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Skeletal System of a Cow Written by Daniel Hunnicutt

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1 Skeletal System of a Cow Written by Daniel Hunnicutt
Provided by Dr. James Corbett, Agriculture Teacher, Lowndes Co. High School GA Ag Ed Curriculum Office To accompany Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum July 2002

2 Skeleton of a Cow Cervical vertebrae Horn cones Dorsal vertebrae
Lumber vertebrae Sacrum Eye socket Hip bone Caudal vertebrae Femur Shoulder joint Humerus Knee joint Knee joint Tibia Elbow joint Hock joint Ribs Cannon

3 Skeleton of a Cow 1. Cannon 8. Shoulder joint
2. Knee joint 9. Shoulder blade 3. Radius Eye socket 4. Sternum Horn cones 5. Elbow joint Cervical vertebrae 6. Ulna Dorsal vertebrae 7. Humerus

4 Skeleton of a Cow 14. Lumber vertebrae 20. Knee joint
15. Sacrum Tibia 16. Hip Bone Hock joint 17. Caudal vertebrae Ribs 18. Hip Joint Pasterns 19. Femur Coronary

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