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The Nation’s Sick Economy

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1 The Nation’s Sick Economy
What caused the economy to go bad at the end of the 1920s?

2 Signs of Trouble in Late 20s
RR, farming, coal were struggling  layoffs begin Congress tries to pass price controls, Coolidge vetoes Easy credit  massive consumer debt  public stops buying [80% have no savings] Income gap between rich & poor widening $5,000- 9,999(5%) $10,000 or more (1%) $2,000-$4,999 (29%) $1,999 or less (65%)

3 Herbert Hoover Elected
Sec’y of Commerce Herbert Hoover wins election (Laissez-Faire Republican) philosophy towards rising unemployment: business will fix the problems itself “We in America are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before.”

4 Bullish Stock Market 1929: Dow Jones Industrial Average (measures overall stock price) had gone up every year in 1920s many stocks bought on 1) speculation (buy risky stocks, for a quick profit) or 2) buy on margin (small down pymt, borrow rest)

5 The Stock Market Crashes
Investors worry about unemployemnt, begin selling stock Stock market plunges, Oct 29th “black Tuesday” 16.4 million shares were “dumped”, stock market loses 25% of its value panic ensues $30 billion lost

6 Financial Collapse run on banks = people try to pull remaining money out  11K of 25K banks to collapse 90K businesses go bankrupt, unemp. rate jumps from 5% to 25%, US GNP drops 50%

7 Effects of the Depression
How did urban and rural people survive during the Great Depression?

8 Suffering at Home Financial and housing market collapse  people lose homes move into makeshift shelters (Hoover hotels) creating Shantytowns known as “Hoovervilles”

9 Soup Kitchens & Bread Lines
some people eat out of garbage cans charities set up soup kitchen & bread lines


11 Racial Issues in 1930s Af-Am unemp. = 50% [2x rest of US] 1933: competition over low paying jobs  greatest number of lynchings since Recon In SW, whites compete with Hispanics  demand Hispanics be deported (13K deported, 200 lynched)

12 Depression in Rural America & The Dust Bowl
rural areas hit hard by depression & natural catastrophe land overused, native plants removed  top soil blew away during wind storms [“Dust Bowl”] “Migrant Mother”, by Dorothea Lange


14 affects KS, OK, TX, NM & CO farmers unable to pay back debt to banks [400k farms foreclosed upon ( )] families forced to migrate west, migrants known as “Okies”, discriminated in jobs/housing [Grapes of Wrath]

15 Effects on the American Family
Men: feelings of failure  abandon families, become hoboes “riding the rails” 2. Women: had to stretch food/clothes as far as possible, men given jobs before women 3. Young Children: Poor diets/lack of health care = malnutrition & disease, schools are closed = uneducated future pop 4. Teenagers: Many also “ride the rails” to travel the country, issue becomes rampant crime by teens & against teens Overall: Suicide rate rose more than 30%, 1/3 more institutionalized

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