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Jeopardy Triangle Edition. Please form groups of up to 4, take a seat with your group and decide on a group name.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Triangle Edition. Please form groups of up to 4, take a seat with your group and decide on a group name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please form groups of up to 4, take a seat with your group and decide on a group name.

2 Jeopardy Triangle Edition

3 Triangle Types

4 Triangle Angle Sum

5 Triangle Congruence

6 Congruent Parts

7 Triangle Reasoning

8 Odds and Ends

9 Jeopardy Triangle Types Triangle Angle Sum Triangle Congruence Congruent Parts Triangle Reasoning Odds and Ends 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

10 $100 Question Triangle Types
Give both names for this triangle.

11 $100 Answer Triangle Types
Acute Isosceles Triangle

12 Return

13 $200 Question Triangle Types
Give both names for this triangle.

14 $200 Answer Triangle Types
Right Isosceles Triangle

15 Return

16 $300 Question Triangle Types
Give both names for this triangle.

17 $300 Answer Triangle Types
Equilateral Equiangular Triangle

18 Return

19 $400 Question Triangle Types
Give both names for this triangle.

20 $400 Answer Triangle Types
Obtuse Scalene Triangle

21 Return

22 $500 Question Triangle Types
Give both names for this triangle.

23 $500 Answer Triangle Types
Right Scalene Triangle

24 Return

25 $100 Question Triangle Angle Sum
Find the missing angle.

26 $100 Answer Triangle Angle Sum

27 Return

28 $200 Question Triangle Angle Sum
Solve for x.

29 $200 Answer Triangle Angle Sum

30 Return

31 $300 Question Triangle Angle Sum
Solve for x.

32 $300 Answer Triangle Angle Sum

33 Return

34 $400 Question Triangle Angle Sum
Find the missing angle.

35 $400 Answer Triangle Angle Sum

36 Return

37 $500 Question Triangle Angle Sum
Solve for x.

38 $500 Answer Triangle Angle Sum

39 Return

40 $100 Question Triangle Congruence
Why is △ABD≅△CBD?

41 $100 Answer Triangle Congruence

42 Return

43 $200 Question Triangle Congruence
Why is △ABE≅△CBD?

44 $200 Answer Triangle Congruence

45 Return

46 $300 Question Triangle Congruence
Why is △ABC≅△ADC?

47 $300 Answer Triangle Congruence

48 Return

49 $400 Question Triangle Congruence
Why is △ABE≅△DCE?

50 $400 Answer Triangle Congruence

51 Return

52 $500 Question Triangle Congruence
Why is △ABC≅△ADC?

53 $500 Answer Triangle Congruence

54 Return

55 $100 Question Congruent Parts
What does CPCTC stand for?

56 $100 Answer Congruent Parts
Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are

57 Return

58 $200 Question Congruent Parts
△ABC≅△DEF, what is congruent to segment BC?

59 $200 Answer Congruent Parts
Segment EF

60 Return

61 $300 Question Congruent Parts
△QRS≅△XYZ, what is congruent to angle Q?

62 $300 Answer Congruent Parts
Angle X.

63 Return

64 $400 Question Congruent Parts
△ABC≅△XYZ, list all of the congruent parts.

65 $400 Answer Congruent Parts

66 Return

67 $500 Question Congruent Parts
What must you do before you can say CPCTC?

68 $500 Answer Congruent Parts
Prove that the triangles are congruent.

69 Return

70 $100 Question Triangle Reasoning
Can you have 2 obtuse angles in a triangle? Explain why or why not.

71 $100 Answer Triangle Reasoning
No, because that would means 2 angles greater than 90 which already adds up to over 180°.

72 Return

73 $200 Question Triangle Reasoning
What must be true about the angles in a scalene triangle?

74 $200 Answer Triangle Reasoning
They must all be different because all of the sides are different and only equal sides can have equal opposite angles.

75 Return

76 $300 Question Triangle Reasoning
Is it possible to have a right obtuse triangle? Why or why not?

77 $300 Answer Triangle Reasoning
No, because that would create an angle sum of more than 180°.

78 Return

79 $400 Question Triangle Reasoning
Why is SSA not enough to prove triangles congruent?

80 $400 Answer Triangle Reasoning
Because SSA leaves two options for a triangle. An acute option and an obtuse option.

81 Return

82 $500 Question Triangle Reasoning
Explain why an exterior angle is the sum of the other interior angles.

83 $500 Answer Triangle Reasoning
Because both the exterior angle and the sum of the other two angles are supplementary to the third interior angle.

84 Return

85 $100 Question Odds and Ends
Write an equation that passes through the points (3, 2) and (5, 6).

86 $100 Answer Odds and Ends y=2x-4

87 Return

88 $200 Question Odds and Ends
Name a pair of congruent angles.

89 $200 Answer Odds and Ends Vertical Angles Corresponding Angles
Alternate Interior Angles Alternate Exterior Angles

90 Return

91 $300 Question Odds and Ends
What type of statement includes “iff”?

92 A bi-conditional statement.
$300 Answer Odds and Ends A bi-conditional statement.

93 Return

94 $400 Question Odds and Ends
What is the difference between a segment, ray and line?

95 $400 Answer Odds and Ends A segment has a definite length, a ray extends in one direction, and a line extends in both directions

96 Return

97 $500 Question Odds and Ends
Write the converse of the following statement. If you answer this question correctly, then you will get 500 points.

98 If you get 500 points, then you answered this question correctly.
$500 Answer Odds and Ends If you get 500 points, then you answered this question correctly.

99 Return

100 Final Jeopardy Topic Coordinate Geometry

101 Final Jeopardy Question
What type of triangle is formed by the points (0, 1) (5, 0) and (4, 7)?

102 Final Jeopardy Answer Acute Scalene

103 Thank You for Playing

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