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Arsena Gjipali, PhD Faculty of Business and Economics

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Arsena Gjipali, PhD Faculty of Business and Economics Tirana University

2 General trends of LM in the region - Falling employment

3 Demographic structure in Albania
Percentage share of various age groups in the population of selected CEE countries Source: Own calculations from Laborsta (2006). The data for each country are for: 2000 (Bulgaria), 2001 (Albania, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia), and 2002 (Macedonia, Moldova, Russia). Note: 0-14 year-old age group as a share of total population; Other age groups are calculated as a share of population over 15 years old.

4 General trends of LM in Albania
General trends of LM in Albania - Double digit rate of unemployment High rate of long-term unemployed (90%) Unemployment rate by gender Source: INSTAT ( )

5 Adjustment of the LM Adjustment of LM into non-participation of the labour force; Emigration ; Informal labour market; Hindered unemployment (more than 50 % of labour force in agricultural sector). Poor labour reallocation Between sectors Across regions Mismatch of human capital supply and demand.

6 Recommendations for government decisions
Improve macroeconomic performance Improve the matching processes Provision of incentives to measure and raise educational and professional attainment. Design a complementary package of policy measures Increase positive externalities of labour demand and supply from investing into human capital. Improve social infrastructure Support productive activities; Encourage capital accumulation, skill acquisition, invention, technology transfer.

7 Challenges for labour market policy
Redress the problem of low employment Creation of high productivity jobs in the private non-agricultural sector. Domestic firms Attract FDI (improve domestic climate) Reduce the area of informality Build a coherent LM policy Establish proper legal and institutional LM framework Monitor and enforce procedures Aim Active labour market policies Build a system of comprehensive statistical information.

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