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The Eduskunta, the parliament of Finland

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1 The Eduskunta, the parliament of Finland
Transferring information from national documentation system to IPEX with XML.

2 National documentation system: - COM/SEC code is documentated in national documentation system by secrerariat of the Grand Committee (manual work). - Daily at 9 pm automatic run on national system to check COM/SEC codes (handshake) -> New codes are sent to IPEX (XML transfer) - If an IPEX-dossier related to COM/SEC number could not be found, the system sends an automatic error message.

3 IPEX Eduskunta dossier related to COM/SEC-code updates to IPEX automatically both on English and French sites (XML-transfer) Makes a link to Eduskunta’s (Finnish) website. Doesn’t provide any additional information or update ”Scrutiny progress” bar once the link is automatically updated.

4 Eduskunta’s website Automatically generated IPEX link takes to scrutiny information page on website (In Finnish). Committees’ staments and U affairs are also available in Swedish.

5 Manual updates: Any additional information has to be updated manually. Information on parliamentary scrutiny, attached files, scrutiny progress etc. Subsidiarity concerns / reasoned opinions is the usual case when manual updates are needed. Automatically generated broken links are also corrected manually (not very often -> it’s crucial that COM/SEC-number is typed correctly in national documentation system.

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