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Copy this week’s agenda!

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Presentation on theme: "Copy this week’s agenda!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Copy this week’s agenda!
Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box and agenda. Copy this week’s agenda!

2 Walk-In Copy the question and answer in sentences: How do you think scientists know facts about the ocean and its lifeforms?

3 Some Answers Scientists have dived below the ocean surface to observe and collect samples. Engineers have created vehicles that can go deep into the ocean to observe. Researchers at the shoreline have observed waves, shore life and weather.

4 What do we know about the oceans?
Watch this video clip about the oceans, its mysteries and its lifeforms!

5 How do we know all this?!? The branch of science called…

6 Oceanography

7 Oceanography Oceanography is the branch of science that studies the ocean, its structures and the ocean floor.

8 Why Study Oceanography?
Oceans comprise (make up) 71% of the Earth’s surface. Oceans contain 97% of the water on or near the Earth’s surface. Oceans can be a source of food. Oceans have a major effect on weather. They provide resources near the shoreline (food, plants, minerals).

9 Ocean or Sea? Seas are smaller than oceans, and are usually located where land and ocean meet.

10 FYI - Areas of Study Oceanography has different branches that study the water, rocks at the bottom, wave movement, and life forms.

11 Sub-heading: Kinds of oceanography:

12 Study of rocks and sediments of the ocean floor.
Geological: Study of rocks and sediments of the ocean floor.

13 - Ocean currents, waves, and effect on weather.
Physical; - Ocean currents, waves, and effect on weather.

14 - Composition of sea water and chemicals in it.

15 - Study of life forms in the ocean and sea.
Marine Biology - Study of life forms in the ocean and sea.

16 graphic instruments and vehicles to explore the ocean.
Ocean Engineering Design of oceano- graphic instruments and vehicles to explore the ocean.

17 Which branch of oceanography?
Look at each slide coming up and decide which part of oceanography is being studied.

18 Which branch studies the temperatures and climate? (Click for answer!)
Physical oceanography!

19 Which branch of oceanography focuses on weather systems
Which branch of oceanography focuses on weather systems? Click for answer! Physical oceanography!

20 Which branch studies wave motion? Physical oceanography!

21 Which branch of oceanography studies marine life and food chains
Which branch of oceanography studies marine life and food chains? Click for answer Marine biology!

22 Which branch of oceanography studies the rocks on the ocean floor?
Geological oceanography

23 Which branch observes different kinds of ocean creatures?
Marine biology

24 Which branch examines the composition of ocean water?
Chemical oceanography

25 Which branch develops vehicles to explore the ocean?
Oceanographic engineering

26 Exploring the Oceans

27 Exploring the Oceans Researchers use SUBMERSIBLES (small vehicles that can go under water) to explore the ocean and its floor. Submersibles have to withstand very high pressure from the water, and very cold temperatures. They need powerful lights, and a reliable oxygen supply for the researchers. Submarines are larger, often used by the military.

28 What does a submersible do?
Watch this video clip of “Alvin”, a submersible built in 1964 and named after its creator, Allyn Vine. Alvin has made more than 4,700 dives for research!

29 Look at early submersibles…
Click here to view some early ocean contraptions!

30 Design and draw a submersible!
Draw a large diagram of a submersible YOU would design. Label the parts of it, such as lights, seating areas, viewing windows, moveable arms, oxygen tanks, and other things needed to make it work!

31 Summary: What is Oceanography?
Broad science focused on the oceans Geology/geophysics, chemistry, physics, biology, engineering Highly collaborative (work together) We are still exploring (!) but … Feeds also into ocean policy, management, and conservation

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