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Introduction to Drive Test

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1 Introduction to Drive Test
MOTOROLA VAS Team Introduction to Drive Test Cellular Network Drive Testing

2 MOTOROLA VAS Team Acknowledgments I would like to thank my team leader, Mahmoud Dahab, for his help and advice throughout this presentation. Our discussions proved to be both productive and enjoyable. I would also like to thank all person in my team for their support and help.

3 Agenda: Principles of Cellular Network.
MOTOROLA VAS Team Agenda: Principles of Cellular Network. Introduction to site commissioning. Introduction to DT (Drive Test). DT Methodology. Workshop including:  Tools, Programs used in DT. TEMS Program interface. Kit connection. Live DT.

4 Agenda: Principles of Cellular Network.
MOTOROLA VAS Team Agenda: Principles of Cellular Network. Introduction to site commissioning. Introduction to DT (Drive Test). DT Methodology. Workshop including:  Tools, Programs used in DT. TEMS Program interface. Kit connection. Live DT.

5 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network GSM Network main Components: OMS NSS BSS PSTN MS

6 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network MS: Mobile Station: MS ME (Mobil Equipment) (SIM) Subscriber Identity Module

7 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network BSS: Base Station System The BTS contains the RF components that provide the air interface for a particular cell. This is the part of the GSM network which communicates with the MS. The BSC as its name implies provides the control for the BSS. The BSC communicates directly with the MSC. The BSC may control single or multiple BTSs. The Transcoder is used to compact the signals from the MS so that they are more efficiently sent over the terrestrial interfaces.

8 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network BSS: Base Station System (Continued): XCDR (Transcoder): is required to convert the speech or data output from the MSC (64 kbit/s PCM), Into the form Specified by GSM specifications for transmission over The air interface, that is, between the BSS and MS(64 kbit/s to 16 kbit/s and vice versa)

9 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Network Switching System

10 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Network Switching System (Continued):

11 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Operations and Maintenance System:

12 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network GSM Basic Call Sequence

13 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Multiple access Technique: Multiple Access: means that Users are sharing the same physical resources. 1- FDMA: Frequency Division Multiple access. 2- TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access. 3-CDMA: Code Power Frequency Time FDMA TDMA CDMA TDMA (Time division Multiple Access) 8 TS per RF Carrier. ARFCN: Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number [RF Carrier] = 200 KHz is actually a pair of frequencies, one used in each direction (transmit and receive FULL DUPLEX COMMUNICATION) .

14     Principles of Cellular Network Frequency Spectrum:
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Frequency Spectrum: Global System for Mobile Communications RX(UL): 890 – 915 MHz TX(DL): 935 – 960 MHz ARFCN (total): 124 Extended GSM RX(UL): 880 – 915 MHz TX(DL): 925 – 960 MHz ARFCN (total): 174 Personal Communications Service RX(UL): 1850 –1910 MHz TX(DL): 1930 – MHz ARFCN (total): 299 Digital Cellular system RX(UL): 1710 –1785 MHz TX(DL): 1805 – MHz ARFCN (total): 374

15  Principles of Cellular Network Frequency Re-Use Concept: (solution)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Frequency Re-Use Concept: ARFCN available: (GSM 900) : [1 – 61] (DCS 1800):[741 – 765] & [ ] (solution) Frequencies must be reused. Example 4 Site/3 Cell Frequency Re-use Pattern.

16 (1) Irregular Cell Shape.
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Frequency Re-Use Concept (Continued): Network is Not Ideal (1) Irregular Cell Shape. (3)Different Geographic Areas (hills, lakes, Buildings, etc). (2)Different Cell Size (Mixture of small & Large cells). Dense urban areas Sparse rural areas

17 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Frequency Re-Use Concept (Continued): (5) Different site Configuration Where the frequency re-use pattern assumes a fixed site Configuration. 4 Site/3 Cell 3 Site/3 Cell (6) Different number of sectors.

18 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Interference: Example: F = x F(Co) = x F(Adj)= x+1 (Or) x-1 RF carriers of the same frequency are transmitting in close proximity to each other. the transmission from one RF Carrier interferes with the other RF carrier. An RF source of a nearby frequency interferes with the Both Co & Adjacent channel interference make degradation in the cellular network performance.

19 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Sectorization: An Omni-directional Antenna where a single transmit antenna which radiates the radio waves to 360 degrees. Problem  As the number of subscriber (MSs) increases in the same area we need to Increase the number of cells so we have to decrease the cell size & fit more cells in this region to meet the demand but interference will be occurred and will affect the network performance badly.

20 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Sectorization (Continued): Sectorization: splits a single site into a number of cells, each cell has transmit and receive antennas and behaves as an independent cell. Advantages: (1) Each cell uses a directional antennas to ensure that the radio propagation from one cell is concentrated in a particular direction in a small area (60, 120, 180) so the signal will be more stronger and As a result the in-building coverage will be better (Coverage & Quality Enhancement). (2) we gain a further Increase In capacity in the same area Without affecting the network performance badly, where we can re-use the same Frequencies in much closer areas (Capacity Enhancement).

21 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network HO (Handover): As the Ms subscribers are in motion so MSs tend to go from either poor Coverage or poor Quality area to another better one, So hand over has to be occurred to save both the network performance & customer Satisfaction. Causes of HO: 1- RF level “signal strength”. 2- TA (Time advance) [MS distance]. 3- Quality Power Budget. Serving Cell Neighbor Cell which neighbor cell to hand the MS over to? the MS performs measurements of its surrounding neighbor cells and reports its findings to the network.

22 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Types of Channels: Physical Logical The physical channel is the medium over which the information is carried. The logical channels consist of the information carried over the physical channel. Traffic Channels Control Channels Voice Data BCCH, SDCCH, RACH ..etc.

23 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Frequency Hopping: Radio channel interference averaging.  Improves the security so that makes it very difficult for the casual “hacker” to listen-in to personal calls.

24 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Power Control: Saves radio battery power at the MS. Helps to reduce co-channel and adjacent channel interference.  The BTS will Adjust the TX Power of Each MS to ensure that The Rx signal at the BTS is Maintained within The defined power Window.

25 Principles of Cellular Network
MOTOROLA VAS Team Principles of Cellular Network Discontinuous transmission (DTX): Voice Call Speech Silence Voice Activity Detection (VAD)  Saves radio battery power at the MS (where the MS Doesn't transmit unnecessary Message data).

26 Agenda: Principles of Cellular Network.
MOTOROLA VAS Team Agenda: Principles of Cellular Network. Introduction to site commissioning. Introduction to DT (Drive Test). DT Methodology. Workshop including:  Tools, Programs used in DT. TEMS Program interface. Kit connection. Live DT.

27 Introduction to site commissioning
MOTOROLA VAS Team Introduction to site commissioning Required:

28 Introduction to site commissioning
MOTOROLA VAS Team Introduction to site commissioning Required: Cabinets: Configuration: DCF 2 2B 1B 0B 2A 1A 0A A B DCF 1 DCF 0 Sector 0 Sector 1 Sector 2 Calibration:

29 Introduction to site commissioning
MOTOROLA VAS Team Introduction to site commissioning Types of actions: Actions Re-configuration Upgrade Splitting Swap Re-torque Downgrade New site. How to read the daily actions ? And which is assigned to the DT scope? Nisha -Upgrade. (from ( 1 HII Dual band ) to ( 1 HII HII 1800)   Site Name Action type Configuration Old Cabinets Existed type Configuration New New Cabinets type

30 Agenda: Principles of Cellular Network.
MOTOROLA VAS Team Agenda: Principles of Cellular Network. Introduction to site commissioning. Introduction to DT (Drive Test). DT Methodology. Workshop including:  Tools, Programs used in DT. TEMS Program interface. Kit connection. Live DT.

31 Introduction to DT (Drive Test)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Introduction to DT (Drive Test) New Site: No Signal Network Busy Customer Complains Poor Voice Quality

32 Introduction to DT (Drive Test)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Introduction to DT (Drive Test) Procedure followed to build-up the site: MOBINIL Marketing

33 Introduction to DT (Drive Test)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Introduction to DT (Drive Test) Procedure followed to build-up the site: Site Acquisition RF planners 200 m

34 Introduction to DT (Drive Test)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Introduction to DT (Drive Test) Procedure followed to build-up the site: Production Team Civil work

35 Introduction to DT (Drive Test)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Introduction to DT (Drive Test) Procedure followed to build-up the site: Installation Phase Database (NSP) Calibration Commissioning phase

36 Introduction to DT (Drive Test)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Introduction to DT (Drive Test) Procedure followed to accept the site: Coverage VSWR Quality HO Neighbors Blocking Drive Test

37 Site statistics Monitoring
MOTOROLA VAS Team Introduction to DT (Drive Test) Procedure followed to accept the site: Site statistics Monitoring by Optimization team

38 Agenda: Principles of Cellular Network.
MOTOROLA VAS Team Agenda: Principles of Cellular Network. Introduction to site commissioning. Introduction to DT (Drive Test). DT Methodology. Workshop including:  Tools, Programs used in DT. TEMS Program interface. Kit connection. Live DT.

39 Introduction to DT (Drive Test)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Introduction to DT (Drive Test) Objective from DT: The main purpose for site integration drive test is to: check the site coverage, site performance, neighbor relation, frequency interference, and the quality of service for this site after getting it on air.

40 Introduction to DT (Drive Test)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Introduction to DT (Drive Test) DT is including: Drive Test Integration Roaming Migration Network Optimization Outdoor Indoor

41 (*) We are testing only the Air interface in the downlink path.
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: General information : Example: (*) We are testing only the Air interface in the downlink path. 4 Sector 1 2A 1A 0A 2B 1B 0B EXT A B BLANK DUP ANT RX RX RX RX RX RX RX Uplink downlink (**) RTFs Locations in some cases is very important.

42 Drive Test Methodology:
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Data preparation: Topology Coordinates & Azimuth

43 Frequency plan (RF Plan)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Data preparation (continued): Frequency plan (RF Plan) RF Export RF Neighbors

44 So that you can create the site
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Data preparation (continued): Reel OPC OR Last updated Piano So that you can create the site On the MAPINFO program. Determining the site sectors form the map? Cell definition file

45 The site is not defined in the
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure: 1- Call Attempt Call blocking Call Established Call blocking 100% Call blocking But not 100% The site is not defined in the MSC. Blocking in the Call setup phase Blocking in the Call established Phase. Wrong Mechanical Or Electrical antenna tilting. Lack of SDCCH. Lack of RTF.

46 Example for Call blocking (SHOUBRA BABEL)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): Example for Call blocking (SHOUBRA BABEL)

47 “Check if there is either Inverted or Shifted sectors”
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued): 2- Call Established “Check if there is either Inverted or Shifted sectors” YES NO Production team should repair this Inverted or shifted Sectors problem.

48 Example for Shifted Sectors at (ASHMUN).
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): Example for Shifted Sectors at (ASHMUN).

49 Example for inverted Sectors at (KAFR_ALASHRAF).
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): Example for inverted Sectors at (KAFR_ALASHRAF).

50 3- Checking both internal & external neighbors.
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued): 3- Checking both internal & external neighbors. Right installed Nothing defined Internal neighbors External neighbors You should contact the support & till him to defined the undefined Neighbors. Few number of Neighbors. Nothing is defined The optimizer should run the Neighbor script file again & fixing The command rejected errors.

51 No internal or external neighbors is defined at (ORABI_BRIDGE)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): No internal or external neighbors is defined at (ORABI_BRIDGE)

52 4- Checking the azimuth of each antenna
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued): 4- Checking the azimuth of each antenna Right installed NO Production team should adjust the azimuth of the antenna.

53 Wrong antennas azimuth example at (ABU_GALA).
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): Wrong antennas azimuth example at (ABU_GALA).

54 Example for overlapping at (ASMAA_FAHMY).
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): S3 S1 S2 actual S2 supposed Example for overlapping at (ASMAA_FAHMY).

55 5- Make sure that, the site coordinates is right
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued): 5- Make sure that, the site coordinates is right YES NO Get the actual site Coordinates using GPS.

56 Example for wrong site coordinates (MOHAMED_AWAD)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): Example for wrong site coordinates (MOHAMED_AWAD) Wrong Coordinates UTM mode X: Y: Right Coordinates

57   Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued):
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued): 6- Measuring DRIs output power value Accepted value Not accepted VSWR Wrong calibration Connector looses Faulty DRI Crossing between GSM & DCS feeders

58 Drive Test Methodology:
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): How to measure the DRI output power correctly? Try to be LOS with the sector that you measure its DRI output power as much as you can. Make the handset and GPS fixed as much as you can so that all readings are taken under the same RF environment approximately. Accepted values Indoor Outdoor (-46) to (-65) (-46) to (-85) This interval of acceptance depends on LOS availability, RF environment & many other parameters.

59 7- HO to internal & external neighbors is allowed
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued): 7- HO to internal & external neighbors is allowed Allowed Not allowed (HO failure) Faulty MCU Of the BTS Neighbors are not Defined or defined in a wrong Way. Due to traffic congestion.

60 Drive Test Methodology:
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): Currently Integrated Neighbor S3 to S1 & S1 to S3 S1 to S2 & S2 to S1 S2 to S3 & S3 to S2

61 HO failure at (ORABI_BRIDGE)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): HO failure at (ORABI_BRIDGE)

62   Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued):
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued): 8- Drop calls NO YES Poor Rx Level Poor Rx Quality Shifted, inverted Sectors or cross Feeders or missing neighbors or Overshooting problem Poor Coverage Blocking & Obstacles Interference Issue Very Poor RX Level

63 Drop call at (OBOUR_1ST_DISTRICT NEIGH. 8)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): Drop call at (OBOUR_1ST_DISTRICT NEIGH. 8)

64 Fixing the HO parameters with the optimizer
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued): 9- HO parameters Negative HO Ping Pong HO Delayed HO Smooth Fixing the HO parameters with the optimizer

65 HO delayed at (EL_NAHREE)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): HO delayed at (EL_NAHREE)

66 HO delayed at (PORT_SAID_05)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): HO delayed at (PORT_SAID_05)

67 Drive Test Methodology:
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): Smooth HO at (DESERT_06)

68   Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued):
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued): 10- Cross feeders NO YES Production team should repair this Cross feeders problem.

69 Cross feeders at (REHAB_STAGE_04)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): Cross feeders at (REHAB_STAGE_04)

70   Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued):
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued): 11- Interference NO YES Co-channel interference Adjacent-channel interference

71 Poor Quality at (OBOUR_1ST_DISTRICT NEIGH. 8)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): Poor Quality at (OBOUR_1ST_DISTRICT NEIGH. 8)

72 Poor Quality at (OBOUR_1ST_DISTRICT NEIGH. 8)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): Adjacent Channel interference between RTF # 28 & 29 where they are decodable to each other and the difference in RX level is less than dbm. Poor Quality at (OBOUR_1ST_DISTRICT NEIGH. 8)

73   Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued):
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (Continued): 12- site Coverage As the site objective Overshooting Poor Coverage

74 Overshooting (SIDI_ABDO)
MOTOROLA VAS Team Drive Test Methodology: Site integration procedure (continued): Overshooting (SIDI_ABDO)

75 Agenda: Principles of Cellular Network.
MOTOROLA VAS Team Agenda: Principles of Cellular Network. Introduction to site commissioning. Introduction to DT (Drive Test). DT Methodology. Workshop including:  Tools, Programs used in DT. TEMS Program interface. Kit connection. Live DT.

76 MOTOROLA VAS Team Workshop: Laboratory: DT Lab.

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