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Célia Huismans Lise Vloet Nikki Weijdt

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Presentation on theme: "Célia Huismans Lise Vloet Nikki Weijdt"— Presentation transcript:

1 Célia Huismans 2058735 Lise Vloet 2058487 Nikki Weijdt 2058433
Black Box Célia Huismans Lise Vloet Nikki Weijdt

2 Background According to the National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism binge drinking is defined as a certain pattern of alcohol consumption. This alcohol consumption brings the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level to 0.08% or more. This pattern of drinking usually corresponds to 5 or more drinks on a single occasion for men or 4 or more drinks on a single occasion for women, generally within about 2 hours. Over the last 10 years there have been sharp increases in the numbers of young people with hazardous drinking patterns. Habits such as binge drinking put young people at particular risks from the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol has a major effect on their health. It increases the chance of accidents, injuries and death. Moreover, heavy drinking at an early age is likely to cause early alcoholism. (Adventure Competition, 2013)

3 One in four deaths among young men (aged 15-29) and one in 10 deaths among young women is due to harmful use of alcohol. This harmful drinking pattern has become more widespread throughout Europe, especially in the new EU countries. (DG SANCO, 2007) Our challenge is to raise awareness about the risks of binge drinking among people aged years across Europe. The Binge Drinking campaign should be adaptable for use in the 27 Member States of the European Union. In this campaign we will highlight how youngsters choices makes their future, and the importance of their inner strength.

4 Objectives Make the target audience, people aged 18 – 25 years across Europe, aware that binge drinking has negative consequences on an individual’s health and that drinking less is the key. Get real life interaction between the target audience, people aged 18 – 25 years across Europe, and the European awareness campaign.

5 Proposed strategy & tactics
With our campaign we want to call upon the inner strength of our target group. With the campaign we want not to adversely nor favourable approach, but we do both sides, we want to show both sides and the target group to make their own choices. By anticipating on the inner strength of the target group using the film in the black box experience, two simultaneous scenarios, so they can make their own choices. Everything to the trigger, the black box, there is based on the two options and the inner strength.

6 The blackbox is the strength of our campaign, everything revolves around the black box. It should trigger the commercial to create awareness. "The Black Box" will be placed in public places that are really busy. You can think of “De Dam” in Amsterdam, a place near the Eiffel Tower, the Berlin Wall and so on. In these places many people will be reached. The 'black box' will be placed in all 27 countries on the same date and at the same time .

7 To arouse curiosity in the audience we want billboards, posters, in addition, we make use of social media like twitter and facebook, so one can Twitter # blackbox. In that way we can track how many people are discussing or talking about the black box. There will also be posters and billboards that refer to the blackbox facebook and blackbox twitter. The combination of mystery, our trigger the blackbox and the whole event around it, makes us believe that this will be a successful campaign to make our target group aware of binge drinking.

8 Example Billboard

9 Example Banner

10 Show your strength, make your own choice!
The target audience consists of young people between the age of 18 and 25. We chose to focus on the extroverted young in the target group. The reason why we chose this focus is because they are primarily interested in social activities and strong willed. Extraverts like to be among people, like to party, are more in groups and are more positive than introverts. This is why we think that the campaign will affect extroverted young more. The aim is to increase awareness of the dangers of binge drinking and its negative consequences on one’s health and social well-being. And to convince the target audience to drink less alcohol. We are not asking anyone to stop drinking, but to drink responsibly. To do themselves a favour now and benefit from it later. Positive and young. The target audience has the idea that alcohol doesn't effect them as much as it really does. They can't see the consequences of Binge drinking clearly and take too little responsibility. By means of a mystery Black Box to create a trigger for awareness among young binge drinkers. Show your strength, make your own choice! Future, Health, Enjoyment, Togetherness, Young/youth, Responsibly/responsibility, Positive, inner strength.

11 Creative execution We have designed a ‘blackbox’ as an interactive trigger for our documentary. Anyone who is interested can step in. Inside each participator can see the documentary on a huge splint screen. After watching the documentary the participator has to choose between the blue or green door.



14 4D Technology Central within the trigger are the four senses. Because of the 4D module present in the black box, it seems that the participant is in the middle of the playing commercial / documentary.

15 The Documentary Huge screen filling 3 of the 4 walls Splitscreen
Scenario 1: life with a few glasses of alcohol at one night out. Scenario 2: ‘binge drinking-life.’

16 Youtube Documentary Will be added later

17 After the exit door Not only will you get your picture from Facebook with this code. You have a shot of winning a party for you and your friends.

18 Media recommendations
The plan is to focus on real life advertising by introducing the blackbox in the 27 countries on the same date. The other kinds of advertising we use are chosen to support the BlackBox. We want to create three different Facebook pages a blue, green and one about the ´blackbox´ action. Facebook: blue, green and blackbox Billboards: blackbox announcement Posters: Blackbox announcement Twitter: People can twitter #blackbox and people from the campaign will watch it and answer if necessary. Youtube channel: documentary

19 Media plan

20 Post Campaign Evaluation
Monitoring the traffic rates on the YouTube channel which contains the awareness split screen video. Detailed use of Google Analytics in YouTube will tell us when people found the video, where and how. The Blue and Green Facebook pages will be able to tell us data of everybody that fills in their code from the rubber wristbands, including their personal information. From this, we will be able to tell if the target audience was correct or if an adjustment is required.

21 Black Box Facebook

22 Blue Facebook

23 Green Facebook

24 Besides monitoring we came up with a follow up campaign which contains the youngsters that filled in their information on Facebook, next to their rubber wristband code. This way we can show some success stories from the youngsters that have found or kept their inner strength.

25 We thank you for your attention!

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