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Presentation on theme: "GREEN SUPPLIERS NETWORK"— Presentation transcript:

An Innovative Industry-Government Collaboration

2 Responding to Industry’s Needs
Challenges: Outsourcing causes environmental impacts to move down supply chain Manufacturers can be held publicly responsible for suppliers’ environmental performance Small and medium-sized manufacturers are pressured to reduce costs and improve environmental performance with little resources OEM Tier 1 Suppliers Tier 2 Suppliers Tier N Suppliers Response: The Green Suppliers Network provides lean and environmental technical assistance to lower tier suppliers

3 Green Suppliers Network in a Nutshell
Green Suppliers provides Lean & Clean technical assistance to small and mid-sized manufacturers that improves competitiveness through environmental and economic benefits A Lean & Clean approach expands the traditional Lean definition of waste from eliminating non-value added time, labor, and money to include environmental wastes (e.g. energy, emissions) A collaborative venture among industry, the National Institute of Standards and Technology Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST MEP) Program, the States and the U.S. EPA This voluntary initiative aligns original equipment manufacturer (OEM), supplier and government interests

4 What is Lean and Clean? Lean reduces: Clean strives for: Defects
Overproduction Waiting Non-utilized People Transportation Inventory Motion Extra processing Clean strives for: Nature-friendly Substitutes Optimized Material Efficiency Waste Elimination Air/Water Emission Reductions Solid/ Haz Waste Reduction Toxic Material Reduction Efficient Packaging

5 What Makes Green Suppliers’ Unique?
OEMs drive supplier participation Only engaging interested sectors and OEMs Suppliers’ environmental performance is the OEM’s problem Brings suppliers cost savings Encourages OEMs to re-visit specifications that hinder improvement Collects aggregate data through NIST MEP database Marries NIST MEP system with state environmental resources Bolsters and expands State and Regional programs OEMs are now realizing that their environmental responsibility extends to their suppliers – their suppliers environmental performance is their problem.

6 Green Suppliers Network Results
Potential savings for 30 Green Suppliers Network Reviews:

7 Innovation through Collaboration
The Green Suppliers Network brings together: Government & Industry US EPA, OPPTS US Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) State Economic and Environmental Resources State environmental program NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership Lean Manufacturing & P2 Supply chains Original Equipment Manufacturers Suppliers Government and Industry US EPA, OPPTS Role: Coordinates, runs and funds the Green Suppliers Network US Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Role: Coordinates MEP centers nationally State Economic and Environmental Resources State P2 program Role: Conduct “clean” portion of technical reviews NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership Role: Conduct “lean” portion of technical reviews Lean Manufacturing & P2 Supply chains Original Equipment Manufacturers Role: Drive supplier participation and review product specifications as needed Suppliers Role: Participate and directly benefit

8 Green Suppliers’ Industry Champions
Aerospace Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Northrop Grumman, Pratt & Whitney, Raytheon, Rockwell Collins, United Technologies Corporation Automotive (Suppliers’ Partnership for the Environment) DaimlerChrysler, General Motors and 30 suppliers Healthcare/Pharmaceutical Abbott Labs, Baxter Healthcare, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Roche and Wyeth Office Furniture Haworth, Herman Miller, HNI/AllSteel, Kimball, Light Corp, Steelcase Any facility can benefit from the Green Suppliers Network We expect to do hundreds of these reviews Most sectors are reaching the end of their pilot stages: Aerospace with 6 common suppliers, Office Furniture with 5 suppliers, and Pharma with 5 suppliers. Numbers of nominated suppliers should increase rapidly when OEMs receive aggregated results. As we work more with SMEs we will have an effect in several sectors e.g. electronics (tie to RCC)

9 Marcia Horan Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
State Perspective Marcia Horan Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

10 It’s All About Community
“All politics are local.” Eugene “Tip” O’Neal, Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Focus on inter-relationships at the community level State programs complement EPA objectives Creates the potential to leverage a successful model to enhance economic development, manufacturing support and environmental performance Provides the supplier with follow-up support activity in waste reduction/energy efficiency implementation and realized cost savings. Doing More with Less-Strategic collaboration happens at the local level. P2 Field staff provide opportunity for face to face discussion with local agencies, companies and Manufacturing Extension Partnerships (MEPs). Comfort level at working with familiar faces in the community Leveraging of Federal and State Funding promotes economic and environmental change. Metrics from (NPPR Results Taskforce and 360vu National Green Suppliers Network Account). States and MEPs can utilize the metrics to document trends in environmental and production performance. Metrics offer benchmark opportunity to enhance competitiveness. Support is systemic and creates a long-term solution for government to meet industry needs in a more flexible way.

11 Synergistic Connections
Green Suppliers Network connects to other EPA programs and to state programs RETAP Internship Program Mentoring Product Stewardship Clean Corporate Citizen GSN Design for the Environment Builds capacity for interactions, i.e. internal and external teams, moves players from reactive to proactive mode Takes advantage of programs such as design for the environment that Diffuses new technologies and ideas Demonstrates value added opportunity Creates a climate of stewardship and entrepreneurial innovation Provides incentive to continue Performance Track

12 State Program Support Michigan Examples
Retired Engineer Technical Assistance Program (RETAP) RETAP Internship Program Small Business P2 Loan Program RETAP P2 Technical Demonstration Grant Michigan Business Pollution Prevention Partnership (MBP3) Clean Corporate Citizen (C3) Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Provides a collaborative marketing tool for existing programs, no need to “re-invent the wheel”. Allows states to explore more efficient delivery systems for “bundling services” to industries and other clients. Internship placement helps ID achievable targets and catalyzes change and implementation within the company. Technical demonstration of new technology allows for business to business mentoring across sectors. Enhances business growth.

13 Real World Connections
Five Green Suppliers assessments performed Three included RETAP engineers Three RETAP Interns placed Summer 2003 – 2005 Two OEM and one Supplier awarded Clean Corporate Citizen (C3) status in 2004 October, additional suppliers engaged in the Green Suppliers learning process. December, Green Suppliers assessments scheduled for 2006 Typical supplier employs people. Incentive programs, such as the C3 allow for the customer and supplier to be in the same environmental arena. Outreach becomes program advocacy from the service recipient, rather than the government. Successes and challenges are shared between customer, supplier. Service provider becomes a participant in the process.

14 New Direction with Business - Sustainability Along the Supply Chain as Standard Operating Procedure
Transparency Office Furniture Industry adopted industry-wide sustainability principles, 2004. Provides guidance in applying the theories of sustainability. Creates a framework for sharing best practices and progress. States have a role in the diffusion framework. Guiding elements may include P2, energy and water conservation, Greenhouse Gas Reductions, recycling scrap, health and safety and community involvement. State recognition of environmental excellence reaffirms community confidence related to environmental protection. Supports industry community involvement, benefits transparency/accountability

15 Green Suppliers Network Catalyzes Action
Metal Works, Inc.- Supplier working on EMS, joins the Michigan Business Pollution Prevention Program (MBP3) and is setting a goal of gaining C3 status by the end of 2005 Environmental Coatings Inc. - Supplier agrees to an Investment Grade Audit with RETAP participation and the Delta Institute. Metalworks and water use -Company produces metal file cabinets for the Office Furniture Industry. Past water use: 24 million gallons/yr -2004 reconfigured conveyor wash system to recycle water before sending it down the drain. RETAP engineer and Intern actively participate and support the decision-making and documentation process. 2004 water use: million gallons/yr 2005 water : 8 million gallons/yr All reduction occurred with no drop-off in production. Municipal Water Costs: Past = $45,000/yr. Present = $15,000/yr More than recouping the $10,000 cost of upgrading the system. Environmental Coatings Inc., Investment Grade Audit with Delta Institute relating to process efficiency preparing custom blended powder coats Company produces custom powder coat paint for office furniture and auto industries. Adjustments at process level to improve energy conservation and waste reduction. Reduce costs, increase profit margin.

16 Green Suppliers Aggregate Potential Environmental Data for Office Furniture Suppliers in Michigan-5 Technical Reviews (NIST ) Energy Conservation (MM BTU's) 69,745 Water Conservation (gallons) 5,561,000 Air Emission Reduction CO2 (lbs.) 2,200 Solid Waste Reduction (lbs.) 207,669 Water Pollution Reduction (gallons) 90,000 Collaboration with NIST and NPPR allow for GSN data to be aggregated to ID potential for the supply chain and the customer. Individual company data remains proprietary. Allows for environmental benchmarking and trend analysis for states and industry.

17 Green Suppliers Aggregate Potential Dollars Savings Data for Office Furniture Suppliers in Michigan- 5 Technical Reviews (NIST ) Lean Savings $1,031,617/ yr Clean Savings $ 892,227/ yr Total Potential Recurring Savings $1,923,844 / yr One Time Conversions To Cash (Inventory Reduction) $2,401,782 Demonstrates potential for cost savings related to Lean and Clean Definitely gets the attention of industry Documents value added, return on investment for all stakeholders

18 Connections are supported Opportunities develop
The Rewards Creates a comfort zone Connections are supported Opportunities develop Business growth and innovation occurs New directions of state support are created Focus on the customer not on government bureaucracy and organizational constraints Creates inter-connections that develop problem-solving relationships Replace “static” flows with “continuity” of purpose

19 The Review Bill Stough


21 What is the Manufacturing Extension Partnership?
The NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program help’s America’s small manufacturers improve their productivity, economic competitiveness and technological capability. Created or retained 50,315 jobs Increased $1.483 billion in sales Retained sales of $2.638 billion Realized $686 million in cost savings Invested $912 million in modernization, including plant and equipment, information systems, and workforce training Served 18,422 clients in FY 2003 *Survey results of clients served from October 2002 through September 2003

22 Green Suppliers Network Review Process
Step 1 – Green Suppliers Network review team (NIST MEP and State environmental experts) engage supplier to complete Transformation Planner Step 2 –The team works with supplier to determine which process and areas to focus on Step 3 –The team works with supplier to create value stream map and process map while training them at the same time Step 4 – The team uses these maps to find improvement opportunities Step 5 – NIST MEP completes final report including a cost benefit analysis of all identified opportunities Step 6 – The team conducts follow-up with supplier to assist in implementation The Transformation Planner is a benchmarking tool used to help focus the review. A questionnaire is completed by the company and is analyzed by MI MEP. The information is compared the performance of other companies in the sector. The results can help to determine which processes are in the most need of assistance and which areas may need to be a priority.

23 Understanding the Current State Benchmarking Exercise
Activities Questionnaire Data Comparison Results Discussion Identify Opportunities Estimate financial Benefit & Generate Final Report Implementation Responsibility Supplier NIST MEP Center NIST MEP Center, State TAP

24 Understanding the Current State Value Stream Mapping
A Value Stream is the set of activities (both value added and non value added) required to bring a specific product or service from raw material through to the customer. Value Stream Operation A Operation B Operation C Raw Material Final Product

25 Understanding the Current State Value Stream Mapping
Market Forecast Total Lead Time = 68 days Value Added Time = 15 min Customer A 2 people C/T = 4 min C/O = 3 hr Uptime = 61% Assembly & Inspection Milling C/T = 2 min C/O = 2 hr Uptime = 74% 3 people C/T = 7 min C/O = 4 hr Uptime = 48% Painting I Shipping 7 min 4 min 2 min 15 days 8 days 10 days 30 days Production Control Annual Production Plan Weekly delivery schedule Weekly schedule Daily schedule WK 5 days D Receiving C/O = 30 min Uptime = 93% Welding B Supplier 1 2

26 VSM with Environmental Metrics & EHS Icons
Market Forecast Total Lead Time = 68 days Value Added Time = 15 min Customer A 2 people C/T = 4 min C/O = 3 hr Uptime = 61% Haz. Waste = 20 lbs Assembly & Inspection Milling C/T = 2 min C/O = 2 hr Uptime = 74% Haz. Waste = 5 lbs 3 people C/T = 7 min C/O = 4 hr Uptime = 48% Haz. Waste = 60 lbs Painting I Shipping 7 min 4 min 2 min 15 days 8 days 10 days 30 days Production Control Annual Production Plan Weekly delivery schedule Weekly schedule Daily schedule WK 5 days D Receiving C/O = 30 min Uptime = 93% Welding B Supplier 1 2 EHS

27 VSM with Materials Line and EHS Icons
Market Forecast Total Lead Time = 68 days Value Added Time = 15 min Customer A 2 people C/T = 4 min C/O = 3 hr Uptime = 61% Assembly & Inspection Milling C/T = 2 min C/O = 2 hr Uptime = 74% 3 people C/T = 7 min C/O = 4 hr Uptime = 48% Painting I Shipping 7 min 4 min 2 min 15 days 8 days 10 days 30 days Production Control Annual Production Plan Weekly delivery schedule Weekly schedule Daily schedule WK 5 days D Receiving C/O = 30 min Uptime = 93% Welding B Supplier 1 2 EHS Total Materials Used = 195 lbs Materials Needed = 110 lbs 20 lbs 5 lbs 80 lbs 40 lbs 15 lbs 120 lbs

28 Future State VSM with Materials Line and EHS Icons
Market Forecast Lead Time = 68 days Value Added Time = 15 min Customer A B 2 people C/T = 4 min C/O = 3 hr Uptime = 61% Assembly & Inspection Milling C/T = 2 min C/O = 2 hr Uptime = 74% 3 people C/T = 7 min C/O = 4 hr Uptime = 48% Painting Shipping Production Control Supplier 1 2 Annual Production Plan Daily schedule C/O = 30 min Uptime = 93% Total Materials Used < 150 lbs Materials Needed = 110 lbs Welding <90 lbs 5 lb EHS D I 7 min 4 min 2 min 15 days 8 days 10 days 5 days 20 lbs 5 lbs <25 lbs 15 lbs 80 lbs

29 Understanding the Current State Process Mapping
A schematic depiction of a process Used to enhance resource utilization Used to identify, eliminate/reduce wastes Process Raw Material Final Product Energy Water Lubricants Contaminated Water Atmospheric Emissions Used Oil

30 Next Steps: Implement Changes
Green Suppliers’ Implementation support $1,000 credit toward implementation assistance if suppliers work with MEP center on an environmental project within 3 months of review MEP Create implementation recommendation report Share results and cost-benefit analysis with supplier Conduct follow-up survey within 6 months to assess impacts State Direct supplier to state resources and programs

31 Review Specifics $7,000 Cost of review
$2,500 U.S. EPA program discount* $4,500 Total cost to supplier for Green Suppliers review Supplier benefits often exceed 3:1 ROI Reviews offered first come, first served Reviews focus on single process On-site reviews take 2-3 days Reports generated in 4-6 weeks Technical assistance providers disclosed before review *Suppliers Must Qualify Under SBA Definitions

32 Real World Examples Metalworks, Inc., (a metal fabricator for furniture industry) Green Suppliers Assessment recommended: 1. Used 21,828,138 gallons of water per year; recommended a 25 percent reduction; reduced water consumption to 8,500,000 gallons per year, a 60 percent reduction, saved $30,000. 2. Used $700,000/year on electricity and natural gas; recommended a 10 percent conservation goal; achieved over 12 percent, saved $85,000. 3. Develop an Environmental Management System team that integrates the Lean Team

33 Review Results: H&L Advantage
Plastic Injection molding and assembly for furniture and automotive industries: Reduce Energy Use by 10 percent by joining the EnergyStar program, focus on improving air compressor efficiency. Reduce chemical use for cooling water system; reduce Water Use by 15 percent by “…The Lean and Green principles have become our way of doing business for everything we do at H&L, and it’s now in our DNA. I would encourage anyone who has an opportunity to become involved in the Green Supplier’s Network to take that opportunity. It is extremely valuable.” –Steve Beurkens, Sales Marketing Manager, H&L Advantage

34 Waste Types Lean Environmental Defects Waiting Overproduction Movement
Scrap, rework, replacement, production, inspection Raw materials consumed in defective products Defective components recycle or disposal More space, more energy required Waiting Stock-outs, lot processing delays equipment downtime Material spoilage or component damage/waste Wasted energy during downtime Overproduction Manufacturing items for which there are no orders Additional raw materials consumed to make extra Products could spoil, become obsolete Movement Human motions that are unnecessary or straining, carrying WIP long distances More energy and emissions for transport Inventory Excess raw material, WIP, finished goods More space for WIP, extra lights, heat & cool More materials to replace damaged WIP More packaging, waste from storage damage, or more raw materials to replace damaged WIP & energy Complexity More parts, process steps, time than customer needs More raw material consumed/unit of production Extra processing adds waste, energy/emissions Unused Creativity Lost time, ideas, skills, innovations Fewer suggestions for P2/E2 opportunities

35 Any Type of Waste has Multiple Negative Impacts to Your Profit Margin
The End Result is, Any Type of Waste has Multiple Negative Impacts to Your Profit Margin

36 The Challenges Motivating engagement Speaking the same language
Building trusting relationships Maintaining a consistent message Maximizing resources Large scale adoption and diffusion system Getting participants to implement recommendations Resource intensive Regulator image is hard to shed Profits are most important Customer-Supplier relationships are fragile and dynamic Diversity is both a blessing and a curse Concentric Rings, Ripple Effect may represent the challenge of a larger scale model for adoption and diffusion.

37 Contact Information For more information about the Green Suppliers Network visit or contact: Tom Murray – Pollution Prevention Division, US EPA or ) Marcia Horan – Environmental Science and Services Division, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality or ) Bill Stough – The Right Place, Inc. or )


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