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An Introduction to HelpDesk Answers

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to HelpDesk Answers"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to HelpDesk Answers

2 Overview 1. What are HelpDesk Answers? 2. Describing the Anatomy 3. Why write HDAs? 4. Understanding the Process and Timeline

3 What are Help Desk Answers?

4 What are HDAs? HDAs are brief, concise, structured responses to clinical questions of practicing family clinicians drawing on: Systematic reviews of the best available evidence Meta-analyses Original research studies Evidence-based guidelines OR Authoritative guidelines (if none of the above are available)

5 Describing the Anatomy

6 Anatomy of an HDA Clinical Question
Evidence Based Answer (35 – 75 words, with SORT grade) Evidence Summary (250 – 350 words) References (100 – 200 words, with STEPs) The ideal word count is 500, including references. HDAs should run no more than 600 words – a small table counts for approximately 100 words.

7 Why write HDAs?

8 Why write HDAs? HDAs meet the RRC scholarly requirements:
For Residents: Each program must provide an opportunity for residents to participate in research or other scholarly activities and residents must participate actively in such scholarly activities. Two projects per resident by end of residency (local or more wide-spread dissemination). For Faculty: The faculty is responsible for establishing and maintaining an environment of inquiry and scholarship and an active research component must be included in each program. Two projects per faculty member on average over 5 years (regional or national dissemination).

9 Why write HDAs?....cont HDAs reinforce EBM proficiency
HDAs build skills that are required for original research design HDAs support quality improvement (QI) All completed HDAs are published in Evidence-Based Practice, the Journal of Family Practice and American Family Physician.

10 EBM Proficiencies Searching for the best evidence
Assessing the strength of the evidence Evaluating statistical results Reporting study results objectively Summarizing for clear, quick understanding Applying the evidence to clinical practice

11 The HDA Process and Timeline
Begin with a plan

12 HDAs Flow Chart

13 HDAs Can Fit into 4-Week Rotations
Month prior to beginning rotation Learner completes HDA Institute learning path courses Corresponding author selects or proposes questions after learner has completed learning path courses Approved question must be finalized prior to beginning rotation Week 1: Complete search and selection of articles Week 2: Complete review of articles, synthesis and grading of evidence Week 3: Complete first draft for review by faculty co-author Week 4: Complete second draft for review by faculty co-author Continuing to Publication (approx. 12 weeks) The 4-week timeline allows for the EBM educational experience but editorial review and peer review leading to publication would require additional time.

14 Set Clear Roles and Goals
Set realistic goals for new authors Focus more on substance than style or word count Seek to build EBM skills Literature search, grading the evidence, evidence synthesis, applying the evidence Build on strengths Know where to find examples, resources View co-authors as coaches Stick to the schedule Know when to ask for help

15 Set Clear Roles and Goals…cont.
First draft due dates Due dates for manuscripts are strictly enforced. Authors are responsible for submitting their draft by its due date. Authors are usually given 45 days from the date of accepting the EMS invitation to submit a first draft. If an extension is needed, it must be submitted before the due date through FPIN’s EMS. Manuscripts that are not submitted or extended by their due date may be terminated and the question will be reposted to the HDA sign-up list. Each author team will be allowed ONE four-week extension during the writing process, no questions asked. Additional extensions are only granted with Editor-in-Chief approval, for rare and extenuating circumstances. We do this to ensure professional standards and to make sure these important clinical questions are being answered and disseminated for the FPIN community in a timely manner.

16 Set clear Roles and Goals….cont.
Mentors: Build confidence with early steps, then stand back Stress EBM skills Focus on substance while adhering to HDA style Know when to take the reins Authors: Focus on learning the EBM vocabulary Review HDA Resources on the FPIN website Stick to a schedule and scheduled meetings Know when to ask for help

17 Other common Stumbling Blocks
Question is too big Authors try to write from the abstract Studies use statistical methods that the authors don’t understand Authors resist writing with an objective “reporter” voice Communication breaks down with faculty mentor

18 HDA Project Coordinator FPIN Office 573-256-2066
FPIN Contact Information HDA Project Coordinator FPIN Office

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