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Indoor Environmental Comfort in Home Renovations

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Presentation on theme: "Indoor Environmental Comfort in Home Renovations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Indoor Environmental Comfort in Home Renovations
The homeowners’ perspective

2 Context LLL + EE = Comfort

3 A mismatch of objectives

4 What is Comfort? Qualitative studies Literature

5 LLL + EE = Comfort in the Indoor Environment

6 Research questions, definitions and methods
Survey Methodology Research questions, definitions and methods

7 1. Are the IE Comfort indicators indeed important?
Research Questions 1. Are the IE Comfort indicators indeed important? Relations between them 2. What are the triggers and goals of renovations?

8 Part of a broader survey
The survey 145 attendees at Batibouw 2016 People with an interest in construction/renovation Digital + paper based Part of a broader survey Analysis: descriptives, rank correlation, cross tabs

9 Triggers & Goals

10 Comfort indicators

11 Results

12 Type of construction plans

13 Tenure Construction plans Tenure

14 Architect use 44% use an architect Construction plans Tenure

15 Renovation triggers & goals

16 Renovation triggers & goals
Velux Healthy Homes Barometer 2016 Renovation triggers & goals

17 Renovation triggers & goals

18 Renovation triggers & goals
Trigger  Goal Triggers Goals Anticipate Aesthetics Comfort EE Extend Other Light & View Technical Sustainability Anticipate changes 93.33 40.00 80.00 73.33 0.00 26.67 13.33 46.67 27.27 81.82 72.73 54.55 9.09 Increase Comfort 37.14 34.29 88.57 60.00 28.57 25.71 20.00 42.86 Increase EE 37.04 77.78 85.19 18.52 25.93 62.96 Extend the Home 35.71 71.43 78.57 14.29 50.00 30.77 46.15 84.62 53.85 61.54 7.69 38.46 Technical Issues 33.33 83.33 58.33 25.00 16.67 41.67 76.92 100.00 23.08 Which goals are important to people who select a certain trigger? p<0.05

19 IE Comfort indicators distribution
Trigger  Goal

20 Importance of IE Comfort indicators
Trigger  Goal How important are the following factors in the construction/renovation of your home?

21 Importance of IE Comfort indicators
New build / Renovating / No concrete plans Spearman correlation: , p<0.001). Trigger  Goal How important are the following factors in the construction/renovation of your home?

22 Importance of IE Comfort indicators
Trigger  Goal

23 Comfort is the most important trigger and goal
Comfort is multifaceted: EE+LLL aspects Spatial/design > EE Architects have little effect

24 Questions?

25 Comfort indicators (Eng)
What does comfort mean for you when renovating your home? Which of the following factors are important in the building/renovation of your home? Natural light - large windows and orientation Quality and amount of artificial light Elegance - beauty, atmosphere, sensations, design quality Views and relation to outdoors Home that reflects personal/family image and identity Social activity – Interior design (spaces & furniture) that facilitates socializing with family and guests. Usable spaces - efficient and effective layouts for cooking, entertaining, sleeping etc. Spaciousness - rooms/spaces well-sized and proportioned for their purpose Flexibility - building parts/structure can be changed, added or removed. Adaptability – personalization, moving and rearranging spaces/elements, Accessibility - spaces inside the house Accessibility - from the outside and at neighborhood level Safety - feeling of safety and safe to use without injury Security – Neighborhood level as well as dwelling level Privacy – noise and views protection from family members within the house Privacy - noise and views protection from neighbors and the outside Intuitive controls - of installations, temperature, lighting Ease of Maintenance – Cleanliness, good technical condition No Noise pollution – loud/annoying noises from installations or the outside. Desired temperature in the different rooms Good air quality - humidity and fresh air Other

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