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8/3/16 Prepared for ITLC by ITAC

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1 8/3/16 Prepared for ITLC by ITAC
ITAC Annual Report 8/3/16 Prepared for ITLC by ITAC

2 Team and Members

3 Year in Review Onboarding of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR)
Launched an API group to collaborate on management and platforms Presented on the EAAF to ITANA Contributed to facets of IS-3 Hosted 3 webinars Proposed and had 3 presentations accepted at UCCSC

4 Year in Review - Adoption Stats
15 new standards and artifacts (EAAs) 5 more in active development 64 total in the EA Body of Knowledge across multiple domains 7 UCs actively reviewing and adopting artifacts at their campuses



7 EAAs in action UCOP implemented an Exception Process for situations when CIO-adopted standards are not met (link) Majority of exceptions are associated with integration security Saw reduction in number of Exception Requests after initial roll-out (10 over 3 month period initially, to 1 over 3 months since) and increased willingness to adhere to adopted standards now that infractions are documented We observe an increased emphasis on consistency and earlier check-in with the body of standards A UCOP department used an EAA to have a software vendor update their password management (replace SHA-1) to meet current standards

8 EAAs in action Some EAAs are more popular than others (wiki, EABoK)
EA Glossary Data Classification Questionnaire Data Naming (3) Don’t use (SHA-1, MD5, ..) for cryptographic functions Federated Authentication (2) WebServices (2)

9 Review - Campus Activity
UC San Diego has an ‘Enterprise Architecture Steering Group’ along with an Architectural Review Board for tactical engagement with large projects. Started an initiative to build an EA team, called Architecture and Innovation Services. UC Davis launching its own Architectural Review Board UC Berkeley has launched IT Architecture and Infrastructure Committee

10 Year in Review - Practical Impacts
Development and adoption of data standards in support of UC Path UC Trust – proposed a consistent/streamlined process for sharing attributes between campuses and locations that have been pre-vetted (pre-approved) for specific use cases

11 Looking Ahead As some of the ITLC CIOs are relatively new, and a portion of the ITAC membership is new, we will be scheduling meetings with ITAC and ITLC representatives from each campus over the next 6 months to elicit and confirm expectations. Assisting with the adoption of IS-3 - developing standards and guidelines to help campuses and groups transition to the new guidelines Plan on proposing a shared (system-wide) API platform to ITLC

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