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The “LNF/Cs Test Laboratories” School June 8-12, 2015

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1 The “LNF/Cs Test Laboratories” School June 8-12, 2015
Marco Schioppa for the Organizing Committee

2 08/06/15 UNICAL, LTL-2015 School Program 1/3 The LTL-2015 offers a series of plenary lectures and 3 full days of hands-on lectures and laboratory activities. Today we’ll give an overview of the research activities of the research groups involved into this school. The next three days are devoted to the laboratory courses. Students are gathered into 10 groups of 3-4 students each. Each group follows only one topic offered by the school, with hands-on activities interleaved with lectures. The topics are:

3 School Program 2/3 Gaseous detectors (Physics)
08/06/15 UNICAL, LTL-2015 School Program 2/3 Gaseous detectors (Physics) Data analysis in HEP (Physics) Testing building materials (DINCI) Floods due to earth fill dam failures (DIATIC) Electric Power Systems (DIMEG) Carbonate rocks: origin and degradation (DIBEST) Gas separation procedures (CNR-ITM) Smart cities (DINCI) Characterization of nanostructured materials (DIATIC) Electron Microscopy Techniques (DIBEST)

4 08/06/15 UNICAL, LTL-2015 School Program 3/3 The participants indicated during the registration three preferences for the laboratory they want to follow, in order of priority. The organizing committee has formed the groups using the simplest algorithm: date of registration and laboratory preference. The last day of the school is dedicated to student poster session.

5 08/06/15 UNICAL, LTL-2015 The groups The organizing committee has formed the following group of students: Gaseous detectors (Physics) M.Motta, P.Vizza, N. Marchese Data analysis in HEP (Physics) A.Imbrogno, T.Tene, C.Vacacela Testing building materials (Civ. Eng.) D.Magisano, H.Salkini, L.Spezzano Floods due to earth fill dam failures (DIATIC) L.Filomena, C.Morrone, C.Vacca Electric Power Systems (DIMEG) E.Ciocci, S.Contessa, M.Del Gaudio, G.Barone, J.Hernandez Carbonate rocks (DIBEST) D.M.Cid Perez, G.Forestieri Gas separation procedures (CNR-ITM) F.Arias, D.Perrone, F.Rovense Smart cities (Civ.Eng.) S.Coniglio, S.Mazzuca, D.Y.Mora Guerra, B.Swaid, C.Pellegrino Characterization of nanostr. mat. (DIATIC) A.Candreva, A.Condello, S.M.Osman Electron Microscopy Tech. (DIBEST) D.C.Coello Fiallos, O.De Luca, G.Tubon

6 08/06/15 UNICAL, LTL-2015 Laboratories Courses The practice-oriented approach of the school will be profitable for doctoral students who want to gain some hardware experience in a research field equal or different from they own field, since they can explore the performance and limitations of the technologies employed there. The understanding of those technologies favors new skills and fosters innovative ideas on R&D and data interpretation.

7 08/06/15 UNICAL, LTL-2015 Poster Session During the three lab-days the students work and study the assigned topic. Day-by-day they prepare a poster about their work/activity. The poster will be presented at the student poster session. Each group has 20 min to illustrate the laboratory activity and 10 min for discussion.

8 Lectio Magistralis 8/6 Prof. D. Menniti “”
08/06/15 UNICAL, LTL-2015 Lectio Magistralis Four Lectio Magistralis, one per school day, will complete the program. 8/6 Prof. D. Menniti “” 9/6 Dott. S. Dell’Agnello “Presentazione dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati” 10/6 Prof. Emerito G. Frega “Che cos’è scientifico” 11/6 Prof. Emerito E. Drioli “Nuove unità fondamentali per l’ingegneria di processo nella strategia della process intensification”

9 Comitato scientifico Simone Dell’Agnello (INFN-LNF)
08/06/15 UNICAL, LTL-2015 Comitato scientifico Simone Dell’Agnello (INFN-LNF) Marco Schioppa (UNICAL/PHYS) Anna Pinnarelli (UNICAL/DIMEG) Carmelina Costanzo (UNICAL/DIATIC) Franco Macchione (UNICAL/DIATIC) Donatella Barca (UNICAL/DIBEST) Rosanna De Rosa (UNICAL/DIBEST) Giuseppe Barbieri (CNR-ITM) Francesco Bencardino (UNICAL/DINCI) Luigi Pasqua (UNICAL/DIATIC) Gabrio Celani (UNICAL/DINCI)

10 School secretariat Dott.ssa Marinella Tedeschi (UNICAL/DIATIC)
08/06/15 UNICAL, LTL-2015 School secretariat Dott.ssa Marinella Tedeschi (UNICAL/DIATIC) Dott.ssa Daniela Ferrucci (INFN-LNF) Dott.ssa Paola Turco (UNICAL/PHYS)

11 08/06/15 UNICAL, LTL-2015 Today

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