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The Qualifications of Elders.

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1 The Qualifications of Elders

2 Listed in I Tim. 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9
There are 16 positive and 8 negative qualifications

3 To begin with, notice all these qualifications and
You will see that all Christians are to have most Of them. But Elders are to have a reasonable of depth in these things. Are the requirements (qualifications) so demanding That no man can measure up to them? The answer Is absolutely NOT. God would not have required the Impossible.

4 An Elder must be a man. I Tim. 3:1 “This is a true saying, if a man desire the office Of a bishop, he desireth a good work.” I Tim. 3:1 (The prospective shepherd (elder) must (be the husband of one wife) rule well his own House. (I Tim. 3:4) The Bible is clear: The role of women in the church is Not that of leadership (I Tim.2:8ff) The movement in the world (and in some churches of Christ) to appoint women as elders is diametrically opposed to the Bible!)

“If a man desire the office.” I Tim.3:1 If a man does not desire, want to be an elder, he is not qualified to be an elder. (no begging,or trying to persuade one to be an elder if that person does not desire it.)

6 He must be blameless. I Tim.3:2 The word ‘blameless’ does not mean ‘sinless’ The man must be such that others can not legitimately find fault with him. (Illustration: He does not curse, he does not lie, he is not irresolute and ignorant of God’s word).

7 He must be vigilant (‘temperate”ASV) in (I Tim.3:2 )
To be vigilant –watchful entails to have ‘self-control). Elders must be watchful regarding themselves and the flock they oversee. (Heb. 13:17)

8 He Must be ‘temperate”. Titus 1:8
Self-control. A lack of self-mastery would suggest the absence of spiritual maturity. “He does not lose his temper when challenged or irritated”

9 He must be sober. ( I Tim.3:2; Titus 1:8)
An elder must be of a well-balanced and sound mind. He must be clear and lucid to be able to discern the many matters that come before him.

10 He must be of good behavior (I Tim.3:2)
A.T. Robertson renders it “seemly decent conduct (Word pictures Vol.4, pg. 572) He will be dignified and and his conduct will be orderly!

11 He Must be given to hospitality. (I Tim.3:2; Titus 1:8)
.Literally means ,(love of strangers.) He must be willing to assist others and come to the aid, even those whom he does not personally know.

12 He must be apt to teach. (I Tim.3:2; Titus 1:9)
“ Apt” means skilled in teaching. Why? We see why in Titus 1:9 “holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught,that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and convince the gainsayers. (Titus 1:) He must know the truth to the extent that he recognizes error and can show others the truth.

13 He must be of good report of them which are without.
6/10/2018 He must be of good report of them which are without. (I Tim.3:7) Those ‘without’ are non-Christians. His life style comports with Jesus Christ.

14 He must not be given to wine.
(I Tim.3:3; Titus 1:7) An elder must be a good example to others and not engage in drinking wine. Intoxicants are to be altogether avoided. (Medicinal application: I Tim.5:23)

15 He must not be a striker. (I Tim. 3:3; Titus 1:7) He is to be a man that avoids physical violence. The persuasion of elders must be the Word of God and not the fist. (Titus 1:9ff)

16 He Must not be guilty of filthy lucre ( I Tim. 3:3, Titus 1:7)
From scripture, it appears that some elders were supported financially in their work (I Tim. 5:17) Churches were not stingy in their support; hence, the preacher would have an adequate living. Elders would not be tempted to serve for money. Money must not be their motivation for serving. (I Pet. 5:2)

17 Men who are selected as elders should all
Be patient. I Tim.3:3. Patient with others, their families, the church and outsiders Someone has said: These men should be “fitting,suitable,fair,reasonable,kind, mild; equitable and gentle” Why? Such a quality of character is a must in Dealing with people in potentially explosive situations!

18 He Must not be a brawler. (I Tim.3:3)
ASV ‘not contentious’ The elder must not have a contentious spirit or quarrelsome manner. .

19 He Must not be covetous ( I Tim.3:3)
No lover of money… The difference between Not covetous and not greedy of filthy lucre : “loving money”- covetous “not greedy of filthy lucre” - addresses the method

20 He Must not be a novice (I Tim.3:3)
Not new, not a new convert. God’s leaders must be mature and experienced men who are immediately capable of doing the great work assigned to them.

21 He must not be self-willed. (Titus 1:7)
Elders must not be domineering and arrogant. (I Pet. 5:3) He must have a character of working with Rather than hindering good relationships.

22 He Must not be soon angry. (Tit. 1:7)
A man who gets angry quickly will inflame matters and make possible reconciliation impossible. There are so many combative matters encountered by elders to allow one into the office (function) who is soon angry.

23 He must be a lover of good men. (Tit. 1:8)
Example of Diotrephes…probably an overbearing elder in the church. (3 John 9,10) He lacked the trait of appreciation of goodness in others.

24 He Must be just. (Titus 1:8)
An elder must have even judgment toward all men. Equity and fairness must characterize his dealings with everyone, both in the body of Christ and those who are not Christians.

25 He must be holy. (Titus 1:8 ) Being holy means one is separated from the world for the purpose of being used by God. (John 17:17)

26 All these characteristics reflect the man’s ability
to rule, work with people, and the fact that he is an example of one of God’s servants in his everyday life.

27 He Must be the husband of one wife.
(I Tim.3:2; Titus 1:6) He must( be) married (present marriage) He is forbidden to be a polygamist.

28 He must (be) the father of faithful children.
( I Tim. 3:4; Titus 1:6) He is to have faithful children. Children who submit to him and his rule and are Christians serving the Lord.

29 All these requirements must be present
Prior to the prospective elder’s appointment. Each person must possess these traits (not the eldership collectively). These requirements are of God.

30 God wants men appointed to do the work of
1. Feed the flock. Acts 20:28; I Pet. 5:1 2. Watch for the souls of the congregation, and give Account to the Lord. Heb. 13:17 3. Take the oversight of the flock I Pet. 5:2 4. Rule well. I Tim.5:17 .

31 To accomplish these duties, an elder of the Lord’s
Church must have these qualifications. 1. He is apt to teach. I Tim.3:2 2. He must hold fast the faithful word as he has been taught 3. He must be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convict the gainsayers. Titus 1:9 4. He must be ensamples to the flock. I Pet. 5:3.


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