midwest.

15 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
Search for a Northwest Passage: In the 1500s and early 1600s, England, France, and Netherlands sent explores to map the coast, establish trade, and colonies. Additionally hoping to find a direct water route to Asia from America. Most of the major powers of Europe are now beginning to explore the New World.

16 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
Settling the Southwest: England, France, and the Netherlands start sending colonists to North America in the 1600s Spain controlled parts of North America and most of Central and South America France claimed the Mississippi River Spain moved into Texas to control the area between the French territory and Mexico

17 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
French Settlements: Jacques Cartier sailed for the French and discovered the St. Lawrence River. French were interested in natural resources, fish, and furs. French trappers explored the interior of North America and traded with Native Americans Built forts to protect trade, French missionaries followed traders. New France becomes a royal colony in 1663. Exploring the Mississippi: Louis Joliet (Fur Trapper), and Jacques Marquette (Priest) were the first to travel on the river. La Salle traveled the length of the river to Gulf of Mexico Claimed the region for France calling it Louisiana.

18 Chapter 2.3

19 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
France in Florida: Florida was a key location and would be able to capture Spanish ships loaded with gold and silver. Jean Ribault sailed the St. Johns river and claimed Florida for France Set up the colony of Fort Caroline Spain defends Florida: Pedro Menendez de Aviles named governor of Florida Settled St. Augustine the First permanent European settlement in the New World Ribault tried to attack but many of his ships were destroyed by a hurricane. Spanish killed any survivors Menendez attacked Fort Caroline. Killed all except women, children, and Roman Catholics Ending France’s attempt to control Florida


21 Unit 1.3: The Age of exploration
Dutch Settle in the New World: Henry Hudson sailed for the Dutch in 1609 looking for a Northwest Passage and he discovered the Hudson River. New Netherland was established by the Dutch near the tip of present day Manhattan Island. 1621 the Dutch West India Company was created to run trade between America, Africa, and Europe (Triangular Trade). 1623 the company took over the Dutch colony New Netherland. 1626 governor Peter Minuit bought the island from the Manhattoes (Native American Group).


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