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This website will be your friend!

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Presentation on theme: "This website will be your friend!"— Presentation transcript:

1 This website will be your friend!
Biome Book This website will be your friend! Name: ______________________________ What is a Biome? _____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Directions: 1. Use your phone or book and color code the biomes of the world (pg 2 of this packet) 2. Use your phone to draw pictures of each biome, describe average temperature and precipitation, abiotic (nonliving) factors, dominant plants, dominant wildlife, and geographic distribution (where you find the biomes). 3. Use your own words! In the “Facts” section, you must list at least 6 facts about the biome, 3 “Abiotic Factors”, 4 “Dominant Plants”, 3 “Dominant Animals”, 3 “Geographic Distributions” 4. Pictures: Each picture must include 4 of your listed dominant plants, 2 dominant animals, and 2 abiotic factors. The box must filled with the biome and each biome is colored. Neatness and detail will count.

2 Biome Map

3 Tropical Rainforest Draw the biome below Facts about this biome:
Average Temperature Average Precipitation Abiotic Factors Dominant Plants Dominant Wildlife Geographic Distribution Draw the biome below

4 Tropical Dry Forest Draw the biome below Facts about this biome:
Average Temperature Average Precipitation Abiotic Factors Dominant Plants Dominant Wildlife Geographic Distribution Draw the biome below

5 Tropical Savanna Draw the biome below Facts about this biome:
Average Temperature Average Precipitation Abiotic Factors Dominant Plants Dominant Wildlife Geographic Distribution Draw the biome below

6 Desert Draw the biome below Facts about this biome:
Average Temperature Average Precipitation Abiotic Factors Dominant Plants Dominant Wildlife Geographic Distribution Draw the biome below

7 Temperate Grassland Draw the biome below Facts about this biome:
Average Temperature Average Precipitation Abiotic Factors Dominant Plants Dominant Wildlife Geographic Distribution Draw the biome below

8 Temperate Woodland and Shrubland
Facts about this biome: Average Temperature Average Precipitation Abiotic Factors Dominant Plants Dominant Wildlife Geographic Distribution Draw the biome below

9 Temperate Forest Draw the biome below Facts about this biome:
Average Temperature Average Precipitation Abiotic Factors Dominant Plants Dominant Wildlife Geographic Distribution Draw the biome below

10 Northwestern Coniferous Forest
Facts about this biome: Average Temperature Average Precipitation Abiotic Factors Dominant Plants Dominant Wildlife Geographic Distribution Draw the biome below

11 Boreal Forest- Taiga Draw the biome below Facts about this biome:
Average Temperature Average Precipitation Abiotic Factors Dominant Plants Dominant Wildlife Geographic Distribution Draw the biome below

12 Tundra Draw the biome below Facts about this biome:
Average Temperature Average Precipitation Abiotic Factors Dominant Plants Dominant Wildlife Geographic Distribution Draw the biome below

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