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Appraisal Management The Human Side.

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Presentation on theme: "Appraisal Management The Human Side."— Presentation transcript:

1 Appraisal Management The Human Side

2 ‘Human’ Approach Event Little value Separate process - ‘clip on’
Game it Embrace it for success and growth Compliance Activates energy, contribution Done on Collaborative Ongoing process Meaningful – view as of value Integrated into ongoing practices

3 An approach that Coaching Approach
Engages and motivates people - meaningful Assures core performance Aligns energy and focus Identifies development areas Is ongoing Is a collaborative undertaking Is integrated into core practice Coaching Approach

4 - Agreed / Explicit expectations
Appraiser-Appraisee Pre-requisites Relationships -Constructive Role clarities - Your job / My job Reference points - Agreed / Explicit expectations

5 Platform for Performance
REFERENCE POINTS Platform for Performance WHY Vision - Purpose WHAT Our core aims My role My accountabilities HOW Expected Approach Philosophy Structure Culture

6 Purpose Why - Value Goals What- Success Choice How - Autonomy
Individual Motivation - 3 Big Levers Purpose Why - Value Goals What- Success Choice How - Autonomy

7 Performance Assurance Alignment Development Motivation

8 Scope - What we evaluate
Process and tools Assurance & Alignment Growth Scope - What we evaluate Assurance Alignment – Collective focus Professional Growth PTCs 1 12 aim/s & indicators G O R aim/s & indicators

9 Aims I just want you to refresh me as to what your aims are.
ARA - Coaching Pathway A Coaching / Problem Solving Conversation – Checking In NOT Checking On Aims I just want you to refresh me as to what your aims are. Why are these important ? How do these link to our aims? What are your indicators of success? Paraphrase – So……. Reality So talk me through me exactly where you are at Where are you at on a scale of 1…………………….10 How do you know that? What’s been achieved ? / What’s not been achieved? What have you tried ? What has worked / What has not worked? How we can be sure of / verify that? Would might this information suggest? Paraphrase – So……. Actions So what could your next steps be? What will you do? What will happen next? What will that look like? What’s your plan? What will we see? / by when? What’s your commitment on a scale of 1…….10 Paraphrase – So…….

10 Create the agreed verification at the start INDICATORS
What will that look like in terms what you’re doing What will tell you whether you are achieving this How could you verify this to others What will that look like in outcomes What will others experience if you are successful What will be clear indicators of success The detail What it looks like in Behaviour Outcomes Indicators

11 Conversation One - Forming Aims
What do you see as the key focus areas for professional aims this year Knowing our aims & targets talk me through what your aims might be What do you want to develop or improve in this area ? What areas for development have you identified What weaknesses might you want to tackle? What aspects of this have you found challenging in the past? What abilities do you want to develop or extend in this area? In what other ways can you contribute to us being effective? What will be your indicators of success?

12 Conversation One – Sharpening Aims
How worthy is that as a aim? On a scale of with 1 being minimal effort and 10 being a huge stretch - where would you rate that aim? Can you explain how that aim reflects our priorities for this year? If you could - how would you put a bit more challenge or stretch into that aim? Is that aim a true reflection of what you could aspire to this year? If I was to gently challenge you push a bit harder with that aim what could you do? Does that aim really reflect the level of difference you believe you can make? I believe you have more in you than that aim suggests. I think that aim doesn’t do you justice in terms of your capacity to develop. What will that look like in what you do? What will that look like in outcomes? What specific indicators will we look for to monitor how you have done? How could we verify that so that there is no doubt as to what you have achieved? Lets make some pinpoint indicators for us to monitor how you do with this? What can we agree will be indicators of success?

13 The observation provides REALITY input
ARA as part of an observation process The observation provides REALITY input 1. Agreed Focus and Indicators 2. Observation 3. . Coaching session A - what was your aim and indicators? R - to what extent did you achieve it? What is your evidence, verification? R - here’s what was observed. R - what do we concur on? What issues might any differences highlight? A - identify and prioritise possible next steps? 4. Formalise next aims and plan of action

14 Here’s what I was looking at
Here’s what I observed What was as you expected? What was different to what you expected? What might this tell you? What issues might this difference highlight? What will you do next? Aims / Targets

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