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Ralph Waldo Emerson Self-Reliance The American Scholar Nature.

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Presentation on theme: "Ralph Waldo Emerson Self-Reliance The American Scholar Nature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ralph Waldo Emerson Self-Reliance The American Scholar Nature

2 Emerson : Born in Boston, MA Liked to go by “Waldo”

3 Emerson Father, William, was a Unitarian minister
Unitarians believe in the unity of all things. Don’t need to follow dogma.

4 Emerson Oldest of 8 children All boys 3 died in childhood
2 died in their 20’s

5 Emerson Father died when Waldo was 8 years old

6 Emerson : Attended Boston Public Latin School

7 Emerson 1817: Accepted to Harvard at 14 years old
Became youngest grad. of class of 1821

8 Emerson 1826: Began career as Unitarian minister

9 Emerson 1829: Married Ellen Tucker He: 26 She: 18

10 Emerson 1831: Ellen died of tuberculosis Made Emerson question life

11 Emerson Spent time in Europe Met British Romantic Poets: Wordsworth

12 Emerson 1835: Returned to settle in Concord, MA
1835: Married Lydia Jackson

13 Emerson 1836: Son born (Waldo)

14 Emerson 1836: “Nature” (essay) published.
Outlined the Trans. Philosophy

15 Emerson “Nature” had a group of followers
Became known as the Transcendental Club

16 Emerson Same year, gave up preaching to edit “The Dial” (newspaper) with Margaret Fuller

17 Emerson 1837: “The American Scholar” (essay) published
Called “America’s Intellectual Declaration of Independence”

18 Emerson 1838: Delivered a speech at Harvard Divinity School
Attacked the laxness of ministers

19 Emerson Became persona non grata for 30 yrs.
Means “person not welcome”

20 Emerson 1839: Daughter born (Ellen)

21 Emerson 1841: Daughter born (Edith)

22 Emerson 1841: “Self-Reliance” (essay) published

23 Emerson 1842: Son, Waldo, died Scarlet Fever

24 Emerson 1844: Bought land with Walden Pond on it
Next year- Thoreau moved into his cabin & wrote Walden

25 Emerson Known to have criticized President Lincoln

26 Emerson (Lincoln continued) Too concerned with saving the Union, not enough about ending slavery

27 Emerson 1866: Welcomed back to Harvard Awarded Honorary Degree
Elected to Board of Overseers- modernized curriculum

28 Emerson 1870: Health began to fail Began losing memory

29 Emerson 1871: Delivered last lecture In CA

30 Emerson : Died in Concord (Buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery)

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