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NAIAD Company Ltd All rights reserved

2 ” The future belongs to the fast”. Meg Whitman, CEO – HPE (2016)
“Forget the future; it’s the present that needs to be fast”. Steven Keays (2017) 1. The Point 2. Brave new world Methods of delivery Methods of project management

3 justified but rarely justifiable
THE POINT The status quo is often justified but rarely justifiable NAIAD Company Ltd All rights reserved

4 In an age of depressed commodity prices, who can afford the odds of failure that plague industrial projects, small and large, far and wide? Projects are risky. Their execution, riskier. Their success? Unlikely, if the status quo is allowed to prevail. Steven Keays (2015)

5 The status quo, pre-2014 Projects could not succeed at $100 oil. What hope do they have at $50? Beyond $1B, the failure rate is a staggering 70% 50% of $100M projects will suffer the same fate $20M TIC projects fail 30% of the time Source: Industrial Megaprojects, By Edward Merrow NAIAD Company Ltd All rights reserved

Consequences of the Great Dislocation ( ) THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE Permanently altered. The Great Dislocation that has taken place since late 2014 has permanently altered the execution landscape of capital projects. Across the world and industries alike, these projects have faced fantastic budgetary pressures, especially in the O&G, Mining and Infrastructure sectors. SUPPLY CHAINS Labour pools and suppliers have been decimated. The widespread job cuts caused by collapse in oil prices has permanently damaged labour pools. Supply chain vendors who managed to survive the onslaught cannot survive the current cost structure. DEMAND-SIDE ECONOMICS E&P companies became a monopsony. Owners, producers and operators have been able to dictate pricing in their respective sectors. Draconian cost savings achieved since 2014 cannot persist in 2017. 2017 marks the end of the beginning of the recovery. Capital projects are making the news. Investor and owner confidence is returning. Significantly, this confidence assumes that demand-side economics will continue to prevail. Signs are already wrecking this assumption. RESURRECTION NAIAD Company Ltd All rights reserved

The world as it was until 2014. Common project execution framework Traditional project management (TPM) concepts ruled. Planning, sequencing and tracking of both capex and opex projects abided by ubiquitous practices promoted by standard-bearing organizations such as PMI. Uniform progression The decision-gate framework became the norm across industries, in the form of the sequence DBM > FEED > DESIGN > CONSTRUCTION >COMMISSIONING. Price inflation In the Canadian O&G sector, labour costs followed a relentless upward trajectory across the entire supply chain. Workshare, offshoring, outsourcing and offshore-built modularization strategies were pursued in an attempt to corral that cost inflation. To little or no avail, ultimately. Common outcomes In spite of these efforts, and contrary to the expectations conveyed by the application of TPM techniques and methods, projects continued to blow their budgets and bust their schedules. Failure rates of %50 or more are the norm, not the exception.

8 The status quo Why it must be challenged
If projects that were struggling when oil was at $100 oil, what chance do they have at $50? The cost structure inherited from the Great Dislocation is unsustainable going forward. Labour has become purely transactional. Loyalty & tolerance have vanished Project experience walked out the door two years running. It’s not coming back soon The industry’s long-term employment challenges have been walloped into a crisis The TPM methodology for project delivery failed before and will fail again NAIAD Company Ltd All rights reserved

9 Brave new world The project as investment vehicle

10 A NEW PARADIGM Investment-centric project management (ICPM)
OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW Project defined as a temporary endeavor, undertaken to create a unique product, service or result, and in satisfaction of all stakeholders. Is managed in accordance with the constraint trifecta. All expense decisions are motivated to reduce costs now. The project ends with the end of commissioning & start-up. Project defined as the realization of a profitably performing asset. The asset exists to maximize ROI to shareholders over its life. The project is managed in accordance with the constraint diamond. All expense decisions are made to maximize the asset’s long term ROI performance. The project ends when the asset’s performance is verified. NAIAD Company Ltd All rights reserved

11 MANAGING MINDSETS Costs now vs Profits later 2-legged stool
“Doing right by the project” is incompatible with the constraint trifecta (cost, quality, time). Focus must instead be on the end game and governed by the constraint diamond (cost ,time, revenues, performance, expenses, profits) Make decisions on the basis of future ROI performance. TPM = traditional project management PPA = profitably performing asset NAIAD Company Ltd All rights reserved

12 WORK SEQUENCE Incrementalism governs (bottom up approach) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Installation integration Plant design and nucleation Granular requirements Construction Physical configuration of asset Construction basis Realization planning Asset validation System definition Plant integration Conceptualization stage Realization stage NAIAD Company Ltd All rights reserved

ICPM Lifecycle phases Granular requirements (1) Define the overall asset requirements . High-level targets are assigned. Identify the PECO objectives, investment message. Distill plant into primary installations. Define their functional requirements (FR). System definition (2) Define the functional specifications (FS) for the primary systems . Define the IBL requirements of the secondary systems. Identify OBL commands. Preliminary Installation integration (3) Integrate the primary and secondary systems of each installation into functional networks. Derive the design specifications (DS) of systems, FS of installations and FR of the plant. Plant integration (4) Integrate the primary and secondary installations into the pant’s functional network. Develop the construction requirements. Plant design (5) Complete the design of the entire plant. Derive the construction specifications. Develop all Phase 4 FS into DS. Finalize all command and control details of the plant. Commence the nucleation work. The Conceptualization stage is completed. Realization planning (6) Assemble the construction basis. Develop the plans to construct the asset. Execute the permit plan. Award all required contracts. Construction (7) Initiate the site preparation works. Begin construction. Continue until the plant is ready for commissioning. Asset validation (8) Enter operational readiness. Execute start-up and commissioning. Complete personnel training. Operations take-over. Verify plant’s performance. Modify as required. Warranty claims and hold-backs are resolved. Complete close-out.

14 METHODS of DELIVERY Going beyond plans and procedures

15 Methods of delivery Changing the focus of a project’s overall management The success or failure of a project rests with the Owner. It is not enough to mobilize the “A” team on a project. What is needed is the “A” organization, which requires a functional division of the resources. Do away with the idea that the project team is the lynchpin of the entire project, and replace it with a genuine framework structure. PECO : Project Management Office PECO : Project Ecosystem NAIAD Company Ltd All rights reserved

16 Methods of delivery The Framework organization
The Framework manages the risks and constraints external to the project. The PMO managers the risks and constraints internal to the project. Mission Protect the owner Checks the PMO against monopsony Enable the PMO to realize the PPA Project development strategies and metrics Areas of influence Project ecosystem (PECO) Management oversight Execution dominion Standardization Accountability Strategic (as agent of the owner) Core functions PECO management Aggregating functions Global component strategies Partnerships Venture oversight management SOE / SOL enforcement Partner alignment Resources Corporate allocations Project staff training and development Outsourcing and offshoring SOE: Standard Operating Environment SOL: Standard Operating Landscape (partnerships and JV) NAIAD Company Ltd All rights reserved

17 Methods of delivery The Project Ecosystem
Projects do not happen in a vacuum. Big or small, near or far, each one’s reality is shaped by the ecosystem in which it unfolds. The project ecosystem (PECO) is the arena where the action occurs, one that includes all of the variables that are external to the owner’s organization. NAIAD Company Ltd All rights reserved

18 Methods of delivery Acceptance Maturity Model
Work verification based on trust but verify rather than review and approve What is implies Acceptance levels Vendor maturity levels Faith in the work of others. Hire competent parties to do the work. Execute checks as a function of acceptance basis. 1 Execute and accept. 2 Execute, approve & accept. 3 Execute, verify approve & accept. 4 Execute, validate, verify, approve & accept. Based on expertise and history: Expertise: SME & Domain History: Owner & track record NAIAD Company Ltd All rights reserved

19 Methods of delivery Incremental bid mechanics
The selection of a winning bid goes through four stages, in sequence. It is the sole means of genuinely equalizing competing bids. Identify which organization (internal or external) are qualified to execute the anticipated work in full compliance with the owner’s SOE. Occurs before any contract work is considered. Pre-qualifications Define the conceptual baseline (bounds of the work to be quoted). Include schematics, equipment outlines, restrictions and pertinent codes & standards. Specifications Solicit bids from pre-qualified vendors. Equalization of bids. Valunomy assessment. T&C negotiations with prospective winner. Award recommendation Selection Contract award Schedule acceptance Acceptance criteria Work Award NAIAD Company Ltd All rights reserved

20 Methods of development
Recruitment and training The complexity of people management increases exponentially with degrees of physical separation. Go Domestic Default position. Typically with higher valunomy. Least complex management Valunomy Outsourcing costs > unit rates. Domestic labor costs inflate when recruitment is endogenous. Expertise costs are more valunomic than cheap offshore rates Embrace miscegenation as a recruitment strategy Staffing tactics Span of control: direct reports should target 7 Stratification: expertise should propagate horizontally within org chart. Radial: Communication degrades with each distance delay Development Projects present opportunities for on-going development. Implement AAR training on every project. Personnel should be cross-trained in other disciplines. Choose expertise over experience

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