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Civil Air Patrol – California Wing Crew Resource Management Mission Scanner Course Chapter 11 Version 1.2 (1 March 2014)

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1 Civil Air Patrol – California Wing Crew Resource Management Mission Scanner Course
Chapter 11 Version 1.2 (1 March 2014)

2 Objectives Discuss the fundamentals of Crew Resource Management (CRM)
Discuss failures and introduce error chain Discuss situational awareness Discuss how to regain SA once lost Describe barriers to communications Define/discuss task saturation Discuss assignments and coordination of duties

3 Aircrew Task P-2028 Discuss Crew Resource Management

4 Why CRM? A properly trained and performing aircrew can collectively perform complex tasks better and make more accurate decisions than the single best performer on the crew An untrained or underperforming aircrew's overall performance can be significantly worse than the performance of its weakest single crewmember What are some positive and negative behaviors and attitudes of crew members? Discuss fundamentals of CRM.

5 Safety Statistics General Aviation compared to CAP / per 100,000 hours
NTSB rate for 2010 is an average for comparison only. The NSTB has not published their prelim 2010 rate yet.

6 Safety Statistics

7 Failures Parts and equipment. People. Mechanical failures
Human failures 14.2 Objective 14.1 – Discuss failures and the error chain.

8 The Error Chain A series of events that when linked together, cause a mishap Should any one link in the events be “broken,” then the mishap probably will not occur It is up to each crewmember to recognize possible links and break the error chain 14.2 Objective 14.1 – Discuss failures and the error chain.

9 Situational Awareness
Reality Your perception of reality As long as the two are close, you are good. When the two drift apart your situational awareness is not so good.

10 Situational Awareness (SA)
Know what is going on around you AT ALL TIMES Requires: Good mental health Good physical health Attentiveness Inquisitiveness 14.3 Objective 14.2 – Discuss situational awareness.

11 Loss of SA Strength of an Idea Hidden agenda Complacency Accommodation
Sudden Loss of Judgement

12 Symptoms of Loss of SA Fixation Ambiguity Complacency Euphoria
Confusion Distraction Overload

13 Hazardous Attitudes Impulsiveness Invulnerability Macho Resignation
Anti-authority Impulsiveness Invulnerability Macho Resignation Get-There-It-us

14 Remember: “Aviate, Navigate, Communicate”
Regaining SA Reduce workload: Suspend the mission. Reduce threats: Get away from the ground and other obstacles (e.g., climb to a safe altitude). Establish a stable flight profile where you can safely analyze the situation. Take your time, reduce urgency, breath, hydrate Remember: “Aviate, Navigate, Communicate” 14.4 Objective Discuss how to regain SA once lost.

15 “Time Out,” “Abort,” or “This is Stupid.”
How do we get it back? Trust your gut feelings “Time Out,” “Abort,” or “This is Stupid.” Pilot establishes aircraft in a safe and stable configuration, and then discuss the problem Sterile Cockpit Limit talk to the minimum necessary for safety. Taxi, takeoff, departure, low-level flying, approach, landing 14.4 Objective Discuss how to regain SA once lost.

16 Barriers to Communication

17 Barriers to Communication
Hearing The biological function of receiving sounds, converting them to electrical impulses, and having the brain interpret them Listening Correctly identifying what the sender has sent in their message 14.5 Objective 14.4 – Discuss barriers to communication.

18 Barriers to Communication
Distracters Physical/Mental: Noise, static, simultaneous transmissions; fatigue and stress Wording: Incomplete or ambiguous message, too complex or uses unfamiliar terminology Personal: Boring, lack of rapport or lack of credibility

19 Too much information at one time
Task Saturation Too much information at one time Too many tasks to accomplish in a given time Usually occurs when an individual is confronted with a new or unexpected situation and loses SA 14.6 Objective 14.5 – Define and discuss task saturation.

20 Task Saturation Keep your workload to an acceptable level If you feel overwhelmed, tell the others before becoming saturated and losing your situational awareness Watch your team members for signs of saturation

21 Identification of Resources
External and internal Identify your resources, know where to find them, and how to use them to accomplish the mission

22 Assignment of Duties Mission Commander Responsible for all phases of the assigned mission expect for those aspects of safety-of-flight which relate to the physical control of the aircraft and within the prerogatives of the Pilot in Command Aircraft Commander Responsible for the safe, orderly flight of the aircraft and the well-being of the crew. Responsibility for starting or continuing a mission with regard to weather or any other condition affecting the safety of the aircraft and crew rests with the Pilot in Command 14.8 Objective 14.6 – Discuss assignments and coordination of duties.

23 Understand and execute your assignments
Crew Coordination Understand and execute your assignments Communicate Question

Mission Planning Brief Organize; clearly assesses and defines mission, environment, aircraft and situation, covers contingencies Neglects, rushed, incomplete, vague, lectures, ignores Situational Awareness Anticipates, monitors, prevents loss, recognizes own/other’s loss, regains Disoriented, confused, lost, fixated Crew Coordination and Flight Integrity Leads, identifies roles and expectations, sets tone, respects, encourages, assertive Judges, ridicules, overreacts, ignores, imposes, accepts error Communication Clear, concise, listens, interprets, efficient, gets or gives feedback Interrupts, withholds, discounts, ambiguous, mumbles Task Management Prioritizes, assigns tasks, creates time, plans, delegates, checklist discipline Rushed, overloaded, complacent, mis-prioritizes Risk Management & Decision Making Identifies and assesses problems, explores solutions, makes appropriate decisions Avoids, delays, vacillates, argues, fails to consider consequences of decision Debrief Objective through feedback, non-threatening, recaps key points, solicits inputs, provides corrective action Rushed, incomplete, vague, lectures, blames, ignores

25 Summary Pay close attention to all briefings
Understand the “big picture” Watch for task overload in yourself and other crewmembers 67% of air transport accidents occur during 17% of the flight time - taxi, takeoff, departure, approach and landing. Keep casual conversation and distractions to a minimum during these phases of flight. Begin critical communications with instructions, then explain

26 Summary (con’t) Successful missions hinge on each and every crewmember
Learn how to use the procedures and tools available to you, and use them correctly Never stop learning Don’t be afraid to ask questions Never criticize someone for asking questions Anyone can call “Knock it off,” “This is Stupid,” “Time Out,” or “Abort” Remember that the Mission Pilot must make the final decision based on the crew’s input


28 Congratulations!

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