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Activity Reporting Lead Partner Seminar 8th September 2010 – Bunratty Co. Clare, Ireland Rachel Burn
Activity Report in the Progress Report lifecycle
Activity Report in the Progress Report lifecycle
Why to report? Monitoring of project by - PMC - MA - Secretariat
Guarantee satisfactory project implementation Continous measurement and quantifiaction of project outputs Cross-check project application/ decision vs implementation Information and knowledge to broader public
Activity Report Template
Available on 10 Sections: General information Project Activities and Performance Project Indicators Project Financial Information Analysis of Project Activity and Outcomes Performance Project Management and Partnership Dynamics NPP Horizontal Principles Project Communication Other changes (partnership, target area, other) Additional information
Section 1: General Information
Report number and period Project title Acronym and Duration Priority
Section 1: General Information
Target area/ location of operation Partnership information Based on the information from the application Note: Changes need prior approval by the Secretariat Lead partner’s written request to Programme Secretariat by mail
Section 1: General Information
Executive summary Overall description of project implementation process Status of development of products and services (outcomes so far, compared with objectives set out in application) Will be used for wider dissemination
Section 2: Project Activities and Performance
Overall description of activities so far Highlights of most important activities for project implementation progress Links between Work Packages
Section 2: Project Activities and Performance
Information taken from the application Description of each project work package Activities as planned in the activity plan in the approved application Results to date
Section 2: Project Activities and Performance
Change of activities in comparison to approved application Any activity changes need pre-approval by Secretariat Justification of the change and impact on implementation of project 1 request for change per year
Section 3: Indicators General indicators based on indicators outlined in application and decision (reporting should be accumulative) Indication of UHIs, Technology institutes and SMEs should be ‘ticked or crossed’. Equal opportunity indicators based on indicators outlines in the application and decision (reporting should be accumulative) Involvement of Small & Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) based on numbers outlined in application and decision.
Section 3: Indicators Priority 1 or 2 specific indicators Activity
Output Result
Section 3: Indicators Additional project indicators as in the approved application Change of indicators in comparison to approved application Any indicator changes need pre-approval by Secretariat Justification of the change and impact on implementation of project 1 request for change per year
Section 3: Contribution to strategies
Contribution to the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy (EUBSRS) State whether the project contributes to the EUBSRS ( Contribution to other relevant strategies for your region. Does your project contribute to EU2020? Does your project complement regional economic strategies and align with national strategies?
Project Outcomes and Transnational Impact
Overall description of project implementation process. Status of development of products and services (outcomes, so far, compared with objectives set out in the application) Transnational impact Could the product/ service be transferred to other countries? How does it make a difference across the region? Organisational learning, i.e. Collaboration between SMEs and UHIs. Added value of the adopted transnational approach?
Section 4: Project Financial Information
Project Expenditures Total approved project budget Total certified expenditures Current reporting period Accumulative
Section 4: Project Financial Information
Analysis of the financial performance in comparison to approved total budget Underspendings/ Overspendings/ Unexpected expenditures % of budget spent vs. % of time spent according to project plan Will the project keep spending targets and still achieve outputs Good value for money Could have been more achieved with the same inputs of money or could same outcomes have been achieved with reduced financial inputs? Efficient use of the budget Cross referring to the financial report
Section 4: Project Financial Information
Budget changes Justification for the change Description of impact of changes for the project implementation 1 request for change per year
Section 5: Analysis of Project Activity and Outcomes Performance
Project activity and outcome performance Analysis of project activity and outcome performance in relation to: Indicators Time plan Budget
Section 6: Project Management and Partnership Dynamics
Analysis of Project Management dynamics Arrangements that were used to implement the project, involved partners List of issues discussed List of decisions taken Description of impact of decision on project implementation Dynamics in the project partnership Advantages of the transnational partnership approach Challenges of international cooperation in transnational setting Project cooperation/ Synergies with other projects Concrete cooperation activities
Section 7: NPP 2007-2013 Horizontal Principles
Equal Opportunities – concrete steps and activities Gender: provision of day care for children during partner meetings Age: Special tailored staff recruitment plan for young employees Social: Special employment plan for indigenous people How did this change the working culture in the organisations participating in the project?
Section 7: NPP 2007-2013 Horizontal Principles
Sustainable Development – concrete steps and activities Implementation of Sustainable impact assessment tool for resource use Minimized travel plan for meetings – ICT solutions, use of environmental friendly transportation, voluntary carbon offset Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plan Transnational/ shared use of rescue equipment How did this change the working culture in the organisations participating in the project?
Section 8: Project Communication
Communication indicators to measure progress on the mandatory communication measures and expected attendance at NPP events accumulative List of all communication tools and promotional materials developed Purpose to exemplify indicators given in question 8.1 Examples: Brochure Website exhibition roll-up PowerPoint presentations Pens
Section 8: Project Communication
Provide an analysis of the internal and external communication activities Purpose to get a sense of general performance on communication and best practices What activities worked well, any innovative steps to enhance performance Certification of compliance with the NPP and European publicity requirements Commission Regulation No 1828/2006, Articles 8 and 9. This is a matter of eligibility: European Commission recommends a 2% flat rate cut
Section 9: Changes in Project Partnership, Target Area and Other Changes
Additional changes in comparison to the approved application/ to the decision All changes require pre-approval by Programme Secretariat: Partnership Target area Duration Work package structure
Section 10: Additional Information
Feedback and Suggestions To NPP bodies/ the programme Background for evaluation activities in the programme Overview on other documents requested Project claim Certificates of Expenditure Summary of Certificates of Expenditure FLC checklists Examples of information/ dissemination material Signature
Submitting an Activity Report
Please send the Activity report as part of the Progress Report together with other required documents to: Northern Periphery Programme Secretariat Att.: Responsible Desk Officer Strandgade 91, 4.Sal DK-1401 Copenhagen-K Denmark and per
Assessment of the Activity Report
The Programme Secretariat is the body that assesses the Activity Report Assessment includes: Completeness of the information Eligibility of activities carried out Coherence of activities with objectives set out in the application and decision Concrete actions meeting the NPP horizontal principles Quality of partnership and distribution of roles between the partners Current degree of project progress achieved Efficiency and effectiveness of the project implementation process Measurement of quality and quantity of project outputs and results Impact, Added value and Sustainability Improvement proposed and anticipated results Analysis of project expenditure and other budgetary matters Assessment of activity report will be sent to Managing Authority together with the project claim
No Report = No Money!!
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