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Week 2 Vocabulary.

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1 Week 2 Vocabulary

2 Auto Self Example: I wrote my Autobiography about my own life.
Automobile Autograph Autobiography I wrote my Autobiography about my own life.

3 Bi- Two Example: Bicycle Biannual Bimonthly I rode my bicycle to the store to get my bifocal lenses fixed.

4 Fore- Before Example: The forecast says that tomorrow it will rain.
Foreshadow Forward The forecast says that tomorrow it will rain.

5 Hyper- Over (Excess) Example:
Hyperactive Hyperbole Hyper-allergenic I am usually hyperactive the first day after a break because I have so much left over energy!

6 Hypo- Under (Not Enough) Example:
Hypodermic Hypothesis Hypoallergenic I create a hypothesis in science because I still need to create an experiment to make it a true thesis.

7 Micro- Small Example: I use a microscope to look at very tiny objects.
Microcosm Microscope Microphone I use a microscope to look at very tiny objects.

8 Post- After Example: Postscript Postpone Posttest I postponed the date of my exam to finish my paper.

9 Tele- Distance Example:
Television Telephone Telescope I called my friend in Vietnam on the telephone.

10 Tri- Three Example: A triangle has three points on it. #Lizardpeople
Tricycle Tripod Triangle A triangle has three points on it. #Lizardpeople

11 Un- Not Example: Sleeping in a tent is very uncomfortable. Unhappy
Unable Uncomfortable Sleeping in a tent is very uncomfortable.

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