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Cell History Cell Types/Size Cell Organelles Cell Processes Misc. 5 5

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Presentation on theme: "Cell History Cell Types/Size Cell Organelles Cell Processes Misc. 5 5"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell History Cell Types/Size Cell Organelles Cell Processes Misc. 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 Final Jeopardy

2 First person to see a “cell”.
-Who is Robert Hooke? 5

3 This person studied plants and said all plants are made of cells.
-Who is Schleiden? 10

4 What was Virchow’s contribution to the cell theory?
-What is all cells come from other cells 15

5 Leeuwenhoek was the first to see what?
-What are living cells? 20

6 25 -What is cells are the basic unit of life
What are the 3 parts to the cell theory? -What is cells are the basic unit of life Cells carry out life processes All cells come from other cells 25

7 Bacteria are ______. They are made up of one cell.
- What is unicellular 5

8 Bacteria have this type of cell which has no nucleus.
- What is prokaryotic 10

9 Euglena in lab was unicellular and made up of what type of cell?
- What is eukaryotic? 15

10 This type of cell can be up to 2m long?
-What is a nerve cell? 20

11 List in order the levels of organization in a multicellular organism?
-What is cell, tissue, organ, organ system, and organism 25

12 List a structure that can carry out cell movement .
-What are microfilaments/microtubules (cilia/flagella) 5

13 This is the flexible barrier around an animal cell
-What is the cell membrane 10

14 Structure that contains the cells genetic material
-What is the nucleus 15

15 Organelle that breaks down macromolecules into particles the cell can use.
-What is a lysosome? 20

16 List the sequence that traces the path of a protein.
-What is made in the Ribosome, Rough ER, golgi, released outside the cell 25

17 The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration
-What is diffusion? 5

18 Type of transport that requires energy from the cell
- What is active transport 10

19 This will happen to a red blood cell if it is placed in pure water.
-What is expand 15

20 If molecule D were water molecules, the molecules will diffuse to side A in what process?
-What is osmosis? 20

21 How many molecule C’s should be on side B to be in equilibrium
-What is 8 25

22 What type of cell is pictured?
-What is a eukaryotic plant cell 5

23 Which 2 letters represent organelles that are not found in animal cells?
-What are a and e 10

24 What is the name of structure O in Cell II?
-What is the central vacuole 15

25 What is the structure labeled F?
-What is the mitochondria 20

26 What kind of fish am I holding?
Oncorhynchus mykiss –(R.T.) 25

27 Final Jeopardy Describe the movement of D molecules on side B. What will happen to these molecules over time?

28 Final Jeopardy Describe the movement of D molecules on side B. What will happen to these molecules over time.

29 Final Jeopardy What is they will diffuse over to side A to reach equilibrium.

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