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Evaluation of R&D public policy in the European Union: an Expert Knowledge-based and two-stage DEA Approach Dª Mónica de la Paz-Marín ( D.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation of R&D public policy in the European Union: an Expert Knowledge-based and two-stage DEA Approach Dª Mónica de la Paz-Marín ( D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation of R&D public policy in the European Union: an Expert Knowledge-based and two-stage DEA Approach Dª Mónica de la Paz-Marín D. Carlos García Alonso 9th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA2011) Thessaloniki, Greece 25th-27th august Business Administration College University of Córdoba Spain

2 INDEX 1.- Why evaluate efficiency of R&D public policy?
I. PRESENTATION OF THE STUDY 1.- Why evaluate efficiency of R&D public policy? 2.- Our methodology. 3.- Our conceptual model: a Bayesian Network of an endogenous economic growth. 4.- The dataset. 5.- Data transformations: the Rules-Base. 6.- Selected scenarios. 7.- Data analysis: Two-stage EbCA-BN-DEA approach II. ANALYSING THE RESULTS… 8.- DEA scores by selected scenarios. 9.- Conclusions.

1. -Why evaluate efficiency of R&D public policy? Lisbon Strategy Barcelona target (3% of GDP of R&D intensity) EU2020 Education Employment Environment Health Etc. Socioeconomic alternatives Why investing in R&D? Accountability Worldwide Economic crisis Ageing of European Population Unemployment SCARCITY OF FUNDS USE OF THIS FUNDS EU STRATEGY DIFFICULTY OF MEASUREMENT (SOCIO- ECONONOMIC IMPACTS)

4 2.- Our methodology… Prior Expert Knowledge Acquisition Framework:
1 Knowledge Base 2 Rules- Base Framework: A Bayesian Network Satisfactory solution) (Iterations until Incorporate IK 3 Data collection/ preparation Raw Data-base 4 Transformation of Data Transformed Database 5 Scenarios I/O Guided Analysis Method: DEA 6 Evaluation of results Results Implicit knowledge (IK)? 7 Yes No Decision Support System 8

5 3.- Our conceptual model…(Bayesian Network of endogenous economic growth; ROMER, 1990)

6 R&D Public Policy; traditional scenario
3.- Our conceptual model… (Bayesian Network of endogenous economic growth; ROMER, 1990) From our bayesian network we extract a rules-base for transforming data and scenarios of analysis. R&D Public Policy; socioeconomic scenarios

7 Last year available in official Database: 2008
4.- Our dataset… Last year available in official Database: 2008 (Sources: Eurostat, WIPO, World Bank Database) 2. TIME LAG is taken into account: 2 years. Period: 2006 for inputs (I) and 2008 for outputs (O) 3. TOTAL DMUs: 27 EU Member Countries. 4. Homogeneity in DMUs objectives: Lisbon´s Strategy ( ). International financial crisis: August, 2007. And for future studies: new Strategy EU2020

8 ERDFUN2006=f(BUDPRI2006) 5.- Data transformation. The rules-base.
Bayesian Network: ERDFUN2006=f(BUDPRI2006) Variables: ERDFUN: R&D Public Expenditure by source of funds BUDPRI: Budget Priorities and EU Strategies GERDT: Total R&D expenditure as % of GDP Values: ERDFUN Low: [0-0.55]; High: (0.55-1] CRISP SETS (fuzzy theory) GERDT: R&D effort must reach 3% of GDP How we measure Budget Priorities of EU ERDFUN/GERDT: 60% of R&D effort from Business Sector

Rules for transformation of data RU1=IF ERDFUN/GERDT<=0.4 AND GERDT>=3 THEN ERDFUN’= ERDFUN*2 (the real value is doubled) RU2=IF ERDFUN/GERDT >0.55 AND GERDT<1.8 THEN ERDFUN’= ERDFUN/2 (the real value is penalised)

10 R&D and innovation process:
6.- Data Analysis Method: DEA. R&D and innovation process: A Two-Stage DEA approach Traditional INPUTS of R&D public policy Traditional OUTPUTS of R&D public policy Socio-economic OUTPUTS output-orientation: it is reasonable to assume that European countries aim to maximize the outputs with a given level of inputs BCC MODEL: Variable returns to scale Second-stage: Traditional outputs turn into new inputs in various socioeconomic scenarios First stage: Estimation of relative R&D efficiency scores (traditional R&D inputs and outputs)

11 Selected Scenarios 1.Traditional 2. Economic 3. Innovation
INPUTS: R&D public expenditure; R&D public personnel OUTPUTS: Patents, scientific publications 1.Traditional INPUTS: Patents, scientific publications OUTPUTS: GDP growth, Real Labour Productivity growht per hour worked, High-Tech Exports, Unemployment 2. Economic INPUTS: Patents, scientific publicati ns. OUTPUTS: Trademarks, % SME with product innovations 3. Innovation INPUTS: Patents, scientific publications. OUTPUTS: Ph.D students, Life-long learning, Early leavers. 4. Education OUTPUTS: Life expectancy, mortality rate (infant), age dependency ratio. 5. Health

12 % of output due to inputs
(public R&D expenditure and public R&D personnel) Patents 10% Scientific Publications 90%

INPUTS: R&D public expenditure; R&D public personnel OUTPUTS: Patents, scientific publications.

INPUTS: Patents, scientific publications. OUTPUTS: GDP growth, Real labour productivity growth per hour worked, unemployment, High-Tech Exports.

INPUTS: Patents, scientific publications. OUTPUTS: Trademarks, Sales of new to market and new to firm innovations as % of turnover, SMEs introducing product or process innovations as % of SMEs.

16 8.- DEA scores (selected scenarios)



19 9.- Conclusions. - We reduce uncertainty through a Bayesian Network as a conceptual model… - We obtain a new model for decision-making support… - We use DEA for validating our model and for assessing technical efficiency… - Macroeconomic country data may not be sufficient to judge about inefficiencies without incorporating prior expert knowledge… In future studies: random variables, Monte Carlo simulation, more scenarios, combination of alternative inputs/otuputs, etc.

20 Business Administration College (ETEA)
Thank you very much for your attention! Questions?? Dª Mónica de la Paz-Marín D. Carlos García Alonso Business Administration College (ETEA) C/Escritor Castilla Aguayo University of Córdoba 14004-Córdoba Spain

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