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Not all rocks are suitable for the studies

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1 Not all rocks are suitable for the studies
The suitable rocks are: Sand stones and shales – Sedimentary rock Gneissses and schist ( to some extent) - Metamorphic rock

2 Folds They bend either upwards or down wards when a set of horizontal layers are subjected to compressive forces Parts of fold: Limbs or flanks - side of a fold Crest and trough – the curved portions of fold at the top and bottom are called crest and trough respectively Axial plane- Imaginary plane which divides the fold intotwo equal or nearly equal halves’ Axis – Trace of intersection between the axialplane and the crest or trough of the fold Wave length – The distance between the successive crest or trough

3 Classifications and types of folds
Based on different principles the folds are variously classified as Symmmetrical and asymmetrical – symmetrical character Anticline and syncline – upward or downward bend Occurence of plunge – plunging and non-plunging Uniformity of bend thickness – open and closed Behaviour of the fold pattern with depth – similar and parellel

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