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Zoning Code Amendment: SL (Single-Level) Overlay District

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1 Zoning Code Amendment: SL (Single-Level) Overlay District
City Council October 10, 2016

2 Project Description SL Overlay District would allow property owners to impose on themselves a prohibition on the construction of new second floors and enlargement of existing second floor on properties zoned RS-1, RS-2, RS-4, RS-6, and RM-12.

3 Background Planning Commission (March 23)
Staff recommended a series of amendments to the ND (Neighborhood District) zoning overlay to address “mansionization”. Staff also suggested an amendment to create a property owner-initiated process where residents of Lower Hastings Ranch could impose on themselves a prohibition on second floor construction. Commission recommended the overlay process apply to all single-family zones citywide and use qualification thresholds for creation of new Landmark Districts 60% of houses are single-story and support from 51% of property owners.

4 Background City Council (April 25)
City Council initiated a Zoning Code Amendment to create one-story overlay Higher qualification thresholds of 80% of houses are single-story and support from 70% of property owners. Due to significance of second story prohibition Applicable citywide.

5 Background Planning Commission (July 27)
Supported citywide application Single-family and two-family districts Qualification thresholds 70% of houses are single-story and support from 66% of property owners. Added minimum size requirement One blockface

6 Zoning Overlay Districts
Zoning Code Section 17.28 Supersede specific development standards of base zoning district Examples: HL (Height Limit) Overlay District LD (Landmark) Overlay District OC (Office Conversion) Overlay District

7 Zoning Overlay Districts
There are currently 11 Zoning Overlay Districts: AD: Alcohol Overlay District HD: Hillside Overlay District HL: Height Limit Overlay District HL-1: Height Limit Overlay District HH: Hospitality Home Overlay District IS: Interim Study Overlay District LD: Landmark Overlay District ND: Neighborhood Overlay District OC: Office Conversion Overlay District PK: Parking Overlay District SS: Specialty Shop Overlay District SL: Single Level Overlay District would be the 12th

8 Single-Story Overlay District
Applicability Single-Family zoned properties RS-1, RS-2, RS-4, RS-6 Two-Family zoned properties RM-12 Development pattern is very similar to single-family zones. Many development standards are the same. Would not apply to single-family and two-family Planned Developments PD-6 (Eaton Wash) and PD-9 (El Mirador) Application and Process Modeled on Landmark District process Resident-driven process

9 Single-Story Overlay District
Application: Map of proposed boundaries; Natural or man-made, such as streets, tract map lines, or ridgelines in order to achieve continuity, but shall have a minimum size of one blockface and 15 properties. Documentation that at least 70% of the houses in proposed overlay are one-story; Petition showing support of at least 66% of property owners within the proposed overlay; and A legal description of the proposed district.

10 Single-Story Overlay District
Planning Commission Review: Petition showing property owner support. If support falls below 66% the application is considered withdrawn and cannot be resubmitted for at least one year. Planning Commission makes formal recommendation to approve, disapprove, or modify the application. City Council Review: City Council makes final decision to approve, disapprove, or modify the application.

11 Single-Story Overlay District
Modify boundary of established SL overlay Same process as to establish. The adjusted area (enlarged or reduced) must meet the minimum qualification thresholds as to establish. Elimination of SL overlay Support of 66% of property owners.

12 Recommendation Planning Commission / Staff Recommendation:
Approve the Zoning Code Amendment to create Section (Single-Level Overlay District). Single-Level Overlay District At least 70% of the houses in proposed overlay are one-story; and At least 66% of property owners within the proposed overlay support second story prohibition. Boundaries Natural or man-made, such as streets, tract map lines, or ridgelines in order to achieve continuity, but shall have a minimum size of one blockface and 15 properties.

13 Recommendation Recommend City Council:
Adopt the environmental determination that the proposed Zoning Code Amendment is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act; Adopt the Findings to Amend the Zoning Code; Approve the Zoning Code Amendment to Section (Zoning Overlay District) of the Pasadena Municipal Code to create Section (Single-Level Overlay District); and Direct City Attorney to prepare an ordinance and return within 60 days.

14 Zoning Code Amendment: SL (Single-Level) Overlay District
City Council October 10, 2016

15 Single-Story Overlay District
Blockface (Zoning Code definition): “The lots abutting on one side of a street, between the two nearest intersecting streets or a City boundary.” Size of blockface dependent on length of street Could be relatively short in some parts of city and relatively long in others Hillside areas can have long, windy streets Dead-end streets One side of street minimum

16 Single-Story Overlay District

17 Single-Story Overlay District
Staff is recommending a minimum size of 15 properties to create a Single-Level Overlay District Staff evaluated various neighborhoods citywide and found the size of a typical blockface was approximately 15 properties.

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