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Chapter 10 Arrays.

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1 Chapter 10 Arrays

2 Objectives Declare and use arrays in programs.
Access array elements within an array. Calculate the sum, largest number, smallest number, and average of a group of numbers by using an array. Setup a program to store the arguments from command line into an array.

3 Declaring an Array Array - group of contiguous memory locations
that all have the same name and the same type.  Declaring an array: int [ ] temp;    // an integer array called temps boolean[ ] hostilePeople;   // an array of hostilePeople String difficultWord [ ];   //  an array of difficultWords double examScore[ ];   // an array of examScores

4 Creating Array Objects
int [ ] temp =  new int [ 250 ] ; String [ ]  reindeerName  = { "Dasher", "Dancer", "Prancer", "Vixen", "Comet", "Cupid", "Donner", "Blitzen"  } ;

5 Length of Array String n [ ] = { "Mary", "John", "Susan", "Robert" }; int x = n.length; // where n is the name of the array n[ 0 ] = "Mary"; n[ 1 ] = "John"; n[ 2 ] = "Susan"; n[ 3 ] = "Robert"; The length of the array called n is 4. n[2] is "Susan" instead of "John" as you might expect.

6 Example Array Program public static void main (String args[ ] ){ int number =5; int myArray [ ] = new int[10]; // declares integer array of 10 elements for (int i = 0; i <10; i ++) { myArray[i] = number; // puts 5, 10, 15 into elements of myArray System.out.println("The " + i + " element of the array is " + myArray [ i ] ); number += 5; } The 0 element of the array is 5 The 1 element of the array is 10 The 2 element of the array is 15 The 3 element of the array is 20 The 4 element of the array is 25 The 5 element of the array is 30 The 6 element of the array is 35 The 7 element of the array is 40 The 8 element of the array is 45 The 9 element of the array is 50

7 Another Way of Writing the Previous Program
public static void main (String args[ ] ) { int myArray [ ] = new int[10]; // declares integer array of 10 elements for (int i = 0, number=5; i<10; i ++, number+=5) { myArray[i] = number; // puts 5, 10, 15 into elements of myArray System.out.println("The " + i + " element of the array is " + myArray[i] ); } }

8 Summing Numbers sum = sum + a; sum= sum + b; sum = sum + c; sum = sum + d; sum = sum + e; OR sum = sum + a + b + c + d + e; OR If the values were in an int array called x, we could do the same thing as follows: for ( i = 0; i < 5 ; i++) { sum = sum + x [ i ]; }

9 Drawing Polygons

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