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Group Assignment Instructions

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1 Group Assignment Instructions
Economy and Society Group Assignment Instructions

2 Group Assignment You will be working with a group of 3 – 4 people.
Your group is responsible to submit: 1 – A final paper (about 15 pages). DUE APRIL 11th 2 – An outline of your final paper (can be point form). DUE March 7th 3 – Discuss the idea for your final paper in class on March 7h. 4 – All group meeting notes. Therefore you must: 1 – Meet with your group at least once a week in the month of March. 2 – Take detailed minutes of the meeting including: - who is present at the meeting - what is discussed - all decisions taken by the group

3 Group Assignment Your group will chose between two possible assignments 1 – Book Review 2 – Research Paper 3 – Research in Action Project

4 Group Assignment Book Review
1 - Choose a book related to Economy and Society 2 – Read the book 3 – Discuss the book with members of your group 4 – Write a review of the book

5 Group Assignment Research Paper
1 - Choose a topic related to Economy and Society 2 – Conduct a literature review of academic sources related to the topic 3 – Discuss this research with members of your group 4 – Write a research report on the topic

6 Group Assignment Research in Action Project
Get involved with a community group/project Write about your experience Come see me if you are interested in this option

7 Format of Paper Your paper should be:
pages long (not including title page and bibliography) - Double Spaced

8 Grade Breakdown An ‘A’ Paper
- Will link concepts from other readings in this course - Will be well thought out (argument well developed) - Will provide strong support for your arguments - Will be well structured - Will not contain grammatical errors For a topic presentation, at least 10 sources should be included For a book review, critically analyze the readings by comparing and contrasting it to concepts that you read about in this course.

9 Grade Breakdown A ‘B’ Paper
- Will link only a few concepts from other readings in this course - Will be thought out (argument superficially developed) - Will provide superficial support for your arguments - Will be adequately structured - Will contain some grammatical errors For a topic presentation, at least 5 sources should be included For a book review, critically analyze the readings by comparing and contrasting it to only a few concepts that you read about in this course.

10 Grade Breakdown A ‘C’ Paper
- Will link one or two concepts from other readings in this course - Will be poorly thought out (argument poorly developed) - Will provide little support for your arguments - Will be adequately structured - Will contain grammatical errors For a topic presentation, at least 3 sources should be included For a book review, critically analyze the readings by comparing and contrasting it to one or two concepts that you read about in this course.

11 Grade Breakdown A ‘D’ Paper
- Will not link concepts from other readings in this course - Will not be well thought out (argument poorly developed) - Will provide no support for your arguments - Will be poorly structured - Will contain grammatical errors For a topic presentation, at least 1 source should be included For a book review, superficially analyze the readings

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