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Hungarian Presidency January – June 2011

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Presentation on theme: "Hungarian Presidency January – June 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hungarian Presidency January – June 2011
„Strong Europe with a Human Touch”

2 Key priorities of the HU Presidency
Growth, jobs and social inclusion Building on the foundations and protecting the future A Union close to its citizens Enlarging responsibly and engaging globally

3 Growth, jobs and social inclusion I.
Europe 2020 Strategy Evaluation of national reform program implementation Launch of the European semester Focus should be on job creation Innovation

4 Growth, jobs and social inclusion II.
EPSCO Relevant flagship initiatives: synergies and complementarities Agenda for new skills and jobs: focus on job creation Youth on the Move: promoting labour market participation Platform Against Poverty

5 Growth, jobs and social inclusion III.
European Employment Strategy European Semester JER, council conclusions on AGS, SPC assessment… CSR, Assessment…, Employment Performance Monitor Youth employment (Informal EPSCO, conferences – informal EMCO, PES – council conclusions Job creation (Informal EPSCO)

6 Legislative dossiers Employment Guidelines
Workers’ protection against exposure to electromagnetic fields Posting of Workers Directive Working Time Directive

7 Council conclusions Posting AGS (EMCO) Youth employment

8 EPSCO Councils 7th March 2011 (Brussels) 19th May 2011 (Brussels)
14th June 2011 (Luxembourg)

9 Informal meeting of employment ministers
16-18 January 2011, Budapest/Gödöllő Topics for discussion: More Job Opportunities for Youth! More and better ways to integrate young people into the labour market How to facilitate an employment-friendly recovery? Exploring pathways to promote the creation of more and better jobs Working lunch: Reducing regional labour market disparities

10 Thank you for your attention!

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