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Physical Activity And Their Effects on Aging

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1 Physical Activity And Their Effects on Aging
Presented by Mr suresh kumar Department of physical Education P.G.G.C.G.11

2 Introduction The history of human being is witness to the fact that as long as man was busy in his day to day routine work in the absence of modern means of life,he did not have the problems being faced by the to-day’s man. The development in the field of technology has provided numerous comforts to the modern man as compared to the ancient one. There is an increase in leisure houre,remarkable increase in the production in the industrial as well as farming out-put,drastic changes in the communication system have taken place, much improved transport system is available all these facters have contributed a lot to make man physically weak and responsible to diseases.

3 Effects (1) Physiological Function, Aging and Physical Activity: (2) Muscular Strength, Aging, and Physical Activity: (3) Neuro - muscular Function, Aging and Physical Activity: (4) Cardiovascular Function, Aging and Physical Activity:

4 Trainability, Aging and Physical Activity:
Body composition, Aging and Physical Activity:

5 Thanks

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