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QFD를 통한 설계단계에서의 품질향상 김 광 재 포항공과대학교 산업공학과 전화:

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Presentation on theme: "QFD를 통한 설계단계에서의 품질향상 김 광 재 포항공과대학교 산업공학과 전화:"— Presentation transcript:

1 QFD를 통한 설계단계에서의 품질향상 김 광 재 포항공과대학교 산업공학과 전화: 054-279-2208
김 광 재 포항공과대학교 산업공학과 전화: Fax: URL:

2 QFD의 개관

3 Missing Link IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

4 Breaking Down Barriers
IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

5 Quality Lever 100:1 10:1 1:1 PAYOFFS Product Design Process Design
Production Improve Product 100:1 10:1 1:1 PAYOFFS IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

6 Tools for Quality Improvement
IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

7 Japanese / U.S. Engineering Change Comparison
IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

8 QFD: Applications in 1990’s
QFD Applications Presented at Annual QFD Symposium

9 QFD: Applications in 1990’s (continued)
Manufacturing Automotive, Electronics, Computer, Aerospace, etc. Service Healthcare, Education, Hotel, Telecommunications, Energy, etc. Administration Strategic planning, Organization/Process Reengineering, Human resource management, Marketing, Auditing, etc. Others Software design, Information systems, Military, Construction industry, Environment, etc. IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

10 QFD: Selected Applications in Electronics Industry
DEC (1988): Vax Cluster Product Line Motorola (1990): Private Trunked Systems Raychem (1992): Coaxial Cable connector for CATV Hewlett Packard (1992): A Multimeter IBM (1993): VLSI Package (Plastic Quad Flat Packs) Sandia Lab (1993): LiTC “D” Cell Battery Nokia (1994): Television Set Samsung Electronics Co. (1996): Memory Product (DRAM) Whirlpool (1997): Vip 34 Microwave Oven Beko Electronics (1997): Ideal TV Set IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

11 House of Quality의 작성

12 House of Quality: Schematic
IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

13 House of Quality: Video Game

14 HOQ 작성 Guideline (1) IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

15 HOQ 작성 Guideline (2) IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

16 House of Quality: MOFA FUSE Example
IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

17 House of Quality: Air Conditioning Control Device (Eaton)
IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

18 House of Quality: Car Door Example
Energy to close the door Check force on level ground Check force on 10% slope Door seal resistance Road noise reduction Water resistance x 1 2 3 4 5 6 Easy to close from outside Stays open on a hill Rain leakage Road noise Cost Customer Attributes Engineering Characteristics ours A's B's C's D's E's F's min. max. Customer Perceptions x1 Relative importance Objective measures Our car door Company A's car door Company B's car door Company C's car door Company D's car door Company E's car door Company F's car door minimum maximum Measurement units Z Value 0.3 0.2 0.1 ft-lb lb lb/ft db psi 1.6 1.7 3.7 3.0 4.0 1.8 2.9 4.9 2.5 3.3 1.1 2.7 2.2 3.8 3.6 3.9 3.2 3.1 3.5 1.4 2.8 4.2 4.3 .50 .46 .64 .57 .45 .58 .42 11 9 9.5 8.5 10 10.5 8.9 12 14 13 15 8 7 7.5 6.5 5.5 70 60 65 63 50 100 (Whats) (Customer Competitive Analysis) Design Tradeoffs (Hows) x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

19 QFD 관련 연구동향

20 Setting Target EC Values (Kim et al. 1999)
QFD: Research Issues Setting Target EC Values (Kim et al. 1999) Design Problem Complexity Reduction - Design Decomposition (Kim and Shin 1997; Shin and Kim 1999) - Restructuring an HOQ (Shin and Kim 1997; Shin, Fong, and Kim 1998) Decision Support System for QFD (Moskowitz and Kim 1997; Kim and Seppala 1999) Others - Consistency Check of HOQ Information (Shin, Kim, and Chandra 1999) - Choice of Weighting Scale (Shin and Kim 1999) - Sensitivity of Design Parameters IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

21 QFD 관련 참고문헌

22 QFD 관련 참고문헌 Hauser, J. R. and Clausing, D. “The House of Quality,” Harvard Business Review, Vol. 66, 1988, pp 김광재, "QFD를 통한 설계단계에서의 품질 향상," IE 매거진, 2권 1호, 1995년 3월, pp Kim, K. and Moskowitz, H., "Quality Function Deployment: Optimizing Product/Process Design,” Integrated Product, Process and Enterprise Design (Ed. Ben Wang), Chapman & Hall, London, 1997, pp Kim, K., “Quality Function Deployment: Basic Mechanism,” IE671 Class Notes, POSTECH. 포항공과대학교 산업공학과 품질공학연구실 홈페이지 ( IE, POSTECH Quality Engineering Lab.

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