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New Zealand Disability Strategy

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Presentation on theme: "New Zealand Disability Strategy"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Zealand Disability Strategy 2016-2026
Jacinda Keith

2 The 2016 Revision of the NZDS
Strategy to guide the work of government agencies on disability issues Implementation of the UNCRPD First Strategy 15 years old Time to check-in 2-phase public engagement Tell us what is important Tell us if we got it right Engagement and Strategy both accessible 10 year timeframe

3 A Strategy to guide us for 10 years
New Zealand is a non-disabling society a place where disabled people have an equal opportunity to achieve their goals and aspirations, and all of New Zealand works together to make this happen.

4 Five Principles and Approaches
The three main Principles Te Tiriti o Waitangi Partnership - Participation - Protection UNCRPD Respect for inherent dignity Non-discrimination Full and effective participation Respect for difference Equality of opportunity Accessibility Equal between men and women Respect for the evolving capacities of disabled children Article 4.3 Ensuring disabled people are involved in decision making that impacts them The Principles and Approaches are the ‘How’ of the ‘What’ – where the what is the Outcomes

5 The two approaches The two broad Approaches
A whole-of-life and long term approach to social investment Supports and services The right ones at the right time (early) for the right length of time (throughout lives) for disabled people families whānau and carers. Evidence Quantitative (data) Qualitative (lived experience) Specific and mainstream supports and services – a twin track approach Making mainstream supports and services inclusive of and accessible to all Services and supports specific to disabled people are also available Reasonable accommodation Universal Design

6 Eight key outcome areas
Priorities for change Education Employment and economic security Health & wellbeing Rights protection & justice Accessibility Attitudes Choice & control Leadership

7 How each outcome is presented
Outcome number Meaningless Title Choice and control Statement We have choice and control over our lives Description Aspirational description of what things should look like for disabled people in the future What this means Describes at a high level what needs to happen to achieve the aspirational description

8 There is more to be done

9 What is happening in 2017 and beyond
Development of an Outcomes Framework Accountability Targets and measures Complex and new internationally Disability Action Plan Refresh To align with the new Strategy Development of new four year Disability Action Plan will commence in 2018 Concluding Observations from UN Committee Independent monitoring recommendations

10 How it all fits together
The Outcomes Framework The Disability Action Plan The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities The New Zealand Disability Strategy The work of agencies not in the Disability Action Plan The work of other Non-government organisations


12 Any Questions?

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