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Pension funds and sustainable investment

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1 Pension funds and sustainable investment
2nd DNB Seminar on Financial Inclusion Strategy for and challenges in financial inclusion Patrick Corveleijn DNB Pensions Supervision, 22 September 2017

2 Agenda Introduction: background and set-up First impressions
General picture Policy Risk management Accountability Challenges Wrap-up

3 Introduction Dutch pension system
Pillar III Individual private pensions Pillar II Private employee pensions Pillar I State pensions (Dutch citizens included via General Old Age Pensions Act up to 70% of minimum wage) Employers are obliged to build up pension for its employees  (if, statutory requirement for sector, and/or part of the collective labour agreement) Approx. 90% of Dutch employees are included in a fund scheme. 268 Pensionfunds manage approx. € billion of assets. DNB Supervision DNB supervises sufficient funding, appropriate risk management and sound governance (under Pensions Act).

4 Background pensionfunds
Introduction Background pensionfunds Legal perspective The Pension Fund Governance Act, Section 135(4) of the Pensions Act Code for Pension Funds Capital perspective Size (€1,300 billion) and international Overview of risks Social perspective Pension assets are invested with sufficient public backing, although trust in pension funds is low There is a growing tendency in society towards a more sustainable economy Since 2014 Pension funds have been obliged to state in their annual reports how their investment policies take account of; environmental and climate aspects, human rights and social relations.

5 Introduction Set-up Objectives: Take stock of the current status and considerations about pension funds' sustainable investment policies, and encourage laggards to meet their transparency obligations Gain a better understanding of sustainable investment Baseline measurement – Status Call laggards to account Embedment in policy and implementation Analysis of good practices Focus: motivations and challenges Final report Continuously: Discussions with external parties Basic assumptions: Sound and ethical operational management 2. Prudent person principle

6 Major progress Where can this be seen?
General picture Major progress Where can this be seen? Nine out of ten pension funds have sustainable investment on their agenda, and the decisions they made show up in their balance sheets. Several pension funds, including the largest, are characterised by applying sustainability criteria to the entire investment cycle of policy, risk management, and accountability. A sample survey revealed a substantial increase in activities focused on sustainable investment.

7 Status of sustainable investment
General picture Status of sustainable investment Five categories according to intensity Number of Funds (in percentage) No clear data 12% Limited 31% Active 26% Intensive 20% Integrated 11%

8 General picture Size a key determinant Large funds lead the field in shaping a sustainable investment policy

9 Developments Notable developments between 2013 – 2015:
General picture Developments Notable developments between 2013 – 2015: Incorporation sustainability in Investment Beliefs has risen from 40% in 2013 to 74% in 2015. Of the group comprising funds with “no” or “limited” sustainable policy 40% developed a more active sustainable investment policy. Funds that implemented an active sustainability policy showed the most amount of development. The group comprising funds with a more intensive and integrated sustainable investment policy gradually developed their policies.

10 Cycle as support for investment policy
Insight into policy Dilemmas: principles vs pragmatism Increasingly more specific sustainable policy per asset class Cycle as support for investment policy Ensures that all necessary steps are taken Prevents ad-hoc policy Increases time efficiency of management boards

11 Risk management Reputation Large pension funds are held to account over investment policy at an earlier stage Increased vulnerability due to greater transparency Reputation management a key driver for sustainable investment Strengthened connections with members Restoration of trust Observable shift from ex-post driven reputation management to ex-ante integration in financial analysis

12 Risk management Financial risks ESG risks can be immediately manifested in financial risks Investment in sectors which take insufficient account of negative effects Financial risk management is key for pension funds The use of non-financial information can lead to more insight in risks and refine valuation The use of relevant non-financial information can stregthen risk management Embedding in investment policy is still only very recent

13 Accountability is increasing
Accountability is focused both internally and externally Quantitative accountability 88% of pension funds implement Section 135(4) of the Pensions Act There is increasing disparity in accountability Qualitative accountability Involving members is a challenge Availability of generic sustainable investment data limited Consistency between implemented policy and accountability can be strengthened Shift towards ex-ante integration of ESG factors has had an impact on accountability

14 Challenges Next steps Sustainable investment does not develop independently, but interrelatedly. For pension funds (and their asset managers) Encourage cooperation within the sector Focus on making sustainable investment more transparent Further integrate sustainability further into the investment portfolio’s risk management For the entire sustainable investment chain Improve the availability, quality and standardisation of ESG information and aim for unambiguous sustainability reports Conduct further scientific research and studies into the effects of ESG factors on investment policies

15 In conclusion: balance

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