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人教修订版 高中一年级(下) Unit 20.

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1 人教修订版 高中一年级(下) Unit 20

2   humor a humorous story story full of humor
a famous humorous writer a humorous actor have a good sense of humor have no much sense of humor in good humor

3 Book 1 Unit 20 New Words

4 twister tongue twister
a road full of twists and turns If you twist my arm, I'll stay for a second beer. twisted their heads around at the sound of the doorbell. twist flowers in one's hair. bitter Good medicine tastes bitter. bitter fruit 苦果 a bitter wind 刺骨的风 a bitter disappointment 痛苦的失望 bitter enemies 不共戴天的仇敌 to the bitter end 到底;到最后

5 Witch be witched by her beauty
Chalk a piece of chalk Couple The young couple seem(s) to be happy. Five couple took the floor. They keep a couple of dogs. I will have a couple of drinks and I will come home. couple and pair Pair缺一不可, couple可分可合。都可指夫妻, couple表面的结合,Pair侧重实际的匹配。 I found a couple of socks in the room but they do not make a pair. Not every couple is a pair.

6 Minister Comedian German Germany Circus "Last Christmas, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, decided to take some presents to a children's hospital.“ Clown Cross-dressing Stage at an early stage in our history set the stage for为…做准备; Stereotype He is a stereotyped man. Nationality What nationality are you?

7 by intension without intention intended it intend to do intend you to make up intended reporting intend that he (shall) set out

8 Certain There are certain reasons why this information can’t be made public . A certain/ Some Mr. Jones phoned you today. I read it in some magazine. Make fun of People make fun of her because she wears such strange hats. It is unkind to make fun of a cripple. It is fun to swim in a summer lake. It is funny for him to say that. Amuse amusing amused Amusement be/ feel amused at

9 Laughter和laugh都指“笑,笑声”。前者不可数,后者可树。
burst into laughter/ tears I heard a roar of laughter from the next room. It is a song with a laugh in a tear. His story raised a laugh in the whole class. He fell into a hearty laugh. accent He speaks with a foreign accent. actually = in actual fact = in fact = as a matter of fact sketch typical he is a typical Chinese woman. Crosstalk Traditional Our Chinese traditional medicine is quite useful.

10 Date back to = date from This church dates back to 1173. The Great Wall dates from the 3rd century BC. The custom dates from the time when men wore swords. out of date to date put a date to sth have a date with sb up to date under date of May 1 set/fix a date keep a date Rapid make rapid progress Rhyme 过时的,陈旧的 到目前为止 注明日期 与。。。约会 最新式的 在五月一日 确定日期 赴约

11 applaud applause Everyone applauded when the play ended. I applaud your decision. fluent fluently He is fluent in five languages. He speaks English fluently. = He is fluent in English. = His English is very fluent. exist existence Contradictions exist everywhere. Salt exists mostly in sea water. So poor they can hardly exist. One cannot exist without air. The old lady exists only on rice coffee and bread. come into existence/ being The elephant is the largest land animal in existence.

12 appreciate the sentences
is also highly appreciated appreciate reading appreciate helping He would much appreciate it if you could do him that favour.

13 phrase He took a phrasebook out from his pocket. suffer suffering He suffered a great loss after the fire. I can know your sufferings. operate The company was operated by a good leader, Mr. Green. be on good terms with sb Direction in /from the direction of She drove off in the direction of London. The enemy troops fled in all directions. Our school is under the direction of a good headmaster. Follow the directions for the use of the medicine.

14 Brake Cyclist bicycle tricycle Fortunately unfortunately Drive off drive…away/ out/ into… Silence Silence gives consent.沉默即同意. Silence is gold 沉默是金 silence cabinet 隔音室 They worked in silence. to silence an opponent look on / upon…as… = think of…as… = regard …as… Rude rudely rudeness be rude to sb a rude drawing it is a rude awakening.突然的醒悟

15 Confuse confused confusing confusion confusedly
We tried to confuse the enemy. I was confused by all the noise. to confuse black and white to confuse Mr. A with Mr. B

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