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2 KEY EVENTS Christmas Mass 21st December
Year 6 Mass Sunday 16th October 2017 Year 6 SATs May week commencing 8th May Summer Production 7th July 2017 Year 6 holiday to Broadstone Warren 10th-14th July

3 Secondary School Make sure you have your form in by 31st October 2016
Remember choice number 1 is your first choice. You are unlikely to get a school if you are out of the catchment area so make sure that you list a school that you are in the catchment area for that is OK or you will get the one nobody wants to go to! Children do not get a Grammar School place if they have not passed the test. No appeals have been successful from this school. The schools are too heavily oversubscribed from pupils that have passed.

4 Purpose of Year 6 Apart from having good fun, it is different to other years as we need to make children secondary ready. They must have a good grasp of basic mathematics. Be able to comprehend age appropriate texts or they will not be able to read the text books. Write in standard English at a good pace and legibly. They are able to listen, focus, think and express ideas without constant adult intervention. They can organise themselves independently. They can behave well without adult supervision.

5 Maths File In the yellow file, you will find a copy of last year’s SATs papers. To pass you need around 50% to get the higher level 90%. If your child achieved level 3s in year 2, they are aiming for around 95% in the paper. If they scored 2a on average, they are aiming for 78%. If they scored 2b 65%. In addition this year, your child will take a tables test. If they are at the required standard, they would have completed the tables sheets 6x to 9x. You can help your child by ensuring they know their tables and number bonds. Checking over their homework with them. Some secondary schools use the results of these tests for initial setting in maths.

6 Literacy File In the purple file, you will find a copy of last year’s SATs papers. To pass you need around 50% to get the higher level 80%. If your child achieved level 3s in year 2, they are aiming for around 80% in the paper. If they scored 2a on average, they are aiming for 60% and 2b 50%. There is a grammar and spelling test. The pass mark is around 60% and 90% is needed for the higher level. The best way that you can help you child with literacy is ensuring that they read age appropriate books daily. If your child is unable to do this, they need to read at their level and you read age related books to them. They need to be able to talk about what they have read and not just decode the words. Thirty minutes a day would be ideal. Children who do not read regularly do not write well as they do not have the experience of higher order vocabulary or sentence structure.

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