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ביטוי אפליקציות Web 2.0 ב-Genes2Networks

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1 ביטוי אפליקציות Web 2.0 ב-Genes2Networks
מגישים: פולינה שפירא איציק כהן

2 הגדרה Web 2.0: “The second incarnation of Web (Web 2.0) has been called the ‘social Web’, because , in contrast to Web 1.0, its content can be more easily generated and published by users.” (Maged N.Kamel boulos 2007)

3 Web 2.0 technologies: Wikis Blogs Podcasting Streaming video
Bookmarking, Collaborative tagging and tag clouds RSS Mashups (Maged N.Kamel boulos 2007)

4 Genes2Networks: הגדרה: "Genes2Networks is delivered as a web-based service using AJAX.” “The user interface is an intuitive web-based Web 2.0 enabled aplication.” "Genes2Networks is a software system that integrates the content of ten mammalian interaction network datasets. " (BMC Bioinformatics 2007)

5 Genes2Networks עבודה במעבדה-הפקת ספריות קודונים= עבודה רטובה
עבודה מול מחשב-עבודה עם מאגר נתונים = עבודה יבשה

6 הכנת ספריית DNA רקע ביולוגי:
DNA - comprises the genes,the hereditary matirial of the cell,and contains instructions for making all the proteins,as well as all the RNA the organism needs. RNA - participates in the complex process in which amino acids are linked to polypeptides. Amino acid - Can be linked end-to-end in countless ways to form the polymers known as proteins. Protein - are large molecules important in determining the stracture and function of cells and tisues. (Biology Solomon 7th edition 2005)

7 רקע ביולוגי : הסבר ה"חלק הרטוב"
חומצות אמינו חלבון DNA RNA A,T,G,C T,A,C,G

8 מבנה הממשק: 10 ספריות חלבונים של ינוקים משמשות את הממשק Genes2Network כסמן (tag), עוברות סינון נוסף עם ספריות ידועות מראש של טעויות על בסיס ביולוגי לפני כניסתן לממשק.

9 מבנה הממשק (2007)

10 מבנה הממשק כיום:

11 יתרונות Address the need for integration, consolidation, visualization, querying and organization of information. The system is free for academic users The system provides prediction about intermediates according to their specificity to interact with the seed list The databases after filtering is high quality yet comphensive

12 חסרונות The interface of 2007 did not contain most of the possibilities of Web 2.0 and compared to today's interface is cumbersome Gene2Networks Interface, despite being free for use, is still not intended for the general public, due to having scientific and technological knowledge as prequisites

13 בבלוגרפיה 2007 Helth libraries group : p 2-23 : The emerging Web 2.0 social software: an enabling suite of sociable technologies in helth and helth care education : Maged N.Kamel Boulos BMC Bioinformatics 2007 : Genes2Networks:connecting lists of gene symbols using mammalian protein interactions databases : Seth I Berbger Research roundup 2011 : Primary helth care and social networkig:Opportunities to enhance communication : O Anikeeva BMJ 2006 p : How web 2.0 is changing medicine Biology 7th edition : p7,46,61 : P.Solomon

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