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Philip Marques De Jesus ID Number: AA90339

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1 Philip Marques De Jesus ID Number: AA90339
Unit 3: Understanding an Audience in Creative Media Production Level 2 Award and Diploma in Creative Media Production & Technology Week 7: Individually complete, type up, proofread coursework Open discussion about questionnaires Work in small groups to prepare survey analysis Using Excel software to analyse data This questionnaire was conducted on the 3rd November For this task I am gathering information on my survey and then collating all the answers to find out which question is more popular than others. Shopping Habits & Hobbies Y N Do you have a regular hobby or interest? 13 2 Do you shop and buy clothes on the internet? 10 5 Do you buy music on the internet? 6 14 What's the most you would spend on a haircut? £60 £35 £20 £15 £9 £7 £4 What's the most you would spend on shoes? £500 £180 £150 £125 £100 £80 What's the most you would spend on a mobile phone? £700 £660 £600 £160 £70 £37 £30

2 13 out of 15 students in the college suggested that they do have a hobby/interest.
10 out of 15 students do most of their clothes shopping by ordering them on the internet.

3 6 out of 15 students preferred purchasing music off the internet instead of going to shops and getting CDs. Most students said that they would recommend spending roughly £60 on a haircut.

4 The highest amount of money that would be spent on shoes was £500 but the common amount that were answered in the questionnaire was at £100. More students suggested that they would spend £700 on a mobile phone/tablet.

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