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System Programming and administration

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1 System Programming and administration
Lecture 2 System Software and Machine Architecture

2 2.1 System Software and Machine Architecture
Application Program v.s. System Software Applications:focus on the particular application—machine independent System Software:intend to support computer operations and uses—machine dependent

3 2.1 System Software and Machine Architecture
Machine Dependent Features with S/S Machine Architecture Instruction formats Addressing modes The number of registers The type of registers ….. and so on

4 2.1 System Software and Machine Architecture
Machine Independent Features with S/S The general design and logic of an assembler Some of code optimization techniques The process of linking independently assembled subprograms together

5 2.2 Simplified Instructional Computer (SIC)
Two versions SIC standard SIC/XE (eXtra Equipment or eXtra Expansive):upward compatible

6 2.2.1 SIC Machine Architecture
Memory Features 8-bit bytes Word - 3 bytes (24 bits) Byte addressing Total memory size -- 32KBytes (215)

7 2.2.1 SIC Machine Architecture
Register Features 5 special registers (24 bits long for each) Mnemonic Number Special use A Accumulator X 1 Index register L 2 Linkage register PC 8 Program counter SW 9 Status word

8 2.2.1 SIC Machine Architecture
Data Formats Integer — 24-bit binary number 2’s complement representation is used for negative values Character set — 8-bit ASCII code No Floating-Point hardware support on the SIC standard version

9 2.2.1 SIC Machine Architecture
Instruction Formats (Standard version) —24-bit format 15 x 8 1 opcode address Note that: The flag bit x is used to indicate indexed-addressing mode

10 2.2.1 SIC Machine Architecture
Two Addressing Modes Mode Indication Target address calculation Direct x=0 TA=address Indexed x=1 TA=address+(X) Note that: ( ) means the contents of a register or a memory location

11 2.2.1 SIC Machine Architecture
Instruction Set LDA、LDX、STA (load and store register) ADD、SUB、MUL、DIV ( +, -, *, / ) COMP、JLT、JGT、JEQ (compare, set condition code & jump) JSUB 、RSUB (jump subroutine、return to the address contained in Register L)

12 2.2.1 SIC Machine Architecture
Input & Output Transfer 1 byte at a time to or from the rightmost 8-bits of register A Each device is assigned a unique 8-bit code Three I/O instructions Test Device (TD): “<“ means the device is ready, “=“ means the device is not ready Read Data (RD) Write Data (WD)

13 2.2.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
Memory Features The memory structure is the same as SIC standard version 8-bit bytes Word—3 bytes (24 bits) Byte addressing Total Memory size : 1 MB (220)

14 2.2.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
Registers: Four additional registers are provided Mnemonic Number Special use A Accumulator X 1 Index register L 2 Linkage register B 3 Base register S 4 General working register T 5 F 6 Floating-point accumulator (48 bits) PC 8 Program counter SW 9 Status word

15 2.2.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
Data Formats SIC/XE provides the same data formats as the SIC standard version Integer—24-bit binary number 2’s complement representation is used for negative values Character set — 8-bit ASCII code Provides a 48-bit Floating-Point data type

16 2.2.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
A 48-bit Floating-Point data type format S: sign (0=positive, 1=negative) Exponent (e) : 0 ~ 2047 (Excess-1024) Fraction (f) : 0 ~ 1, the high-order bit must be 1 (similar to IBM format) The absolute value = f * 2^(e-1024) 36 exponent 1 11 s Fraction (mantissa)

17 2.2.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
Instruction Formats – Four instruction formats are provided Format 1 (1 byte) – do not reference memory at all 8 opcode Format 2 (2 byte) – do not reference memory at all 8 4 4 opcode r1 r2

18 2.2.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
12 opcode Format 3 (3 byte) 1 i n x p e=0 b displacement 6 Format 4 (4 byte) 20 opcode 1 i n x p e=1 b address 6

19 2.2.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
Addressing Modes 2 new relative addressing modes are available with format 3 instructions Mode Indication Target address calculation Base relative b=1, p=0 TA=(B) + displacement (0 ≤ disp ≤ 4095) Program-counter relative b=0, p=1 TA=(PC) + displacement (-2048≤ disp ≤ 2047) Direct addressing b=0, p=0 TA=displacement (disp) Also for format 4

20 2.2.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
Other aspects for memory addressing Any of above addressing modes can also be combined with indexed addressing — i.e. if bit x =1 then TA=TA+(X) The standard SIC uses only direct addressing (with or without indexing) Indexing cannot be used with immediate or indirect addressing modes

21 2.2.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
Instruction Set SIC/XE provides all of the instructions that are available on the standard version Additional Instructions Load register – LDB、STB Floating-point operations -- ADDF、SUBF、MULF、DIVF Register-to-register operations -- ADDR、SUBR、MULR、DIVR、RMO (register move) Supervisor call -- SVC

22 2.2.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
Input and Output I/O instructions for SIC are also available on SIC/XE (TD, RD, WD) I/O channels are used to perform I/O (i.e. allow overlay processing of computing and I/O) I/O Instructions SIO – Start I/O TIO – Test I/O HIO – Halt I/O operations

23 2.2.3 SIC Programming Fig. 1.2(a) -- sample data movement operations for SIC Source statement description LDA FIVE Load constant 5 into reg. A STA ALPHA Store in ALPHA LDCH CHARZ Load char “Z” into reg. A STCH C1 Store in character variable C1 RESW 1 One-word variable WORD 5 One-word constant BYTE C”Z” One-byte constant RESB One-byte variable

24 2.2.3 SIC Programming Fig. 1.2(b) -- sample data movement operations for SIC/XE Source statement description LDA #5 Load value 5 into reg. A STA ALPHA Store in ALPHA LDCH #90 Load ASCII code for “Z” into reg. A STCH C1 Store in character variable C1 RESW 1 One-word variable RESB

25 2.2.3 SIC Programming Fig. 1.3(a) -- sample arithmetic operations for SIC Source statement description LDA ALPHA Load ALPHA into reg. A ADD INCR Add the value of INCR SUB ONE Subtract 1 STA BETA Store in BETA GAMMA Load GAMMA into reg. A DELTA Store in DELTA

26 2.2.3 SIC Programming Fig. 1.3(a) – cont’d Source statement
description ONE WORD 1 one-word constant ALPHA RESW One-word variable BETA GAMMA DELTA INCR

27 2.2.3 SIC Programming Fig. 1.3(b) -- sample arithmetic operations for SIC/XE Source statement description LDS INCR Load value of INCR into reg.S LDA ALPHA Load ALPHA into reg. A ADDR S,A Add the value of INCR SUB #1 Subtract 1 STA BETA Store in BETA GAMMA DELTA

28 2.2.3 SIC Programming Fig. 1.3(b) – cont’d Source statement
description ALPHA RESW 1 One-word variable BETA GAMMA DELTA INCR

29 2.3 Traditional Machines (CISC)
CISC– Complex Instruction Set Computers – about 200 or more instructions are provided Characteristic of CISC Have a large and complicated instruction set Several different instruction formats Many different addressing modes Two real machines are exemplified VAX series (PDP/11 & VAX) Intel x86 family (x86 and Pentium Pro)

30 2.4 RISC Machines Advantages of RISC computers
Faster and Less expensive processor development Greater reliability Faster instruction execution time

31 2.4 RISC Machines Characteristics of RISC machines
Standard and fixed instruction length : 1 machine word in general Single-cycle execution time for most instructions Memory access is usually done by load and store instructions only All instructions except for load and store are register-to-register type A large number of register files are provided The number of instructions, instruction formats, and addressing modes are relatively small

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