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5-4 Day 1 modeling & optimization

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1 5-4 Day 1 modeling & optimization

2 How to Solve: Understand the problem Develop a model – draw a picture! introduce a variable write a function Graph it (helps to decide what makes sense) Find critical points & endpoints Solve (plugging back in) Interpret the solution find more answers labels sentence Note: Most problems ask us to maximize or minimize a quantity  derivatives!!! 

3 (max) Ex 1) Find two numbers whose sum is 20 and whose product is as large as possible. 1st: x 2nd: 20 – x Sum: 20 1st + 2nd = 20 Product: f (x) = x(20 – x) = 20x – x2 f ' (x) = 20 – 2x = 0 20 = 2x 10 = x f " (x) = –2 < 0 1st: 10 2nd: 20 – 10 = 10 10 and 10 max!!

4 Ex 2) A rectangle is to be inscribed under one arch of the sine curve
Ex 2) A rectangle is to be inscribed under one arch of the sine curve. What is the largest area the rectangle can have, and what dimensions give that area? (max area) (x, sin x) ( – x, sin x) x w = sin (.710) = .652 l =  – 2(.710) = 1.722 Area = 1.123 by Graph to find zeros x = .710 because + –

5 Ex 3) An open-top box is to be made by cutting congruent squares of side length x from the corners of a 20- by 25-inch sheet of tin and bending up the sides. How large should the squares be to make the box hold as much as possible? What is the resulting maximum volume? (volume = max) 20 V = l  w  h V = (25 – 2x)(20 – 2x)(x) V = 4x3 – 90x x V' = 12x2 – 180x + 500 Quadratic Formula x = , 3.681 domain [0, 10] x 25 Cut: in. V = in3 25 – 2x x 20 – 2x

6 Ex 4) You have been asked to design a one-liter oil can shaped like a right circular cylinder. What dimensions will use the least material? (min surface area) r = cm h = cm

7 homework Pg # 23, 29, 47, 57 Pg # 2–32 (mult of 2+6n)

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